Fasching / Karneval in DeutschlandQuick View

Fasching / Karneval in Deutschland

Lesson plan and activities for a cultural lesson on Fasching/Karneval in Germany. Reading exercise, word search, video, mini-whiteboards, quiz<br /> KS3 German (but adaptable)
German Pancake Day Fastnacht FaschingQuick View

German Pancake Day Fastnacht Fasching

4-page German workbook + crossword, vocab list + crossword solution; A 10-slide presentation includes all tasks from the workbook and 16 picture cards feature all photos from the book too. Ideal for cover, class work, homework, this resource takes learners through the tradition of Fasching / Fastnacht / Karneval in German-speaking countries. Tasks include reading comprehension with questions, listing colours in a photo, matching verbs to images, matching sentences to pictures and writing sentences about more photographs. Finally there is a crossword for learners to complete by solving clues in German. A solution to individual clues as well as to the crossword is provided.<br /> A vocabulary list is also included in this resource to enable learners to complete the tasks in the workbook individually or in pairs/groups. This makes this resource ideal for a cover lesson. <br /> Why not extend this by asking learners to make up their own word search or crossword with clues in German or English?<br /> If you like this resource, please leave me a review and check out my other resources. Look out for my bundles which will save you time and money for even more learning opportunities.<br /> Out of fairness to me and to reflect the time I spent designing this resource, please be sure to purchase a school license if you intend to share it with colleagues anywhere. Thank you.<br /> ©MosaiK
Ich habe, wer hat? Kartenspiel Thema: Fasching / KarnevalQuick View

Ich habe, wer hat? Kartenspiel Thema: Fasching / Karneval

<p><strong>Spielziel</strong>:<br /> Das Spiel besteht aus einer Reihe von Karten, die jeweils eine Aussage enthalten. Der Spieler, der an der Reihe ist, beginnt mit „Ich habe…“ und nennt einen Gegenstand, der auf seiner Karte steht. Dann fragt er: „Wer hat…?“ und nennt einen weiteren Gegenstand. Ziel ist es, die Kette fortzusetzen, bis alle Karten aufgedeckt wurden.</p> <p><strong>Vorteile des Spiels</strong>:<br /> Fördert Teamarbeit und soziale Interaktion<br /> Verbessert Gedächtnis und Sprachkenntnisse<br /> Ideal für verschiedene Altersgruppen und Sprachniveaus<br /> Spielanleitung:</p> <p>Jeder Spieler erhält eine Karte.<br /> Ein Spieler beginnt mit „Ich habe…“ und nennt das Bild/den Gegenstand auf seiner Karte.<br /> Dann fragt er: „Wer hat…?“ und nennt einen weiteren Gegenstand, der auf einer anderen Karte stehen könnte.<br /> Der Spieler, der diesen Gegenstand hat, antwortet und beginnt erneut mit „Ich habe…“, um das Spiel fortzusetzen.<br /> Das Spiel wird fortgesetzt, bis alle Karten aufgedeckt wurden.</p> <p><strong>LIZENZBEDINGUNGEN</strong>: Dieser Kauf beinhaltet eine Lizenz für einen Lehrer nur zur persönlichen Verwendung in seinem Klassenzimmer. Lizenzen sind nicht übertragbar, d. h. sie können nicht von einem Lehrer an einen anderen weitergegeben werden. Kein Teil dieser Ressource darf mit Kollegen geteilt oder von einer ganzen Klassenstufe, Schule oder einem Bezirk verwendet werden, ohne die entsprechende Anzahl an Lizenzen zu erwerben.</p> <p><strong>URHEBERRECHTSBEDINGUNGEN</strong>: Diese Ressource darf in keiner Form ins Internet hochgeladen werden, auch nicht auf Klassenraum-/persönliche Websites oder Netzwerklaufwerke, es sei denn, die Site ist passwortgeschützt und kann nur von Schülern aufgerufen werden.</p>
DAZ/DAF Typisch Deutsch BuchstabensalatQuick View

DAZ/DAF Typisch Deutsch Buchstabensalat

<p><strong>Typisch Deutsch Buchstabensalat<br /> Typically German Word Scramble Puzzle (in German)</strong><br /> Answer key’s included.</p> <p><strong>Die Wörter im Rätsel sind:</strong><br /> Dirndl, Lederhose, Brezel, Currywurst, Bier, Mineralwasser, Disziplin, Pünktlichkeit, Fussball, Kartoffelsalat, Berlin, Oktoberfest, Fasching, Mülltrennung</p>
Festivals in Germany  - information  powerpoint, German GCSE Unit 4 Customs and FestivalsQuick View

Festivals in Germany - information powerpoint, German GCSE Unit 4 Customs and Festivals

<p>Powerpoint with information on festivals in Germany. Designed to support Kerboodle AQA book, Unit 4 Customs and Festivals. Slides have descriptions of customs in German and English. Could be used in class or as pre-reading.</p> <p>Festivals covered:<br /> Polterabend<br /> Erster Schultag<br /> Heiliger Abend<br /> Oktoberfest<br /> Karneval/Fasching<br /> Halloween</p>
Reading worksheet with questions on descriptionsQuick View

Reading worksheet with questions on descriptions

<p>Two pieces to read in which family members are described (size, hair and eyes, personality). Different question types for each text (one in English, one Richtig/Fasch). Texts serve as revision of recently covered language and stimulus for writing. Draw in a couple of pictures. Suitable for first year of German.</p>
Feste (German Holidays) CrosswordQuick View

Feste (German Holidays) Crossword

Crossword has English for clues and German for the answers. Vocabulary is related to holidays: Anzünden, Bedeuten, Erntedankfest, Fasching, Festlich, Feuerwerk, Geschenk, Gratulieren, Kerze, Lebkuchen, Lied, Lustig, Neujahr, Nikolaus, Oktoberfest, Schmücken, Spielzeug, Stattfinden, Stimmung, Überraschen, Umzug, Urlaub, Verrückt, Weihnachten, Weihnachtsmann, Wünschen. 5 versions included.
Feste (German Holidays) WordsearchQuick View

Feste (German Holidays) Wordsearch

Word search has German vocabulary related to holidays: Anzünden, Bedeuten, Erntedankfest, Fasching, Festlich, Feuerwerk, Geschenk, Gratulieren, Kerze, Lebkuchen, Lied, Lustig, Neujahr, Nikolaus, Oktoberfest, Schmücken, Spielzeug, Stattfinden, Stimmung, Überraschen, Umzug, Urlaub, Verrückt, Weihnachten, Weihnachtsmann, Wünschen. 5 versions included.
Karneval GCSE German Listening ComprehensionQuick View

Karneval GCSE German Listening Comprehension

<p><strong>GCSE German Listening Comprehension Practice</strong> on Karneval, Fasching and Fastnacht to practise listening skills for GCSE, iGCSE &amp; as A-Level revision.</p> <p>Comes with a YOUTUBE CLIP (link available on the documents, minimise the video for more authentic listening practice), a PDF worksheet (with four activities including initial listening, vocabulary activity, comprehension questions &amp; a post listening activity), as well as a PDF transcript.</p> <p>In this <strong>KARNEVAL</strong> German listening practice, Rucan, a native German speaker tells us about how the Germans celebrate Fasching or Fastnacht.</p> <p>She answers the following questions:</p> <ol> <li>Was ist Fasching? Wann und wo wird er gefeiert?</li> <li>Warum und wie wird Karneval noch gefeiert?</li> <li>Wie findet Rucan Karneval? Warum?</li> <li>Was sind die Vor/Nachteile des Karnevals?</li> <li>Wie unterscheiden sich die Feierlichkeiten zwischen Deutschland und anderen Ländern?</li> <li>Wird man auch in der Zukunft Karneval feiern? Warum?</li> </ol> <p>PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SHARE WITH YOUR STUDENTS IF USEFUL FOR REVISION.</p>
German Cultural Readings: Easter, Oktoberfest and Christmas (English Version)Quick View

German Cultural Readings: Easter, Oktoberfest and Christmas (English Version)

<p>This 4-page file includes: (Editable word file)</p> <p>~A 2-page English language German cultural reading that includes a paragraph and picture each on Easter/Carnival, Oktoberfest and Christmas.<br /> ~A worksheet with 12 reading comprehension questions.<br /> ~Answer key.</p> <p>Can be used as a supplement for German culture, or with beginner and German students.</p> <p>Includes a lot of German vocabulary for beginner students of German:<br /> Ostern<br /> Karneval<br /> Fasching<br /> Karfreitag<br /> Bundesland<br /> Lederhosen<br /> Wurst<br /> Apfelstrudel<br /> Tannenbaum<br /> Christkind<br /> Weihnachtsmann<br /> Weihnachtslieder</p>
Ostern Lesung - German Easter ReadingQuick View

Ostern Lesung - German Easter Reading

<p>This handout includes 2 parts: a matching section on vocabulary for Easter and a reading section describing Easter celebrations in Germanic countries. Reading includes five reading comprehension questions.</p> <p>Level: present tense<br /> Editable word file.<br /> With answer key</p> <p>Vocab includes:<br /> Frohe Ostern<br /> der Fasching<br /> der Osterbaum<br /> die Ostereier<br /> der Osterhase<br /> suchen<br /> bemalen<br /> der Karfreitag<br /> fasten<br /> verstecken</p>
German - German Festivals, Fairs, and CompetitionsQuick View

German - German Festivals, Fairs, and Competitions

<p>This resource gets students to research some of the big German festivals and smaller, interesting fairs. They have an opportunity to report on three festivals they found on their own and to create a calendar on German festivals and fairs.</p> <p>It includes research on:</p> <ul> <li>Fasching</li> <li>Rhein in Flammen</li> <li>Weimarer Zwiebelmarkt</li> <li>Oktoberfest</li> <li>Ludwigsburg Pumpkin Festival</li> <li>Wattolümpiade</li> <li>Kaltenberger Ritterturnier</li> <li>Frankfurter Buchmesse</li> </ul> <p>Take a look at the PREVIEW for some more details.</p> <p>Viel Spaß!<br /> Mr S</p>
GERMAN Word Searches GCSEQuick View

GERMAN Word Searches GCSE

<p>This booklet, comprising 50 pages, offers engaging word searches for each topic covered in the GCSE curriculum, effective from September 2024. They can, of course, be used by any students covering these topics.</p> <p>Answers are provided.</p> <p>Two word search templates are provided at the end for students to create their own word searches.</p> <p>The topics included are:</p> <ul> <li>Family</li> <li>Sports</li> <li>Friendship</li> <li>Music</li> <li>Equality</li> <li>Shopping</li> <li>Mental &amp; Physical Well-being</li> <li>Transport</li> <li>Social Media and Gaming</li> <li>The Natural World</li> <li>TV and Film</li> <li>Environmental Issues</li> <li>Food and Drink</li> <li>Places in Town</li> <li>Jobs and Work</li> <li>Tourist Attractions</li> <li>School</li> <li>Accommodation</li> <li>Festivals: Silvester, Fasching, Valentinstag, Ostern, Halloween, Oktoberfest, Weihnachten</li> </ul> <p>Best German Sellers are these vocabulary and activity booklets:<br /> <a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-13016045">1. Life-Style and Well-being</a></p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/german-new-gcse-2024-vocab-booklets-family-and-relationships-12969298">2. Family<br /> </a></p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12994862">3. Media, Technology, Film and TV<br /> </a></p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12982948">4. Neighbourhood, Shopping and Food and Drink<br /> </a></p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12976471">5. School, Future and Basics<br /> </a></p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-12978628">6. Travel, Tourism and Environment</a></p> <p>If you have any feedback or questions please email me on <a href="mailto:TutorAlexandraABC@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">TutorAlexandraABC@gmail.com</a></p> <p>If you like my resources - please leave a review! Thank you</p>
German Winter Short Stories - Reading Comprehension Passages in GermanQuick View

German Winter Short Stories - Reading Comprehension Passages in German

<p>20 Cosy Short Stories in German for Winter. Reading comprehension worksheets with three comprehension questions after each short story. Practice German vocabulary and reading comprehension with winter and snow themed stories and wintery reading passages to get into the flow of reading German.</p> <p>These winter stories are suitable for intermediate German learners in primary or middle school or for German native speakers in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade, depending on their reading fluency.</p> <p>Topics are:</p> <ul> <li> <code>Carnival </code> </li> <li> <code>Valentine's Day </code> </li> <li> <code>Snow </code> </li> <li> <code>Snowman </code> </li> <li> <code>Sledding </code> </li> <li> <code>Ice skating </code> </li> <li> <code>Dog sled race </code> </li> <li> <code>December </code> </li> <li> <code>Christmas </code> </li> <li> <code>New Year's Eve </code> </li> <li> <code>and much more ... </code> </li> </ul> <p>20 Kurzgeschichten mit jeweils drei Fragen zum Leseverständnis. Es handelt sich um Kurzgeschichten zum Thema Winter:</p> <ul> <li> <code>Fasching </code> </li> <li> <code>Valentinstag </code> </li> <li> <code>Schnee </code> </li> <li> <code>Schneemann </code> </li> <li> <code>Rodeln </code> </li> <li> <code>Schlittschuhlaufen </code> </li> <li> <code>Hundeschlittenrennen </code> </li> <li> <code>Dezember </code> </li> <li> <code>Weihnachten </code> </li> <li> <code>Silvester </code> </li> <li> <code>und vieles mehr ... </code> </li> </ul> <p>Es handelt sich um sehr kurze Geschichten mit einfachen Verständnisfragen, geeignet für die 2. und 3. Klassen als Lesetraining oder für DaZ und DaF.</p>
GCSE German Vocabulary QuizQuick View

GCSE German Vocabulary Quiz

A GCSE German vocabulary quiz with 9 rounds, each focusing on a common pattern/link. Use as last lesson before Listening &amp; Reading exams.
AQA IGCSE German Vocabulary ListQuick View

AQA IGCSE German Vocabulary List

A complete translation of the new AQA IGCSE German Vocabulary List. Currently the spec only has the German listed. Have not translated some very obvious cognates. Hope it is useful!