History of the Circus  (Circus Maximus)Quick View

History of the Circus (Circus Maximus)

Aimed at year 2 and 3 (can be adapted for any age group)<br /> 4 research stations for learners to visit to find out about the Circus Maximus: how animals were used, Circus Maximus building, who performed? and performances. <br /> Mixture of facts, QR links to videos and pictures. <br /> Also included smaller pictures learners can stick onto their research sheet to annotate.
Stories by the same author - Roald Dahl (year 2)Quick View

Stories by the same author - Roald Dahl (year 2)

A range of resources to support your planning on the unit 'stories by the same author - Roald Dahl'<br /> including:<br /> fact bullet points for creating own information text about Roald Dahl<br /> connectives and conjunctions with specific sentences relating to Roald Dahl characters <br /> questions for comparing and contrasting 2 stories <br /> a template for a reflective activity (colour symbol image)<br /> notebook with series of lessons on for writing own chapter on BFG <br /> word document prompt for own chapter writing
Famous ClownsQuick View

Famous Clowns

Facilitate your children in learning how to get information from a range of sources with this 'famous clowns throughout history' pack. Bip the Clow, Charlie Cairoli, Coco-the-Clown and The Fratellini Brothers are included. Each clown(s) has a range of different sources linked to them (videos, pictures, posters, newspaper articles, book covers to name some). The children can then explore that clown and record the 'type of source' and the 'information gained' from that source.