Healthier InsideQuick View

Healthier Inside

Healthier Inside is a national programme that aims to improve the health and well-being of young people in secure settings. The programme supports, and shares effective practice to make secure settings as safe and healthy as possible.
Minted: Your guide to managing your moneyQuick View

Minted: Your guide to managing your money

Money is part of all our lives. Whether we’re rich or poor; a saver or a spender; a tight wad or a sharer, it’s always on our minds. But if you learn to control money, it won’t take control of you. My Money is a great project aimed at getting finance education into every primary and secondary school. It was run by the Personal Finance Education Group charity (pfeg) with EdComs, National Children’s Bureau (NCB) and the PSHE Association. This guide provides lots of helpful information about money management and how to approach it with your classes.
Children & Substance AbuseQuick View

Children & Substance Abuse

The deliberate inhalation of volatile substances such as glue, aerosols or gas fuels is responsible for more deaths of young people aged 10-16 in England and Wales than illegal drugs. This training manual explains the misuse of volatile substances by children and young people, and how to deal with instances of abuse. The presentations are for the use of trainers, and detail effects, statistics, how to recognise substance abuse and what to do in an emergency.
Promoting Healthier LifestylesQuick View

Promoting Healthier Lifestyles

The All Salted? programme was developed and piloted with young parents to ensure that it met their needs. The messages and strategies are relevent to everyone, and the programme can be delivered by anyone working with young parents. Staff do not need to be experts on nutrition to deliver the programme.
Communicating with ChildrenQuick View

Communicating with Children

This Resource was created as part of a project funded by DfES and run by NCB called Communicating with Children: A two-way process. It addresses communication throughout child development, highlighting useful research studies, analysis, books, tools and techniques.
Participation in the Youth Justice SystemQuick View

Participation in the Youth Justice System

<p>In order to stimulate debate about the ways in which children and young people are enabled to have a say within the youth justice system, NCB has undertaken a scoping project. The aim was to explore the ways in which children and young people are currently involved in the planning and delivery of youth justice services, both from the perspective of individual case-management and the service as a whole. This was undertaken with a view to establishing what more needs to be done to strengthen the involvement of young people in order to improve their outcomes.</p>
Healthy Child Programme ConsultationsQuick View

Healthy Child Programme Consultations

On 27 October 2009 Government launched its expanded ‘health offer’ within the Healthy Child Programme for children and young people aged 5-19 years. This commitment was announced in Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures – The strategy for children and young people’s health.
Managing Transitions from Secure SettingsQuick View

Managing Transitions from Secure Settings

Based on the DCSF funded Managing Transitions from Secure and Psychiatric Settings Project, which ran from April 2007 to March 2008. This resource supports practice with children and young people who are moving on from, or within, the secure estate.
Tell Them Not to Forget UsQuick View

Tell Them Not to Forget Us

Aimed primarily at Children’s Services Authorities, to support their work with looked after children and care leavers who are imprisoned within Young Offender Institutions (YOIs), this guide will also be relevant for Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) and staff in YOIs. It aims to help social workers and managers with the challenge of how to deliver support when the children are living in establishments over which they have no control – and whose workings are not easy to understand. The guide includes a joint-working model, case studies, policy briefing notes and examples of good practice.
Cycling and young peopleQuick View

Cycling and young people

Cycling has significance for children and young people that adults are prone to forget. It is great fun, it can expand the territory over which children can get around on their own, it is usually a social activity and it allows for close engagement and interaction with the people, places and objects encountered en route. This review summarises and examines the public policy evidence and arguments on cycling and children and young people’s health, well-being and safety. It includes a discussion of the evidence and arguments on the issue of cycle helmets.
Shared ResponsibilityQuick View

Shared Responsibility

<p>Safeguarding arrangements between hospitals and children’s social services This report examines the ways in which hospitals and social service departments work together where children are in need, including a need for protection.</p>
Children's Views of ServicesQuick View

Children's Views of Services

This review provides a summary of evidence of children’s experiences of and views about children’s services. It is not a full systematic review, but a rapid review of literature pertaining to children’s views of services over the past five years. It was commissioned to inform the Children’s Inter-Agency Group’s (CIAG) forthcoming report setting out what children and young people's services need to achieve in the coming years.
Physical InterventionQuick View

Physical Intervention

This report investigates the status of physical restraint, and its use when dealing with children and young people in public care. It highlights inconsistencies and examines the extremely complex legal, ethical and practical issues surrounding physical restraint.
Adolescent Psychiatric In-Patient CareQuick View

Adolescent Psychiatric In-Patient Care

The Managing Transitions from Psychiatric Settings Project, which was funded by DCSF and ran from April 2007 to March 2008, looked at transitional planning for young people leaving adolescent psychiatric in-patient settings. The project highlighted the issues and needs of young people in those settings and identified ways to improve transitional planning.
Education Supervision OrdersQuick View

Education Supervision Orders

The National Children’s Bureau has released a report on the practicality of Education Supervision Orders (ESOs) as a response to poor attendance records in school. These training materials have been developed to compliment the practice guidance and are available free to download. The materials can be readily adapted to suit local needs or training can be provided in your local authority. For more information contact Jacqui Newvell -
Research with Children & Young PeopleQuick View

Research with Children & Young People

This document outlines NCB’s approach to research with children and young people1. NCB works within the British Sociological Association’s (BSA) Statement of Ethical Practice and the Social Research Association guidelines2. This document supplements those by elaborating on the key considerations involved in research with children.
Celebrating SRE Education: Past, Present and FuturQuick View

Celebrating SRE Education: Past, Present and Futur

Chapter from 'Celebrating Sex and Relationships Education’ taken from the conference proceedings of the 2008 Sex Education Forum conference. What do we want? The launch of the Young People's Charter. The next SEF 2010 conference is on 19/10. For more