Quick ViewrafiabIdentifying features of information texts (60)various worksheets aimed at identifying features of information texts and style of information sentences.
Quick Viewrafiabcomparing hot and cold weather/climate (15)3 worksheets differentiated for la/ma/ha chn cut and stick or draw items to pack for a hot and cold country
Quick Viewrafiabrole on the wall (6)role on the wall templates for a character and a wolf (used for eye of the wolf text but can be adapted to anything)
Quick Viewrafiabinstructions- fruit salad (6)how to make a fruit salad- writing template for two abilities (good if accompanied with a practical)
Quick Viewrafiabmuddled up instructions- breakfast (6)put the muddled up instructions into order. complete the instructions sequence.
Quick Viewrafiabadvert template (4)a template for pupils to write their own adverts for products- you can use pictures from an old catalogue
Quick Viewrafiabprobability scale (11)starter activity- scale: cut out the probability vocab and place in a line, each pupil has a statement and has to place it on the probability scale. main- dice: working out the probability of events using dice
Quick Viewrafiab100 square number and decimal grid (2)fold in half and laminate- 100 square grid on one side and 100 decimal grid on the other
Quick Viewrafiabsoil types ppt (2)investigating types of soil, get the pupils to collect their own soil samples from the school grounds and then investigate them
Quick Viewrafiabreading comprehension bookmark (2)a visual reading bookmark to help chn with reading comprehension skills.