Wordle Game Template for Key Terms and Literacy for KS 3-5 Secondary
<p>Based on the popular online Wordle word guessing game, this template in Excel format is easy to use and fully editable. Similar in some ways to the classic game ‘Hangman’, students have six attempts to guess a word. After each guess attempt, letters are colour-coded based on whether or not a letter is in the word and, if it is, whether it is in the correct position. This fun game can be set up in seconds, played in small groups or as a class, and displays well on electronic classroom screens. The game is a fun and engaging way to test key terms, improve literacy and develop retrieval practice in a subject. It can also be used as a form time activity.</p>
<p>Instructions: This is a word guessing game. Use caps lock for best effect. Enter 8 (or less) words into the ‘Hidden Words’ column to the right - make sure the people guessing don’t see this. The grey boxes in the row below the main title will turn white to indicate the number of letters in the word. Play the game by entering a guess into Game Row 1, one letter per square. Cell colour will change: Green = letter is in the word and in the correct spot; Orange = letter is in the word but in the wrong spot; Grey = letter is not in the word in any spot. Based on clues from attempt 1, move to attempt 2 in Game Row 2, etc. When the word has been correctly identified or after 6 unsuccessful attempts, the round ends. To reset the game, delete all characters from the completed Game Rows and change ‘Wordle #’ (blue box) to a different number (1-8). Enjoy!</p>
<p>Based on the original Wordle: <a href="https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/</a></p>