*NEW* Science disciplinary knowledge tracker - KS4
<p>I’ve created this <strong>disciplinary knowledge</strong> tracker in response to recent training sessions and Ofsted inspection to track the progress of students’ disciplinary knowledge in science. Disciplinary knowledge is the umbrella term for practical skills, procedural knowledge, and maths skills.</p>
<p>It’s designed to allow either students or teachers to record a <strong>baseline</strong> for each section (which can be completed in a different coloured pen) then students can add their acquired skills/knowledge as they learn them in lessons. The tracker can be using as <strong>formative assessment</strong>, there’s also a page on the back of the document for a <strong>summative</strong> reflection.</p>
<p>The tracker can be used in a variety of ways - I will be providing one for each student every half-term but could be used more or less frequently.</p>
<p>All statements are based on the “Working Scientifically” section of the key stage 4 <strong>national curriculum</strong>. Thanks for viewing, please leave a review :-)</p>