Whole School Foundation Subject Tracking Spreadsheets - Easy, Quick, UsefulQuick View

Whole School Foundation Subject Tracking Spreadsheets - Easy, Quick, Useful

<p><strong>Whole School Foundation Assessment Tracking</strong></p> <p><strong>Important – this has not been created to tick an Ofsted box! It is a quick way to create useful results.</strong></p> <p><strong>Key Features</strong></p> <ul> <li>Excellent way to gain a whole school picture of Foundation Subjects to drive school improvement.</li> <li>Quick and easy to populate and complete.</li> <li>Gain a whole school picture of attainment, coverage and understanding of each subject.</li> <li>Self-calculating to quickly give percentage of children working ‘below’, ‘at’ and ‘above’ the expected standard.</li> <li>Only needs to be completed twice a year.</li> <li>Drop down menus to aid the quick input of data.</li> <li>Notes section to allow year groups teams to communicate with subject coordinators (great for noting gaps in resources when setting budgets)</li> <li>Objectives included for most foundation subjects*</li> <li>Great resource for teachers, subject leaders and senior leaders</li> </ul> <p>*MFL not included for years 1 &amp; 2</p> <p><strong>Instructions:</strong></p> <ol> <li>Copy and paste year group, class and names on to the first sheet.</li> <li>Red, amber or green objectives and coverage (these can be adapted to meet the needs of the school) for each foundation subject on the tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.</li> <li>Add any notes for subject leaders.</li> <li>State whether a child is working ‘below’, ‘at’ or ‘above’ the expected standard for each subject on the first tab.</li> </ol> <p>**Note – in our school, year group teams are given two staff meetings a year to complete the document (mid-year and end of year). Having done it for a couple of years, (with some year groups up to 100 children) it can be completed in under two hours. **</p>