Dreams AssemblyQuick View

Dreams Assembly

As part of the science curriculum, the girls in Y2 KS1 have been learning how to take care of themselves. We have been learning about exercise, diet, sleep and keeping clean. In this assembly the children are teaching others about the benefits of sleep.<br /> <br /> A big thank you to the clicker site for making images available for use.
Handa's SurpriseQuick View

Handa's Surprise

Handa's Surprise is a wonderfully simplistic book. The KS1 children can use it for looking at a simple story structure. The chronological sequencing, setting and characters work well using the story mountain. VCOP content is key, especially moving from simplistic sentences to interesting ones. These lessons are very good for mixed ability groups and extension material.
Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?Quick View

Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?

For Barnaby's visits in Year 2 KS1 there are 2 worksheets and one header page which can be given to children before he is taken on his travels . There are sheets listing the specific learning objectives and critera to use for planning.This is the new Curriculum.
Art club lesson PORTRAITSQuick View

Art club lesson PORTRAITS

Here are lessons for our Art club for KS1 and KS2. Using Famous Artists the children look at various materials and draw portraits of each other as well as themselves. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Portraiture is something that can be easily taught to children using visual stimuli, the artists are best chosen by the teacher as a personal preference. These lessons can be extended, changed and abandoned according to the teachers’ skills and confidence levels. I have included a simplistic power point presentation in which pictures can be added, depending on the the artists chosen.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
Manners and BehaviourQuick View

Manners and Behaviour

A KS1 assembly for primary years, 4 to 11. I used a flip cam to video role play sessions where some children were unkind to others. The organised and controlled filming avoids shyness, nerves and poor sound on the day. We talked about why we have rules and demonstrated why good behaviour is needed to FUNCTION as a caring community. Although my assembly is for Christians, it can be adapted for other faiths.
Things that make you feel good!Quick View

Things that make you feel good!

I have just delivered a PSHCE/ Christian assembly with powerpoint based on' feel good&' behaviour to help with friends and relationships. I adapted this information from a school magazine I had read. The girls in Y2 delivered the assembly and at the end we distributed circulars to take home or stick in their books...to remind the pupils of our useful suggestions. It can be adapted for any religion as they are basic social pointers, also non denominational schools.
Colour mixing with Elmer the patchwork elephantQuick View

Colour mixing with Elmer the patchwork elephant

I can investigate different art materials. <br /> With a little help, I can investigate colour.<br /> I can describe what I have done and what I learned.<br /> This is an art lesson for KS1. The cross curricular links are english, PSHE and possibly maths with shape, measures and even area if this is useful. The pastoral angle is about being different and friendships. <br /> The children will use palettes to mix the primary colours and white/ black. Encourage conversation with the shades and colours. They will then paint the large squares of lining paper and leave to dry.<br /> If time, the children can complete the pre-prepared sheet using smaller brushes and paint or pencils if the teacher is clearing.<br /> At a later date, the teacher can masking tape the squares together and make a large Elmer to display. He can have a speech bubble for art and/ or pshe sentence. <br /> EXTN:<br /> Children can be asked questions, work in ability buddies, draw freehand their own Elmer, design another patchwork animal and even write a story about it.<br /> Resources: Lining paper, selection of paints (including black and white), selection of medium and small brushes, scissors, palettes with primary colours, water in pots, coloured pencils, rulers, computer with internet, Elmer books optional.
AFL ideas to use as crib cards for teachersQuick View

AFL ideas to use as crib cards for teachers

Having attended a fabulous AFL course with great speakers including Dylan William and Brian Dix, we the teachers were given lots of wonderful AFL ideas for our classes. Having returned to school with many ideas, I have used simplified 'crib sheets&' that are in a more useable format. I imagine once printed in colour they could be used back to back, laminated and hole punched. I think I will use them like a number fan, flipped over, to remind me to use the inspiring strategies that were suggested to us. Hope they are useful.
Still life toys and inspiring artistsQuick View

Still life toys and inspiring artists

I have made a power point for my still life lessons from Year 1 to 6 boys and girls. I want them to closely observe a still life and use key vocabulary. Pencils to be used. To have visual images of a present day illustrator and artists, I am hoping they will be inspired as well as understand better what is being asked of them. There is room for differentiation as the eventual outcomes can be adapted. Lots of scope for abstract, different resources, design with packaging, illustrative ideas and art history development.
Setting prompts for writingQuick View

Setting prompts for writing

A set of 1/4 A4 sheets that can be used as FASCINATORS to prompt the children to describe settings and improve their writing. They can be glued in books/ written on/ laminated. I have used them during GUIDED READING sessions whilst the children read the other members of the class can choose and use them. There's enough information for them to work and all abilities can be catered for. They can also be used with year 3 children. I have also made character prompts too.
Character prompt sheetsQuick View

Character prompt sheets

During GUIDED READING sessions, the girls are asked to record. These 1/4 A4 sheets can either be written on/ stuck in books/ laminated to be used as prompts for directed work. They are useful for year 2 and year 3 children to use. There's enough information for them to work and all abilities can be catered for. They can also be used with year 3 children.I have uploaded Setting prompts too, which can be used in the same way.