Mark Making Pattern BoardsQuick View

Mark Making Pattern Boards

<p>Use these pattern boards to get your little ones fingers moving!</p> <p>A great resource for fine motor skills…</p> <ol> <li>Laminate your boards and add some loose parts</li> <li>The children can add resources on top of the pattern (such as buttons, beads, gems)</li> </ol> <p>As seen on my Instagram - miss_e_early_years</p>
Stack the BeanstalkQuick View

Stack the Beanstalk

<p>Stack the Beanstalk - Addition Mats</p> <p>Two addition sentence mats for the children to ‘stack’ the multilink cubes</p> <p>Use with green cubes</p> <p>Includes leaf cut outs and table sign</p>
Double Trouble - StackingQuick View

Double Trouble - Stacking

<p>Doubling Stack Sheet - Use multilink cubes to find the double for each number</p> <p>Includes doubling prompt cards, number discs, stack cut outs and a table sign</p>
Loaded Pancakes - Recipe Cut and StickQuick View

Loaded Pancakes - Recipe Cut and Stick

<p>‘Loaded Pancakes’ cut and stick activity</p> <p>Recipe card with how many toppings to include and cut outs of toppings for chn to stick</p> <p>Also includes table sign</p>
Build a Number PosterQuick View

Build a Number Poster

<p>Contains Colour and B/W numner poster templates 1-10<br /> Number rpresentation images for cut and stick</p>
Sorting Numbers 1-10Quick View

Sorting Numbers 1-10

<p>Contains:<br /> sorting mats 1-3,4-5,7-9,9-10 (colour matched to numberblocks).<br /> 1-10 representations</p>
Spring Tens Frames - Bonds to TenQuick View

Spring Tens Frames - Bonds to Ten

<p>Alternative version of the natural spring tens frames - 1 frame to represent each bond to 10 (e.g. 1+9)</p> <p>Includes a version with space for the children to use loose parts to find the bond - e.g. frame just shows 4 flowers, children add 6 objects to the frame</p> <p>Flower cut outs<br /> Table sign</p>
Choose it, Draw it, Write itQuick View

Choose it, Draw it, Write it

<p>Choose it, Draw it, Write it 1-10</p> <p>All you need… laminating pouches for mats/reusable pockets &amp; whiteboard pens</p> <p>Choose a number disc (colours linked to Numberblock theme), draw it in the tens frame and write it. Rub out &amp; repeat!</p>
1-10 Number Representations Number BookQuick View

1-10 Number Representations Number Book

<p>Number representations showing 1-10 in formation numerals, fingers, dominoes, ten frames, dice and playing cards.</p> <p>Includes a My Number Book cover sheet for book making.</p>
Flip it, Show it, Build it - Resource PackQuick View

Flip it, Show it, Build it - Resource Pack

<p>A lovely little maths game as seen on my Instagram. Pack included:</p> <ul> <li>Flip it, Build it, Show it mats</li> <li>Cut outs for table</li> <li>Sign template</li> </ul> <p>You will also need -</p> <ul> <li>Cubes/gems</li> <li>Pack of cards</li> </ul>
Hot Chocolate CountingQuick View

Hot Chocolate Counting

<p>Hot Chocolate Number Mugs 1-10</p> <p>Children need to add the correct amount of marshmallows to the mug. You could also use for formation practice with hot chocolate powder!</p> <p>Pack also comes with a table sign</p>
Count & Stick Pancake OrdersQuick View

Count & Stick Pancake Orders

<p>Count out and stick the ingredients to complete the pancake order.</p> <p>Can be used laminated, or as a draw on the toppings activity.</p>
Number RepresentationsQuick View

Number Representations

<p>Number Representation cut outs 1-5. Each number has different representations inside.</p> <p>The colours are linked to match the Numberblock colours (please note there are no Numberblock images included)</p> <p>Pack also includes coloured discs to match the numbers for the children to sort objects onto</p>
Ordering and Comparing Large numbersQuick View

Ordering and Comparing Large numbers

A lesson on ordering and comparing large numbers. Powerpoint contains: a video for visual learners, sentence starters to encourage maths talk and inequality symbols to print out. Differentiated worksheets included. Aimed at SEND Year 8 students but can easily be used for KS1 &amp; 2 or KS3 intervention groups. Dyslexic friendly font and powerpoint.
Foundation GCSE Maths Revision Quick View

Foundation GCSE Maths Revision

A question on everything from a foundation GCSE paper in powerpoint. I have left the solutions off most of them so you can guide your students through the questions. <br /> It is broken up into 2 sections. Non Calculator and Calculator
Fractions, Decimals and PercentagesQuick View

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

This hopefully covers all bases involving fractions, decimals and percentages from simplifying up to converting recurring decimals to fractions and everything inbetween.