Blog for October 2012Quick View

Blog for October 2012

in haste - the prev site is full so starting another. Sorry not a regular blog at the moment, Life is a bit hectic. Bella-the kitten who just caught a mouse at Mums is sitting on my knee purring like a steam engine, very proud of herself. Love and Peace DurgaMata
Blog part 12 starting on 8th AugustQuick View

Blog part 12 starting on 8th August

It's great to see the Olympics bring so many people together, uniting and inspiring so many in Britain. To be a great sports hero requires many &'divine&'; qualities such as patience, determination, endurance, courage and enthusiasm - and brings so much joy. On TV tonight, discussion on the 'exclusive&' nature of sports - equestrian / sailing. But everyone is getting so much joy in watching. The discussion itself should lead to improvements which bring more people into the different sports. I&';d love to see more games (such as Indian Kabadi) from around the world into the Olympics, too.
Conversation between theist and atheist teachersQuick View

Conversation between theist and atheist teachers

This is copied from a thread on my messages. Tonight I answered the atheists statement in some detail and it occurred to me that this conversation would be useful when exploring the God question in school. I would love some feedback, especially questions that your own pupils may ask - so I could make my response more comprehensive and useful. the one I have just put up - (in progress) is probably the last in this series as I am now working with the atheist teacher to turn it into a book which will, hopefully, do justice to both our different viewpoints.
Blog part ten from 7th June onQuick View

Blog part ten from 7th June on

Not been near internet for a few days, so here is a bit of the backlog In haste and best wishes for the second half of term. If you'd like me to come into school as a visiting speaker or to give any kind of support that might be helpful please send me a pm. I'm still giving my time free and just ask for travel expenses All the best DMC
Blog part 11 starting on 1st JulyQuick View

Blog part 11 starting on 1st July

the latest in the series. the one on 2nd and 5th describes the workshop I gave at the 12th International Conference on Children's Spirituality - and some observations that my friend has seen when taking children around the St Julian of Norwich Shrine and at Walsingham. This would be useful when exploring Spiritual Experience and religion in today's world. more later