"Frankenstein" (Mary Shelley)Quick View

"Frankenstein" (Mary Shelley)

A rag-tag collection of resources - questions, model essays, contextual info - which will be of use to teachers planning to teach Shelley's novel.
The Latymer 100 Reading List (100 novels, divided into ten age groups and ten genres)Quick View

The Latymer 100 Reading List (100 novels, divided into ten age groups and ten genres)

A reading list of 100 novels to inspire pupils from Years 7-13 (ages 11-18). This ambitious reading list, which is by no means definitive, allows pupils to develop their reading interests from a Year 7 level, to University level. Visually, the list is a poster on every English classroom wall in the school, and is an A5 page in each student's planner. I designed it for the English Department at Latymer Upper School.<br /> <br /> Students can tackle the reading list horizontally, working across the ten novels recommended for Year 7 students.<br /> <br /> Or, students can tackle the reading list vertically, working downwards as each of the ten genres develops in sophistication.
"Inherit The Wind" (Lawrence & Lee)Quick View

"Inherit The Wind" (Lawrence & Lee)

Some different activities and material that may be of use in the teaching of &quot;Inherit the Wind&quot;. Pick what seems useful to you, and feel free to edit and adapt as you see fit.
How to ReviseQuick View

How to Revise

A continually updated resource of all the best revision tips gleaned from various individuals and institutions over the years. I go through this my GCSE and A-level classes each year, though it's applicable for anyone undergoing a significant revision process. Feel free to edit and add to it, and do send me any additions or tips you might have.