The Executioner's Daughter Unit of work - PersuasionQuick View

The Executioner's Daughter Unit of work - Persuasion

<p>A four week persuasive unit of work following Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing framework focusing on the text, ‘The Executioner’s Daughter’ by Laura Williams.</p> <p>This unit of work supports pupils with exploring the persuasive features of a letter through role play and text marking as well as providing oppotunities to practise and refine other literacy skills such as character/ setting descriptions, poetry and grammar.</p>
Anne Boleyn and 'The Executioner's Daughter' - PersuasionQuick View

Anne Boleyn and 'The Executioner's Daughter' - Persuasion

<p>*Anne Boleyn is locked in the Tower of London awaiting her death. There she writes a final letter to her husband, Henry VIII, pleading for her life. Can she persuade him to change his mind? *</p> <p>This 3 week unit of work focuses on Anne Boleyn’s final days leading up to her execution as well as the text ‘The Executioner’s Daughter’. Once pupils have familarised themselves with the features of persuasive writing they must write a letter to Henry VIII convincing him to save them (Anne Boleyn) for execution and then Pa persuading him to let them (Moss) leave the Tower.</p> <p>This is a really engaging unit of work and can also be used to stimulate discussions during guided reading, PSHE and History topics too.</p>
Year 5 English starter gamesQuick View

Year 5 English starter games

<p>Fun and engaging English starter games for mixed ability Year 5 pupils. These starters can be used at the start of an English lesson, for homework or whereever your class timetable allows. They are great for encouraging independent, paired and group work too!</p>
Harry Potter Imaginary Worlds Creative WritingQuick View

Harry Potter Imaginary Worlds Creative Writing

<p>These Smart Notebook files, aimed primarily at lower KS2, include a range of creative writing/ speaking and listening oppotunities taking inspiration from various parts of the story Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Activities include character descriptions, comparing and contrasting the real world to the muddle world as well as writing a persuasive letter based on a pupils preferred Hogwarts house. Great for inspiring reluctant writers and revising different genres of writing within the National Curriculum.</p>
Anne Boleyn - Biography/ AutobiographyQuick View

Anne Boleyn - Biography/ Autobiography

<p>This two week unit of work explores the features of biographical and autobiographical writing with a particular focus on the lives of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. With lots of cross curricular links, oppotunites for drama, games and gory facts, this unit of work is perfect for engaging even the most reluctant of learners either in school or at home!</p>
Complete Imaginary Worlds/ Adventure Story unit of work -  Harry Potter and the Book of SecretsQuick View

Complete Imaginary Worlds/ Adventure Story unit of work - Harry Potter and the Book of Secrets

<p>A 4 week Imaginary Worlds/ Adventure Story unit of work aimed at mixed ability Upper KS2 pupils taking inspiration from Harry Potter and Cornerstones topic entitled ‘Alchemy Island’. This fun filled unit encourages pupils to explore a text using Talk for writing, drama and story maps. Engaging and inclusive of all, this detailed unit of work includes IWB slides, planning, worksheets, lesson starters, success checkers, cold and hot tasks as well as a class model narrative.</p> <p>Please email me for a complete copy of the class model.</p>
Upper KS2 Grammar StartersQuick View

Upper KS2 Grammar Starters

<p>Eleven pupil led starters which can be used to either revise or introduce some of the key Year 5/6 English Grammar objectives. Activities include; verbs, adverbs, fronted adverbials, synonyms, conjunctions and semi - colons.</p>
Stories From Another Culture/ Traditional TalesQuick View

Stories From Another Culture/ Traditional Tales

<p>A three week upper KS2 unit of work based on a story I wrote entitled ‘The Girl Who Loved Dragons’. Using Pie Corbett’s Talk for Writing framework, each lesson explores the stories main characters, setting and plot before supporting pupils in writing their own version.</p>