How to Make a Quiz using PowerPointQuick View

How to Make a Quiz using PowerPoint

This is a set of instructions to follow to make a simple Who Wants To Be A Millionaire style multiple choice quiz using PowerPoint. I made these instructions as simple and comprehensive as possible for my Primary 6/7 class to follow to make the quiz in the context of a times tables activity. The instructions could just as easily be followed to make a quiz on any topic for revision as well as offering opportunities to improve upon I.C.T. skills.<br /> The download simply contains one Word document with four pages of easy to follow step by step instructions along with diagrams for further clarity.
Instructions for Editing Videos using Windows Movie MakerQuick View

Instructions for Editing Videos using Windows Movie Maker

List of short, easy to follow instructions for Primary 6/7 level children to bring together a collection of videos and edit using Windows Live Movie Maker. Instructions direct pupils in uploading videos to Windows Live Movie Maker, reordering, deleting unwanted videos, trimming from the beginning, end and middle of videos, adding title and credits and also adding effects to transitions.<br /> Download includes a single Word document with instructions and diagrams to follow across four pages.
Pokemon Board GameQuick View

Pokemon Board Game

This is a game I made as a reward for a class of 9-10 year olds who were really into Pokémon. This was designed to be printed on A3 paper (printing in A4 will come out a little jumbled up) with the board on one side and the rules on the reverse.<br /> <br /> Playable for 2-4 players (possibly more but it could get complicated).<br /> Would recommend for ages 8+ but could be played by younger children with support.<br /> <br /> Contains:<br /> - A single document including board and rules on separate pages for ease of double sided printing.<br /> <br /> Additional items needed to play this game:<br /> - counters (red, blue, yellow and green)<br /> - dice<br /> <br /> Any feedback on the game would be greatly appreciated!