Platinum JubileeQuick View

Platinum Jubilee

<p>Queen Elizabeth II - Platinum Jubilee Escape Room for a class. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge of Queen Elizabeth II. but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.</p> <p>Cre8tive Resources was Nominated by TES for the teaching awards 2021 and runner up in home learning resources of the year!!</p> <p>The plot…</p> <p>“Everyone is scrambling, the Ringmaster cannot go on without his hat! This hat in particular is very special to the performance. It is as old as the show it self and no show has been performed without it!”</p> <p>“The show begins in an hour, and you have a lot of ground to search. You will have to work together to figure out the computer password and return the Ringmasters hat before the show begins. Without those two things, the show may not go on!”</p> <p><strong>Escape Room Contents</strong><br /> ☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display<br /> ☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)<br /> ☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!<br /> ☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape<br /> ☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)<br /> ☞ The <strong>7 Rooms</strong> each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students. Each Escape Puzzle is designed by our amazing subject specialist!<br /> ☞ <strong>Optional</strong> Escape Room Script you can use!<br /> ☞ Professionally made <strong>optional Video</strong> to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.</p> <p>✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰</p> <p>As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!</p> <p>As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 or 10 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!</p> <p>This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!</p> <p>The Escape Room is fully editable so you can chose to adapt the vocabulary and questions if you wanted.</p> <p>Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.<br /> Leave a review and email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> for a free resource as a thank you!!<br /> Explore all our resources on TES</p>
Platinum Jubilee Lollipop HolderQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Lollipop Holder

<p>Coronation of King Charles Lollipop Holders, King Charles Jubilee.png, Coronation .jpeg, .svg, dxf and Cricut Design Space, Commercial Use, Coronation of King Charles Children Treats, gift. This consists of one design in five (5) different formats including a link to the Cricut Design Space file for you to cut your projects.</p> <p>This can either be cut out by hand or using a cutting machine. Students could then decorate their own lolly holder. Alternatively, this will be a super platinum Jubilee treat for your students for King Charles’ coronation just as it is shown in the image.</p> <p>YOUR DOWNLOAD</p> <p>☐You will download a zip folder with .png, .jpeg, .svg, dxf and Cricut Design Space link for you to use in your personal or commercial items, perfect for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration gifts.</p> <p>SUPPORT</p> <p>☐We will be on hand should you need any support and advice with you purchase.</p> <p>T&amp;C</p> <p>☐This is an instant download file.<br /> ☐Once you make your purchase you will have the ability to download this product and it is ready to use.</p> <p>© 2020 made by TeachElite. All rights reserved.</p> <p>We would love it if you have time to review this product as your opinion means a lot to us.</p> <p>Please join our Facebook groups for teacher chat, networking and exclusive freebies.</p> <p>#teach<br /> #TeachRE<br /> #TeachChristianity<br /> #TeachJudaism<br /> #TeachScience<br /> #TeachPSHE &amp; RSE</p> <p>We would love your feedback, if you like what you see, please follow us</p> <p>You can find us on Twitter<br /> and Facebook</p>
Queen Platinum Jubilee BookmarksQuick View

Queen Platinum Jubilee Bookmarks

<p>Queen Platinum Jubilee bookmarks<br /> 4 in colour and 4 black and white + colouring poster.<br /> Great for the upcoming Platinum Jubilee celebrations.</p> <p>The file you are getting is a .pdf file and can not be edited. If adjustments are required, please do not hesitate to contact me.</p> <p>Thank you for your interest.</p>
Platinum Jubilee AssemblyQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Assembly

<p>A 13 slide PowerPoint designed to inform students about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Slides include information about the Queen’s early life; her family tree; how she came to be Queen; the actual Coronation; her role as Queen; Prime Ministers; events to mark her silver and golden jubilee and planned events for this year.</p>
French Platinum Jubilee LessonQuick View

French Platinum Jubilee Lesson

<p>A lesson focusing on:</p> <ul> <li>What the Platinum Jubilee is (so all students understand).</li> <li>Cultural knowledge slide: how the Queen speaks French and why it’s important to speak another language.</li> <li>An introduction of ‘jubilee vocabulary’ e.g. a crown, the queen, the jewels, the palace etc. via a YouTube video.</li> <li>Consolidation of vocabulary through match-up activity.</li> <li>Giving opinions on jubilee vocabulary learned by forming justified opinions using a sentence builder e.g. J’aime la reine car c’est jolie.</li> <li>Consolidation via 3 - 2 - 1 method.</li> </ul> <p>I do not own any images used on the PowerPoint</p>
Spanish Platinum Jubilee LessonQuick View

Spanish Platinum Jubilee Lesson

<p>A lesson focusing on:</p> <ol> <li>What the Platinum Jubilee is (so all students understand).</li> <li>Cultural knowledge slide: how the Queen speaks French and why it’s important to speak another language.</li> <li>An introduction of ‘jubilee vocabulary’ e.g. a crown, the queen, the jewels, the palace etc. via a YouTube video.</li> <li>Consolidation of vocabulary through match-up activity.</li> <li>Giving opinions on jubilee vocabulary learned by forming justified opinions using a sentence builder e.g. Me gusta la reina ya que es interesante.</li> <li>Consolidation via 3 - 2 - 1 method.</li> </ol> <p><em>I do not own any images used on the PowerPoint</em></p>
Platinum Jubilee - languagesQuick View

Platinum Jubilee - languages

<p>A ppt with MFL activities to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee. Tasks in Spanish, German and French, suitable for KS3 and KS4.</p> <ul> <li>a “royal bingo” in French, Spanish and German</li> <li>a description practice of the Queen’s outfits</li> <li>several True / False tasks to practice the photo card description and/or listening skills</li> <li>video of the Queen speaking impecable French</li> <li>slides to explain how the Royal family is linked to other Royal European families</li> </ul>
Platinum Jubilee QuizQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Quiz

<p>A family-friendly quiz in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Five rounds which include a picture round, anagrams of members of the royal family, general knowledge of the Queen, Kings and Queens of England and quotes from senior members of the royal family. A bit of fun for the jubilee weekend!</p>
The Queen's Platinum JubileeQuick View

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

<p><strong>The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Escape Room</strong> Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive 'themed Escape Room’ experience.</p> <p>Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.</p> <p>There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.</p> <p>The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…</p> <p>** Escape Room Quiz Experience** Saving the Mascot Escape Room Contents<br /> ☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge<br /> ☞ Optional Escape Certificates<br /> ☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)</p> <p><strong>Common FAQ’s</strong><br /> ★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)<br /> ★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)<br /> ★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.</p> <p><strong>How to run this escape challenge</strong><br /> This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.<br /> The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.<br /> Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success<br /> At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.<br /> Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.<br /> Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.<br /> Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.<br /> Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully<br /> (Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.</p>
The Queen's Platinum JubileeQuick View

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

<p>**The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Escape Room ** Knowledge Escape Room Quiz - End of term fun for the whole class. No printing required! Just project the Powerpoint and off you go. Built in timers, video clips and answer reveals after every slide. This is an educational fun immersive 'themed Escape Room’ experience.</p> <p>Have the students compete individually, in teams or as a whole class the choice is yours! This resource is a great team-building activity to keep your students engaged during the last few days (or week) leading up to the end of term.</p> <p>There are seven different challenging puzzles and you have the choice of setting the timer at easy, medium or high difficult level for each escape. Students will complete a variety of tasks using different skills including: problem-solving, critical thinking, reading comprehension, literacy challenges and some clever deduction.</p> <p>The puzzles, bonus questions and challenges are a fun way to assess a topic or subject area. This resource covers a variety of different elements including: vocabulary, key terms. key themes, general subject knowledge, literacy and much more…</p> <p>** Escape Room Quiz Experience** Saving the Mascot Escape Room Contents<br /> ☞ Interactive 26 slide Powerpoint Escape Room Challenge<br /> ☞ Optional Escape Certificates<br /> ☞ Optional Team Sheet (Print it or use scrap paper instead)</p> <p><strong>Common FAQ’s</strong><br /> ★Group sizes: 1-30 students per team - (Participants up to 180)<br /> ★Time: Approximately 50-60 minutes (Provide hints along the way if time is a factor!)<br /> ★Materials: Aside from Powerpoint - all students need is a pen / pencil.</p> <p><strong>How to run this escape challenge</strong><br /> This escape room can be done without any printing we have however still included a team sheet (Slide 2) should you wish to use it, if not plain paper will more than suffice.<br /> The escape room is story driven by a YouTube video which is split into 9 sections.<br /> Introduction - Puzzle 1 – Puzzle 2 - Puzzle 3 – Puzzle 4 – Puzzle 5 – Puzzle 6 – Puzzle 7 - Success<br /> At various points you will be instructed to pause the video at these points you can go to the next slide in the presentation.<br /> Each video section (excluding Introduction and Success) will be followed by a puzzle.<br /> Every puzzle has three built in timers in the lower right hand corner to put the teams on a time limit of your choice if you so wish.<br /> Once the timer has expired or everyone has completed the puzzle teams can check their answers on the next slide using the CLICK TO REVEAL boxes.<br /> Once all answers for the current puzzle have been revealed move on to the next video section and subsequent puzzle until all 7 puzzles have been completed and everyone has escaped successfully<br /> (Optional) Give out winning certificates to the highest scorers.</p>
The Queen's Platinum JubileeQuick View

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

<p>**British Kings and Queens + The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee ** Revision Quiz for KS3 or KS4 students with over 50 questions. This versatile, editable history resource can be used in the classroom as a revision activity, or to consolidate knowledge on a particular topic. Students can complete the quiz either individually or in small teams. We provide a PowerPoint presentation for teachers to conduct the quiz, and a specially designed answer sheet for students to record their answers on. Great to encourage friendly competition between students.</p> <p>Product Code: C8/QZ/336</p> <p><strong>This history quiz includes 10 different rounds:</strong><br /> Round 1 – Identify Picture Round<br /> Round 2 – Discover the Truth<br /> Round 3 - Finding &amp; Searching the Terms<br /> Round 4 – Matching Round<br /> Round 5 – Linking Up<br /> Round 6 – Multiple Choice<br /> Round 7 - Finding the Connections<br /> Round 8 - Educational Anagrams<br /> Round 9 - General Knowledge<br /> Round 10 - Numbers Round<br /> Tie Breaker – Designing an Item</p> <p><strong>Contents of Quiz Bundle</strong><br /> ☞ 1 x Professionally designed PowerPoint quiz (Containing 10 different rounds and over 50 questions)<br /> ☞ 1 x FULLY DIGITAL STUDENT ANSWER SHEET – perfect for online learning! Student can fill in their editable PDF answer sheet and self-mark with built in tick boxes and score counter.<br /> ☞1 x Set of certificates for winning students (Gold, silver and bronze)<br /> ☞ 1 x Full set of answers (Animated at the end of the quiz)<br /> ☞ 1 x Printable student answer sheet</p>
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee  BuntingQuick View

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Bunting

<p>Brighten up your celebrations for the Queen’s platinum Jubilee with this colourful bunting.<br /> Print, cut and hang around the class, school or your displays.<br /> Each piece of bunting has a different picture related to the Queen or/ and London England.<br /> The colours are red, white and blue.</p> <p>The bunting can also be used to make celebration cards.<br /> There are 10 pages of bunting with 2 designs on each page.</p>
Platinum Jubilee Activity PackQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Activity Pack

<p>Our Platinum Jubilee Pack pack is ideal for celebrating the Queen’s long reign with engaging hands-on fun! It’s ideal for using in the build up to the bank holiday weekend as well as a great resource for keeping children entertained over the Easter holidays.</p> <p>What’s inside the Platinum Jubilee Activity Pack?</p> <p>Your child will:</p> <p>Imagine being the monarch for a day<br /> Investigate reflection and oxidisation with magic tricks<br /> Design commemorative china, a stamp, a flag and a coin<br /> Explore and write their own acrostic poetry<br /> Cook classic dishes in the kitchen<br /> Complete gently prompted studies on King Henry XIII, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II<br /> Tackle a themed Lego challenge<br /> Explore the Commonwealth<br /> Play fun themed games<br /> Go on a Jubilee scavenger hunt<br /> Write newspaper articles<br /> Listen to music and give opinions on it<br /> Make bunting and paper chains<br /> Enjoy mazes, wordsearches and word games<br /> Learn to play chess<br /> Find out about cute corgis<br /> … and more!</p> <p>Without realising, your child will be developing skills such as:</p> <p>Organisation and planning<br /> Research and presentation<br /> STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematical) skills<br /> Literacy and numeracy skills<br /> Critical thinking<br /> Imaginative &amp; creative play<br /> Art &amp; design<br /> What age is this Platinum Jubilee Activity Pack suitable for?</p> <p>Our age recommendation for this pack is approximately 7-14 years. However, we always say that ability is very subjective; what will be right for one child won’t necessarily be right for another of the same age.</p> <p>The pack has been designed so it can be enjoyed as a family, with activities and games that can be done together or independently. The tasks can be completed to your child’s own level, with support from you or an older sibling as necessary.</p> <p>For example, A 13 year old may produce a complex response to a Lego challenge, independently solve numeracy puzzles, really go to town on the design tasks and take their self-led projects and science investigations to a much deeper level than a younger child. It is important to remember that our activity packs are not meant to mirror what a child has been doing in school, but are instead meant to engage them, spark their love of learning and most of all be FUN. Our own children (aged 5-12) have loved testing out these activities.</p> <p>Do I need anything else?</p> <p>Some of our activities require resources that you may not have readily at home but can be purchased inexpensively online or at the supermarket.</p>
Celebrate! song for Platinum JubileeQuick View

Celebrate! song for Platinum Jubilee

<p>This is a song for Primary pupils to sing in celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.<br /> Verses include historical fact and the chorus is very memorable and easily learnt.<br /> The resource includes a link to the song on YouTube, a lyric pdf and performance/backing tracks for use in the classroom.</p>
Platinum Jubilee AssemblyQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Assembly

<p>Assembly PowerPoint Presentation on the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. It has links to videos.</p> <p>The PowerPoint includes the first 18 slides shown in the video.</p> <p>The content for the 18 slides is from the Royal Collection Trust which aims to ensure that the Royal Collection and Palaces are valued and enjoyed by everyone.</p>
Platinum Jubilee BundleQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Bundle

11 Resources
<p>Range of Activites for KS2-3 Perfect to celebrate the upcoming Platinum Jubilee.<br /> Would work to create a whole day of activities or for during form time. Some of these resources are on Publisher but could be converted to PDF if needed.</p> <p>What do you Know about the Queen<br /> Crossword<br /> Design a Stamp<br /> Wordsearch<br /> Afternoon Tea Planning<br /> Display Flags and Banners<br /> Social Media Task<br /> Quiz<br /> Bunting x2</p>
KS3 Platinum Jubilee: History of JubileesQuick View

KS3 Platinum Jubilee: History of Jubilees

<p>This is a lesson designed to be either a standalone lesson or as part of a scheme of work on the monarchy / changes to the monarchy over time.</p> <p>This was created to be used as part of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations of 2022.</p> <p>It allows pupils to gain:</p> <ul> <li>An understanding of what the word ‘Jubilee’ actually means</li> <li>An insight into how Jubilee events have been celebrated over time</li> <li>A creative activity at the end for students to showcase their knowledge whilst creating resources to celebrate the Platinum jubilee!</li> </ul> <p>I hope you find this lesson useful :-)</p>
Platinum Jubilee Dance Lesson PlansQuick View

Platinum Jubilee Dance Lesson Plans

<p>In response to the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations I have devised a collection of lesson plans suitable for KS1 &amp; 2 covering ideas such as ~</p> <ul> <li>The Coronation Ceremony</li> <li>The Royal Coach</li> <li>The Commonwealth</li> <li>Mount Everest</li> <li>The Lambeth Walk</li> <li>The Tower of London</li> <li>The Crown Jewels</li> <li>Castles</li> </ul> <p>Many of the lessons include sufficient content for 2 or 3 lessons, so they can easily be divided into sections &amp; each has a suggested piece of music.</p>
British Royal Family + Platinum JubileeQuick View

British Royal Family + Platinum Jubilee

<p>British Royal Family - great for celebrating Platinum Jubilee Escape Room - Great for the start of end of term. This is a print and play digital escape room. Every student loves to solve a mystery. This brand new escape room activity will not only improve students knowledge on British Royal Family but will hone their problem solving skills, build up their teamwork and leadership skills and allow opportunities to show creativity and resilience.</p> <p><strong>The plot…</strong><br /> “Detectives, we have a severe problem on our hands. There’s no easy way to say it, so I’m going to simply give you the facts. At 0200 hours, seven royal artifacts were stolen from the Tower of London. It’s a tragedy, and they must be recovered at all costs!!”</p> <p>“Now, what I’m about to tell you will be shocking, but we must act fast<br /> before the general public realizes what has happened. While every investigator<br /> in the country works on recovering the artifacts, I need you to collect the<br /> replacement artifacts from secret locations.”</p> <p>Cre8tive Resources was nominated by TES for the national teaching awards 2021 and runner up in home learning resources of the year!!</p> <p><strong>Escape Room Contents:</strong><br /> ☞Interactive Tracker PowerPoint - Keeps the competitive nature on display<br /> ☞ Escape Room Keys (Six Sets for up to Six Teams)<br /> ☞ Escape Room Puzzles (7 Rooms = 7 Different styles of Puzzles)<br /> ☞ Teacher Answer Sheet - We do the hard work for you!<br /> ☞ Teacher instructions to run the escape<br /> ☞ Successful Escape Certificates for those that complete the entire challenge (There is a difficult bonus escape for any quick finishing teams :)<br /> ☞ The 7 Rooms each have subject specific Puzzles that have been adapted to suit the topic of this Escape Room and are suitable for a variety of students<br /> ☞ Optional Escape Room Script you can use!<br /> ☞ Professionally made Video to introduce the Escape Room Plot - With Voice overs and alternate endings.</p> <p>As well as solving 7 different subject themed puzzles they will have to answer a series of bonus questions (12 in total) testing their subject knowledge to the max!</p> <p>As students complete each puzzle they will be one step closer to solving the mystery. Teams must be careful as they are racing against up to 5 other teams via an interactive PowerPoint displayed on the board to see who will escape first!!</p> <p>This Escape Room is a great way to have an education treat lesson for your students and make learning new topics / or consolidating old ones fun!</p> <p>Search ‘Cre8tive Resources’ for support with our library of resources or send us an email.<br /> Leave a review and email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a> for a free resource as a thank you!!<br /> Explore all our resources on TES</p>