Early learning #nurseryrhymes #eyfs #literacy #areasoflearning | Wizzy's Words #freeresources listQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #eyfs #literacy #areasoflearning | Wizzy's Words #freeresources list

<p>RESOURCES LIST | WIZZY’S WORDS AEL (Active Early Learning) #earlylearning #nurseryrhymes TES #eyfs #freeresources</p> <p>For #eyfs #teachers #parents #childcareproviders #sencos …</p> <p>Standalone resources based on Wizzy’s Words book of research-informed nursery rhymes for #earlylearning today. Researched &amp; developed by Jacqueline E Alexander, early years specialist/teacher/researcher &amp; author of Wizzy’s Words.</p> <p>A FUN BOOK OF RHYMES…<br /> -Promoting the learning of sounds, words &amp; movement for healthy child development &amp; learning<br /> -Containing the key oral vocabulary associated with successful life-long learning<br /> -Based on child development &amp; language development research<br /> -Promoting phonological awareness, rhythm perception, vocabulary development &amp; reading and learning readiness<br /> -For shared &amp; independent, small groups and whole class, active &amp; interactive, indoor &amp; outdoor early learning</p> <p>HEAR, SAY, MOVE &amp; SING<br /> LET RHYME &amp; RHYTHM DO ITS THING</p> <p>‘No one can be missed out…’ Michael Rosen – Children’s author (2008)</p> <p>‘… when you’re behind from the start you rarely catch up.’ Hinds - Secretary of State for Education (2018)</p> <p>Wizzy’s Words is a social, not-for-profit enterprise. Its aim is to help to close an ongoing language &amp; learning gap that exists between infants at school entry. For a number of children this gap continues to limit their access to a successful education and its benefits. Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes was developed following extensive research. Learning to recite and add actions to simple, increasingly challenging nursery rhymes, with their simple rhythms, is associated with successful child development and the development of phonological awareness and rhythm perception, key indicators for reading and learning readiness and successful ongoing learning.</p> <p>Speaking and listening is a key starting point. Each rhyme can also be used as a focus for cross themed/curricular work. Suggested links to all of the EYFS areas of learning are provided. The rhymes provide ideal focus points for weeks of fun, creative, active and interactive language play, development and learning across the year. Follow the individual links in the reference list to access the full resource, suggested areas of learning and the associated rhyme sheet and videos where indicated.</p> <p>WHY DOES SHARING #NURSERYRHYMES IN A ‘SINGY SONGY’ RHYTHMIC WAY MATTER?<br /> Rhythmic speech is key for language acquisition during a child’s first months which is key for ongoing development and learning (see Goswami’s latest research 2023) | Wizzy’s Words research-based rhymes for today is a great resource for supporting rhythm perception development for infants with or without additional needs. Language play is the key…<br /> Jacqueline E Alexander</p> <p>These resources are based on Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning #nurseryrhymes for today | Published by Troubador | author Jacqueline E Alexander</p> <p><a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #peoplewhohelpus |#EYFS #areasoflearning 9AQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #peoplewhohelpus |#EYFS #areasoflearning 9A

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>9A | NURSERY RHYMES WITH A PEOPLE WHO HELP US THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>Knock-a-Knock (puppy) 19b Postman (Traditional tune – Pat-a-Cake)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss the people that help us every day (family, friends…) and those that keep us safe (police, fire brigade…)<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Play being the postman – count the knocks on the door before someone (classmate) opens it<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Talk about post/mail/letters and how they arrive (person/delivery van) – would you really post a puppy!?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of parcels and play being the delivery person /Use untuned instruments to create slow and fast raps on a door</p> <p><strong>Read a Book Baby 25 (Traditional tune – Hush-a-Bye Baby)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss bedtime routines and why rest/sleep is important for our bodies/minds<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Model soft and loud snoring &amp; link to counting the snores – Can you match your snores with counters?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss our bedtimes and link to how animals rest and places they rest/sleep<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of snoring using Zzz patterns (link to repeating patterns)</p> <p><strong>Ride a Red Bus to Elephant Zoo 23<br /> (Traditional tune – Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss who/how people help us to travel<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors- act out/dramatise driving your favourite vehicle<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Count the number of letters in the first 4 words of the rhymes – match with counters/cubes – note/clap the rhythm of the syllables (1 1 1 2) /link to subitising/odd and even (note difference between a letter and a word)<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Discuss getting to school<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures of people who drive us around</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #peoplewhohelpus |#EYFS #areasoflearning 9BQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #peoplewhohelpus |#EYFS #areasoflearning 9B

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>9B | NURSERY RHYMES WITH A PEOPLE WHO HELP US THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>Doctor, Doctor, I Feel Sick 34<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss what doctors (and nurses) do and how they help us/safe medicines<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Model/Make/Draw simple maps for a doctor’s visits – link to IT and floor robots if available<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Discuss how we know we are poorly/What to do/Who can help – link to PSED<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures showing a happy, smiley, well face and a sad and poorly face</p> <p><strong>My Belly Is Empty 52<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss what it feels like to feel hungry/Who helps us when we are hungry/How we can help/share<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | The school cook wants to help us stay well/eat healthily – make a list/simple chart of 5/10 foods<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Discuss people who help us how/why<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of people who help us</p> <p><strong>We’re Washing and Dressing 60<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss how we grow and the different help we need – can a baby dress on their own – who helps<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make repeating patterns of a bird’s claws – link to pairing/counting in 2s/odd &amp; even<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Talk birds/ people that help birds (RSPB) and why they might need our help – link to seasons and less food<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of birds and decorate them with repeating patterns – MATHS link</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #farm |#EYFS #areasoflearning 10Quick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #farm |#EYFS #areasoflearning 10

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>10 | NURSERY RHYMES WITH A FARM THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>The Great, Big, Bad, Old Fox 11<br /> (Traditional tune – The Grand, Old Duke of York)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss visiting a farm and the animals you’ll see/Discuss importance of hand washing<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors – Link A &amp; D can we move like fox/hen?<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link the number of hens in the rhyme to counting/subitising/pairing/odd &amp; even &amp; sharing<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Talk about animals on a farm/Discuss where our foods come from/Discuss chicken/hen/eggs<br /> A&amp;D | Create/draw/model the scene from the rhyme with drawing/painting/construction resources – Why might a farmer not like foxes? Using untuned instruments create sounds for how the fox and hens move</p> <p><strong>Pretty, White Flower 17a (Traditional tune – Little Jack Horner)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss looking after ourselves and that flowers/plants may need to be looked after<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – Can we move like a flower in the wind?<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Look at flower heads – count the petals - do they have odd or even numbers of petals – note the pattern – link to odd/even/pairs<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Discuss the difference between wild flowers on the farm and cultivated flowers in the garden<br /> A&amp;D | Create/model pictures of flower heads – link to MATHS</p> <p><strong>Oh Numbers, Oh Numbers 69<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss singing and dancing and how it makes us feel/Discuss differences – Does everybody like singing/dancing? Do hens really dance?<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – can we move like hens?<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Recap what a number is – count to 8/9/10/beyond - match number with counters/cubes – Why would a farmer put a number on his sheep?<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Why does a farmer need hedges/gates? Name all the farm animals you know<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of a farm and/or its animals</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #dayandnight |#EYFS #areasoflearning 8AQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #dayandnight |#EYFS #areasoflearning 8A

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>8A | NURSERY RHYMES WITH A DAY AND NIGHT THEME</strong></p> <p>**Look! Look! Bedtime 2 - (Traditional tune – Baa, Baa)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss bedtime routines and their importance and how curtains link to night/day<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use sheep/heart cut outs for counting sheep/hugs – count/subitise/pairs<br /> UTW | Link to everyday events – Discuss animals that sleep in day/night<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of windows with curtains that pull across for night/day</p> <p><strong>Rubbish, Rubbish, in the Park 35<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss things we do in the day time/night time e.g. going to park/having a bath<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – link to robotic movement<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Create 10 pieces of paper rubbish – Use to count/show 1 less/show 1 more<br /> UTW | Link to everyday events – Discuss rubbish collections/recycling and why done during the day<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of rubbish in the park and the bin for putting it in<br /> **</p> <p>**Days Lighter, Nights Darker 43 **<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss night/day and road safety in the light/dark<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use sticky backed or card stars to create a night sky with 10 stars – Count/subitise<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Talk about road safety at night &amp; the differences between night/day e.g lighting<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of a starry night – link to Van Gogh – link to MATHS</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW  #dayandnight |#EYFS #areasoflearning 8BQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #dayandnight |#EYFS #areasoflearning 8B

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>8B | NURSERY RHYMES WITH A DAY AND NIGHT THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>We’re Washing and Dressing 60<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss getting ready to go out on a warm night/cold night – What would you wear?<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to PSED - Use cut out boots and gloves to model odd &amp; even<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Discuss when we will hear birdsong/share some bird sounds<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models/simple recording of bird song – use simple notation and untuned instruments to create repeating patterns of bird sounds/song</p> <p><strong>On Trainers, Off Trainers 63<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss bedtime routines &amp; and how we feel if we have too little sleep<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Using clock resources/making own clocks – link to telling the time – hour/half hour<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Link to MATHS – talk about night/day hours – 24 hours in day – 12 night/day<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of what we will be doing at 7am in the morning &amp; 7pm at night</p> <p><strong>It’s Seven, It’s Seven 64<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss morning routines – washing/dressing/tooth brushing/eating and the order we do things in<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Using clock resources/making own clocks – link to telling the time – hour/half hour<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Discuss importance of being on time – What would happen if we all turned up at school at 10 o’clock?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of morning routines – use untuned instruments to make a sound for each part of the routine i.e. getting up (short, sharp sound)/dressing (long, drawn out sound)/tooth brushing (up &amp; down sound)/eating (crunching sound) and put the sounds together</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #animalsandpets #zoo |#EYFS #areasoflearning 7Quick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #animalsandpets #zoo |#EYFS #areasoflearning 7

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>7 | NURSERY RHYMES WITH AN ANIMAL/PETS/ZOO THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>Snowy, White Tiger 17 b</strong> (Traditional tune – Little Jack Horner)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss healthy routines, e.g. teeth &amp; hair brushing/compare to other animals’ needs<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Model counting teeth on comb/Match with counters/cubes – Pair/subitise?<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday – Discuss going to zoo/ tigers and different types<br /> A&amp;D | Create/design pictures tiger fur/Use untuned instruments to model and follow tiger sounds</p> <p><strong>Ride a Red Bus to Elephant Zoo 23</strong><br /> (Traditional tune – Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss animals/pets/zoos &amp; animal babies and how we look after them<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors – make a class bus<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Count animal legs, 2/4/6/8 link to subitising<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday – Aid understanding that humans are animals<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of animals with 2/4/6/8 legs – link to MATHS &amp; odd/even</p> <p><strong>This Hungry Monkey 32</strong> (Traditional tune – This Little Piggy)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss and explore what a monkey really eats/needs<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – If have access use climbing bars/frame<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Count number of loaves and match with cubes/counters – Pairs/odd/even link<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday – Explore/discuss visiting a zoo &amp; different types of monkeys<br /> A&amp;D | Use untuned instruments and create sounds for moving/climbing like a monkey – link to PD**</p> <p><strong>Is Daddy the Gorilla 46</strong> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss pets/keeping a gorilla at home – Would it be safe? Why/Why not?<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – Play going on a gorilla hunt<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make a list of good/poor places a gorilla could hide in school/home – How many can we think of?<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday – Discuss pets/visiting a zoo and explore habitats/food/needs<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of a pet/gorilla – what features we need to add?</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #onceuponatime #story |#EYFS #areasoflearning 6Quick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #onceuponatime #story |#EYFS #areasoflearning 6

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>6 | NURSERY RHYMES WITH A ONCE UPON A TIME THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>The Great, Big, Bad, Old Fox 11</strong><br /> (Traditional tune – The Grand, Old Duke of York)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions | Link the events to the beginning/middle and end of a story<br /> PSED | Discuss how we keep ourselves safe – link to UTW<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use 10 cubes for 10 hens and model them being eaten by the fox | How many do we have? How many left?<br /> UTW | Link to everyday events – How does the story start? Why did the hens get eaten? How could they stay safe?<br /> A&amp;D | Use construction/cardboard and make the fox and hens to model the scene in the rhyme</p> <p><strong>There Was a Little Dog 31</strong><br /> (Traditional tune – There was a Crooked Man)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions | Talk about what happens at the beginning/middle and end of a story<br /> PSED | Discuss friendship and the ‘moral’ of this short story<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – Model moving to dance/Show me your dance moves<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Take 5/10 cubes or counters – How can we share these between 2 teddies? Link to odd/even/fairness<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – What might have made dog sad at the beginning of this little story? (when dancing alone) Discuss the middle of the story and who is dancing | Discuss how the story ends<br /> A&amp;D | Use Playdoh/paper plates to make a model of the story scene, with the animal characters joining the dancing in the dish</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (4) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5DQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (4) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5D

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>5D | NURSERY RHYMES WITH OURSELVES/ME THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>Car Talking to Garage 44</strong> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss | How what we do impacts on ours/others feelings | Does a car really have feelings?<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link getting caught in the rain &amp; create rain clouds with cubes/count &amp; subitise raindrops<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – Why is it fun playing in the rain? What are puddles?<br /> A&amp;D | Use modelling/construction materials to create a garage/carwash for a toy car | Rainy day pictures</p> <p><strong>Here Dancing to Radio 45</strong> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss how physical movement help our mind/body health<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – create dance patterns<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Model a sequence of moves with focus on left/right/full turn/half turn/backwards/forwards (link to IT robots)<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – How can we listen to music? Where can we see dancers?<br /> A&amp;D | Create and cut out paper dancers for using as puppets that can dance</p> <p><strong>Eat, Apples and Oranges 47</strong> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss a healthy bowl of food and a treat bowl of food |Why does it matter what we eat?<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Create healthy bowls of soup using cubes to represent - 5 healthy foods/5 treat foods<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events – What happens if we forget to eat healthily?<br /> A&amp;D | Create models/pictures of a favourite fruit</p> <p><strong>A Tissue, a Tissue 51</strong> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss why tissues are important | How to use them<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Model 7 o’clock (and half past) Make own clocks for setting the time<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Link to PSHE how can we limit catching colds?<br /> A&amp;D | Link to MATHS and creating our own clocks – maybe add ears to turn clock faces into cat faces</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (5) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5EQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (5) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5E

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>5E | NURSERY RHYMES | OURSELVES/ME THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>We’re Wearing Glasses 53</strong> (Rhythm – lines 2/4 &amp; 6/8 rhyme)<br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss differences &amp; why some people wear glasses<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? Sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to near/far/close/distant | Look at leaves close up and distant | Draw detailed close leaf/less clear plain leaf<br /> UTW | Link to everyday events – If possible, go outdoors and look at hedge leaves close up and far away<br /> A&amp;D | Link to PSHE/MATHS &amp; make/design own set of glasses</p> <p><strong>I’ve Broken the Mirror 54</strong> (Rhythm – lines 2/4 &amp; 6/8 rhyme)<br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss looking after things/How sometimes things get broken | What to do/say<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? Sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use foil triangle shapes to create a broken mirror | Discuss how we know these are triangles<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – How to care for things? What to say if we accidentally break something?<br /> A&amp;D | Link to MATHS | Use foil and cardboard to create WHOLE mirror</p> <p><strong>Put Crayons and all Dolls 56</strong> (Rhythm – lines 2/4 &amp; 6/8 rhyme)<br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss tidying up &amp; why we do it<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? Sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Discuss why we pair shoes – link to odd/even – model odd and even using cubes<br /> UTW | Link rhyme to everyday events &amp; PSED – What would happen if we left everything out after using it?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures of a ‘mess’ of shoes/dolls/spoons/plates… Make ‘messy’ and ‘tidy’ music with untuned instruments</p> <p><strong>I’m Running and Skipping 59</strong> (Rhythm – lines 2/4 &amp; 6/8 rhyme)<br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss getting dressed | Can I put my shoes on first?!<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors | Model running &amp; skipping movements<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? Sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Create a repeating pattern for running/skipping using cubes/then draw/paint it<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events | The sounds in music repeat/short/long sounds<br /> A&amp;D | Link to MATHS and use untuned instruments to play repeated rhythms &amp; short and long sounds</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (6) | #EYFS #areasoflearning 5FQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (6) | #EYFS #areasoflearning 5F

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>5F | NURSERY RHYMES WITH OURSELVES/ME THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>We’re Washing and Dressing 60</strong><br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss how what singing and music make us feel<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to music and create repeating patterns to ‘chirp’ along to | Use long and short/soft and loud sounds<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – What instruments can you think of? How are they played?<br /> A&amp;D | Links to MATHS and use the repeating patterns we created to match to untuned instruments sounds</p> <p><strong>My Bright Shiny Penny 61</strong><br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss keeping secrets and link to personal safety | Talk about who we can trust – people who help us<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Find bright/shiny and dull things and sort into 2 sets/groups<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – link to PSED and discuss personal safety<br /> A&amp;D | Link to MATHS and create a grid of bright and dull colours of paint/crayon</p> <p><strong>Happy Birthday to You, Not Me! 70</strong><br /> (Rhythm - as traditional tune)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss what we do on our birthday/ someone else’s birthday<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we spot unfamiliar words? /Spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use paper plates to create 5/10 birthday foods you like<br /> UTW | Link to discussing seasons – spring, summer, winter, autumn and their weather<br /> A&amp;D | Create a birthday scene for the season you were born in/favourite season</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (3) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5CQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (3) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5C

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>5C | NURSERY RHYMES WITH OURSELVES/ME THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>It’s Snowing and Cold 29 (Traditional tune – The North Wind Doth Blow)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions for cold/warm<br /> PSED | Discuss how what we do helps us to stay fit/healthy/safe<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to A&amp;D - Make snowflakes - count the ‘icicle’ arms – link to odd &amp; even/matching/subitising<br /> UTW | Link to everyday events – Why don’t people go out in the cold without coats?<br /> A&amp;D | See MATHS Create snowflakes</p> <p><strong>The Frog so Green 30 (Traditional tune – The Queen of Hearts)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss the importance of being active to keep healthy – and not why important for body/mind<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors – Model jumping safely<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to A &amp; D/Draw, paint, model bugs – How many? Link to counting/matching/patterns<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss being mean/kind and how our actions affect others<br /> A&amp;D | See MATHS – add patterns to the bugs link to repeating patterns/Make cardboard bugs</p> <p><strong>Doctor, Doctor, I Feel Sick 34<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss why it’s best to rest when we are feeling sick &amp; difference between being well and poorly<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make paper plate meals – add foods that are healthy/treats<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – When do we need the doctor? Why? Discuss safe medicines/treatment PSED link<br /> A&amp;D | Link to MATHS and discuss/identify 5 healthy/treat – Link to double/subitising/matching</p> <p><strong>Slippers, Toothbrush, Sleep Head 36<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss going to bed/getting up and the importance of rest and sleep<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make simple day charts with a daily routine – link to telling the time hour/half hour<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss what time we go to bed and why/Discuss routines that help us<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures of sleep time and wake time i.e. day/night and discuss what can go in each</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (2) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5BQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (2) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5B

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>(See accompanying resource sheets and videos where available)</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p>5B | NURSERY RHYMES WITH OURSELVES/ME THEME</p> <p><strong>Wizzy Put Your Jacket On 20 (Traditional tune – Polly Put the Kettle On)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions – use own jackets as props<br /> PSED | Discuss how/why we dress for different weathers<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out actions for rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to counting – how many times can we spot the word ‘Wizzy’? Count/Match/Subitise<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Talk about activities for different weathers link to seasons<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures of clothes for winter/spring/summer using different textures/materials</p> <p><strong>Foot, Finger 21 (Traditional tune – Pease Porridge)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss identify and name different body parts<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Draw around hand/add numerals to each finger – Subitise 4/5 using counters<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Link to PSED and talk about how babies develop into child/adult<br /> A&amp;D | As a group, create a body using cardboard for construction</p> <p><strong>Swing-a-Swing a Teddy 24 (Traditional tune – Ring-a-Ring-o-Roses)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss working on our own and working together as a group/team<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make paper doll cut outs – count how many and use to sing the rhyme<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Link to PSED and working together – link to people who help us police etc…<br /> A&amp;D | Link to maths – make a swing that our paper doll cut outs will swing on using construction resources, cardboard/blocks etc</p> <p><strong>Throw and Catch the Bubbles 26<br /> (Traditional tune – Round and Round the Garden)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss why bathing/washing is important<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors and outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Blow bubbles for the children to count – How many? Can you match with counters? Link to subitising<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Why do footballers and rugby players have a bath after a game?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of a bath with teddy in it – link to maths and add and count the bubbles</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (1) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5AQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #ourselves #me (1) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 5A

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>5A | NURSERY RHYMES WITH OURSELVES/ME THEME</strong></p> <p><strong>Teddy, Teddy, Little Bear 1<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions (add untuned instruments to make sounds for jumps)<br /> PSED | Discuss how what we do impacts on ours/others feelings<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Link to PD jumping and counting/low &amp; high/ tall &amp; short/narrow &amp; wide<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Why don’t people sit on a chair all day? Why best not to jump on chairs?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of bear jumping on chair/Use untuned instruments and make percussion sounds for each jump</p> <p><strong>Look! Look! Bedtime 2 (Traditional tune – Baa, Baa…)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss bedtime routines and why rest/sleep is important for our bodies/minds<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Model soft and loud snoring &amp; link to counting the snores – Can you match your snores with counters?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss our bedtimes and link to how animals rest and places they rest/sleep<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of snoring using Zzz patterns (link to repeating patterns)</p> <p><strong>Dog and Cat 10 (Traditional tune – Jack and Jill)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss what dog and cat are eating and link to eating healthily/Discuss sharing and friendship<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make paper pizzas and cut and count number of pieces – link to half/quarter<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Would a dog/cat eat pizza? Why not?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of pizzas and link to healthy toppings and treat toppings</p> <p><strong>Oh! Puddle, Puddle! 13 (Traditional tune – Hey Diddle Diddle)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing, add actions<br /> PSED | Discuss playing in the rain – Why is it fun playing with water?<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Make lily pads for following a path indoors/outdoors – How many steps? Link to turning left/right<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss when it’s best to stay indoors and outdoor/indoor clothes<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of rain (can link to Maths) | Use untuned musical instruments to make rain sounds</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #food (2) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 4BQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #food (2) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 4B

<p>Speaking and listening is a key starting point, each rhyme can also be used as a focus for cross themed/curricular work. In addition to vocabulary, communication and language and early literacy development the rhymes link to all of the EYFS areas of learning. The rhymes provide ideal focus points for weeks of fun, creative, active and interactive language play, development and learning.</p> <p><strong>4b | FOOD THEME (2)</strong></p> <p><strong>Eat, Apples and Oranges 47<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th/6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss healthy eating<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use resources to make and fill a bowl/ Link to pairs and add paired/unpaired foods (even/odd numbers)<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss different food groups<br /> A&amp;D | See MATHS Create pictures/models using paint/crayons/Playdoh</p> <p><strong>My Belly is Empty 52<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th/6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss how we know a baby is feeling hungry and compare to us feeling hungry<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use paper plates for babies faces – use 5/10 cubes and model whole and parts to feed baby bits of toast<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Why can’t we give a baby a whole slice of toast?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models as per MATHS ideas using paint/crayons/Playdoh</p> <p><strong>It’s Crispy and Crunchy 57<br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th/6th &amp; 8th lines rhyme)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss having a bath/wash and why<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Fold a page and sort crispy and crunchy foods and soft foods – How many of each?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – discuss crispy and crunchy and think of own favourite crispy and crunchy foods<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of crispy and crunchy foods and soft foods using paint/crayons/Playdoh</p> <p><strong>Happy Birthday to You, Not Me! 70<br /> (Traditional tune – Happy Birthday to You)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss how we change as we age<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Use construction resources to make a cake and candles – How many candles? Define pair (even/odd numbers) – Is our age odd or even?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Define party – what would you have at your birthday party?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of a cake and candles using paint/crayons/Playdoh | Use untuned musical instruments to model and make/share the tune</p> <p>Rhymes taken from:<br /> Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #food (1) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 4AQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #food (1) |#EYFS #areasoflearning 4A

<p>Wizzy’s Words #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW themes to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>Speaking and listening is the key starting point but each rhyme can also be used as a focus for each of the EYFS areas of learning.</p> <p><strong>4a | EYFS THEME | FOOD</strong></p> <p><strong>Monday’s Bowl 4 (Traditional tune – Monday’s Child)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss what a healthy bowl of food could be<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Define a week, how many days? Define a weekend<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – cooking/washing up<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of foods, healthy &amp; treat foods</p> <p><strong>Dog and Cat 10 (Traditional tune – Jack and Jill)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss and define friendship<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Define pizza shape and link to half and quarter and sharing (even/odd numbers)<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss - Is it okay to eat pizza every day?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of pizzas and parts of pizzas (half/quarter)</p> <p><strong>This Hungry Monkey 32 (Traditional tune – This Little Piggy)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss eating healthily and the effects of over eating<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | How many hungry monkeys in the rhyme? Show me the numeral/match with cubes<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Would a monkey eat dinner/bread? Where could you find out?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of monkeys and the food they really eat</p> <p><strong>Coffee, Coffee, Bottle Too 37<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)</strong><br /> C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss why infants drink milk not coffee<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out indoors/outdoors*<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Can we count the grapes? How many? Can we match with cubes?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss when we eat breakfast/lunch/dinner<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of grapes | Use untuned musical instruments to play along to the rhyme</p> <p>**Cookie, Cookie, in My Mouth 39<br /> (Traditional tune – Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) **</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing<br /> PSED | Discuss sharing our cookies<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme outdoors<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Talk about sharing using counters as cookies – link to odd and even<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Discuss where we can buy cookies/biscuits<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of cookies or pairs of cookies</p> <p>From: Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #dinosaurs | #EYFS #areasoflearning 2Quick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #dinosaurs | #EYFS #areasoflearning 2

<p>**EYFS #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>**SEE ACCOMPANYING RESOURCE SHEETS<br /> (AND VIDEOS WHERE AVAILABLE) **</p> <p>Rhymes and their content<br /> Can be used every day<br /> To bring natural learning to life<br /> In so many ways</p> <p>Whilst speaking and listening is a key starting point, each rhyme can also be used as a focus for cross themed/curricular work. In addition to vocabulary, communication and language and early literacy development the rhymes link to mathematics, PSED, understanding of the world, expressive arts and design and physical development. The rhymes provide ideal focus points for weeks of fun, creative, active and interactive language play, development and learning.</p> <p><strong>2 | DINOSAUR THEMED RHYMES</strong></p> <p>**Two Little Dinosaurs 9 (Traditional tune – Two Little Dicky Birds)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing the rhyme<br /> PSED | Discuss when we need to think about being quieter<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors, note pairs/pairing &amp; even/odd<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Define 2 as a pair (even/odd numbers) - Can we make pairs with cubes/counters/pennies/shoes?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – can you name another animal? Discuss why you cannot see dinosaurs at the zoo<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of dinosaurs using paint/crayons/Playdoh | Use untuned musical instruments to model loud and quiet sound patterns for the children to follow**</p> <p><strong>Explore, Dinosaurs’ Roars 27 (Traditional tune – See-Saw Margery Daw)</strong></p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing the rhyme<br /> PSED | Discuss walking and stomping – model the difference – pretend to be excited/cross to illustrate<br /> PD | Link to indoor/outdoor literacy and number/Act out the rhyme and stomping<br /> LIT| Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | How many dinosaurs can we see? Can we count on? (in 1s or 2s) | Note and define pair (even/odd numbers) - Can we make pairs with cubes/counters/pennies?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – discuss what material windows are made of and ask the children why<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictures/models of windows to look through using paint/crayons/Playdoh | Create a pair of bongos | Use untuned musical instruments and take outdoors, if possible, to recite the rhyme and mimic the bongo sounds</p> <p>These rhymes are taken from:<br /> Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>To find out more about the story of Wizzy’s Words and the research it is based on visit <a href="http://www.wizzyswords.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.wizzyswords.co.uk</a> and/or <a href="https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/</a></p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p> <p>Teaching experience led me to research and then develop… Wizzy’s Words book of research-informed nursery rhymes &amp; accompanying free resources<br /> A social not for profit initiative | Please share and review</p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #shopping | #EYFS #areasoflearning 3Quick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #shopping | #EYFS #areasoflearning 3

<p>**EYFS #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW to the #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>SEE ACCOMPANYING RESOURCE SHEETS<br /> (AND VIDEOS WHERE AVAILABLE) **</p> <p>Rhymes and their content<br /> Can be used every day<br /> To bring natural learning to life<br /> In so many ways</p> <p>Whilst speaking and listening is a key starting point, each rhyme can also be used as a focus for cross themed/curricular work. In addition to vocabulary, communication and language and early literacy development the rhymes link to mathematics, PSED, understanding of the world, expressive arts and design and physical development. The rhymes provide ideal focus points for weeks of fun, creative, active and interactive language play, development and learning.</p> <p>**3 | SHOPPING THEMED RHYMES</p> <p><strong>Put Butter and Ice-Cream - 50</strong><br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing the rhyme<br /> PSED | Discuss making a healthy shopping list<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors, use playground chalk to draw things from the rhyme<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | How many things/items are on our shopping list? Count out in cubes/counters/pennies/shoes?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – Could we eat a truck full of jelly? Why not?<br /> A&amp;D | Create a pictorial shopping list and add labels/models of foods/sort healthy foods from treat foods**</p> <p><strong>No, Crackers and Burgers - 49</strong><br /> (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)</p> <p>C &amp; L | Listen, say, sing the rhyme<br /> PSED | Discuss and define ‘shopping’, going shopping, a healthy shopping list<br /> PD | Link to outdoor literacy, act out rhyme indoors/outdoors, adding actions for going shopping<br /> LIT | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the sounds/words that sound the same?<br /> MATHS | Discuss how many? How many things did we buy? Count out in cubes/counters/pennies?<br /> UTW | Link the rhyme to everyday events – can you name some shops? Do they all sell the same things?<br /> A&amp;D | Create pictorial shopping lists/models of foods &amp; link to healthy eating versus treats/<br /> **<br /> These rhymes are taken from:<br /> Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>To find out more about the story of Wizzy’s Words and the research it is based on visit <a href="http://www.wizzyswords.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.wizzyswords.co.uk</a> and/or <a href="https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/</a></p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p> <p>Teaching experience led me to research and then develop… Wizzy’s Words book of research-informed nursery rhymes &amp; accompanying free resources<br /> A social not for profit initiative | Please share and review - Thank you</p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #travel | #EYFS #areasoflearning 1Quick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #travel | #EYFS #areasoflearning 1

<p>**EYFS #earlylearning rhymes linking #UTW to #eyfs areas of learning</p> <p>**SEE ACCOMPANYING RESOURCE SHEETS<br /> (AND VIDEOS WHERE AVAILABLE) **</p> <p>Rhymes and their content<br /> Can be used every day<br /> To bring learning to life<br /> In so many ways</p> <p>Whilst speaking and listening is a key focus, each rhyme can also be used as a focus for cross themed/curricular work. In addition to vocabulary, communication and language and early literacy development the rhymes link to numeracy, PSHE, science, knowledge and understanding of the world, the arts and other curriculum areas. The rhymes provide ideal focus points for weeks of fun, creative, active language play.</p> <p>**1 | Transport and Travel themed Rhymes</p> <p>Train, Train, Chuff Away 8 (Traditional tune – Rain, Rain, Go Away)<br /> SHARE &amp; NOTE NEW VOCABULARY/REPEAT TOGETHER/ACT OUT/DISCUSS WHAT BEING SHY MEANS/CREATE OR MODEL TRAIN SCENES AND USED UNTUNED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS TO FOLLOW A MODELLED SOUND PATTERN</p> <p>Ride a Red Bus 23 (Traditional tune - Ride a Cock Horse to Banbury Cross)<br /> SHARE &amp; NOTE NEW VOCABULARY/REPEAT TOGETHER/ACT OUT/DISCUSS ZOO ANIMALS/LINK TO NUMBER AND WHY WE NEED TO CATCH THE RIGHT BUS/CREATE BUS PICTURES WITH NUMBERS</p> <p>Plane Fly, Plane High 28 (Traditional tune - Star Light, Star Bright)<br /> SHARE &amp; NOTE NEW VOCABULARY/REPEAT TOGETHER/ACT OUT/DISCUSS FAST AND SLOW/MODEL HOW TO MAKE PAPER PLANES AND LINK TO HOW FAR?</p> <p>Two White Bikes 33 (Traditional tune - Two Blind Mice)<br /> SHARE &amp; NOTE NEW VOCABULARY/REPEAT TOGETHER/ACT OUT/DISCUSS HIGH AND LOW/LINK TO PSHE AND BEING ACTIVE/CREATE BICYCLE WHEELS WITH REPEATING PATTERNS</p> <p>Off, Hooting to Station 55 (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)<br /> SHARE &amp; NOTE NEW VOCABULARY/REPEAT TOGETHER/ACT OUT/DISCUSS VISITING DIFFERENT PLACES/CREATE PICTURES OF PLACES WE HAVE VISITED AND COUNT HOW MANY</p> <p>You’re Ready and Steady 62 (Rhythm - 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)<br /> SHARE &amp; NOTE NEW VOCABULARY/REPEAT TOGETHER/ACT OUT/DISCUSS ROAD SAFETY/TALK ABOUT NOON AND TELLING THE TIME &amp; CREATE SIMPLE CLOCKS WITH SAME TIME</p> <p>These rhymes are taken from:<br /> Wizzy’s Words book of rhymes | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | Published by Troubador</p> <p>To find out more about the story of Wizzy’s Words and the research it is based on visit <a href="http://www.wizzyswords.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.wizzyswords.co.uk</a> and/or <a href="https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/</a></p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p> <p>PLEASE HELP MORE INFANTS | BY REVIEWING AND SHARING WITH PARENTS AND PRACTITIONERS :)</p> <p>Wizzy’s Words is a social non-profit initiative/resource developed to fill the development, word &amp; associated early and lifelong learning gap</p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #science | #EYFS #areasoflearningQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #science | #EYFS #areasoflearning

<p>NURSERY RHYMES FOR EXPLORING THE NATURAL WORLD</p> <p>WEATHER &amp; SEASONS | Rain, Snow, Ice, Sun | Rhymes 7, 13, 20, 22, 29<br /> LIGHT &amp; DARK | Rhyme 43</p> <p>With a focus on hearing language in order to develop speaking and listening and then linking in to all areas of the #EYFS curriculum</p> <p>Rhymes and their content<br /> Can be used every day<br /> To bring learning to life<br /> In so many ways</p> <p>WIZZY’S WORDS RHYMES PRESENTED HERE<br /> (with accompanying resources)</p> <p>R7 Rain, Rain, Go Away (Traditional tune – Rain, Rain, Go Away)<br /> Resource sheet</p> <p>R13 Oh Puddle, Puddle (Traditional tune – Hey Diddle Diddle)<br /> Sheet and video</p> <p>R20 Wizzy Put Your Jacket on (Traditional tune – Polly Put the Kettle On)<br /> Sheet and video</p> <p>R22 ‘Thanks’ Say the Flowers! (Traditional tune – Pop Goes the Weasel)<br /> Sheet and video</p> <p>R29 It’s Snowing and Cold (Traditional tune – The North Wind Doth Blow)<br /> Sheet and video</p> <p>R43 Days Lighter, Nights Darker (Rhythm pattern 2nd &amp; 4th and 6th &amp; 8th lines rhymes)<br /> Sheet and video</p> <p>PLANNING IDEAS<br /> <strong>COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE</strong> | Listen to a rhyme/Say the rhyme together/Make the sound effects/Say the words/Look out for phoneme sounds that the children know whilst focusing on the rhythm of the words and presenting appropriate new phoneme sounds/Discuss features of the natural world and its vocabulary<br /> <strong>PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT</strong> | Discuss keeping warm, keeping dry<br /> <strong>PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT</strong> | Add actions to the rhymes and link to indoor and outdoor movement and the importance of being active<br /> <strong>LITERACY</strong> | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the words that sound the same? Model rhyming strings for weather/seasons/night and day<br /> <strong>MATHEMATICS</strong> | How many? Can we count the rain drops? Discuss the shape of raindrops/clouds… Use subitising to create patterns for raindrops with cubes/counters…<br /> <strong>UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD</strong> | Link the rhyme to everyday events such as holding an umbrella/wearing a coat/Discuss why even when it’s cold we can’t stay indoors all year!? Discuss the differences in the weather and between night and day | Use a shoe box and a torch to create a dark box to look at objects in the light and then the dark<br /> <strong>EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN</strong> | Use the themes from the rhymes to create pictures with a natural world theme e.g. black paper and chalk to create night pictures/Contrasting night time and day time pictures/ Rainy- &amp; sunny-day pictures | Use Playdoh to model the weather</p> <p>These rhymes are taken from:<br /> Wizzy’s Words | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | 0 to 5+ | Published by Troubador</p> <p>To find out more about the story of Wizzy’s Words and the research it is based on visit <a href="http://www.wizzyswords.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.wizzyswords.co.uk</a> and/or <a href="https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/</a></p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p> <p>HELP MORE INFANTS | PLEASE REVIEW AND SHARE, SHARE, SHARE</p>
Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #minibeasts |#EYFS #areasoflearningQuick View

Early learning #nurseryrhymes #literacy #number #UTW #minibeasts |#EYFS #areasoflearning

<p>#WORLD BEE DAY and beyond</p> <p>THESE IDEAS CAN BE USED FOR WORLD BEE DAY OR CAN BE ADAPTED TO SUIT MINI BEAST TOPICS ACROSS THE YEAR</p> <p>THE FOCUS HERE | Early learning | Knowledge and Understanding of the World | Mini beasts | In the Garden #outdoor learning</p> <p>With a focus on hearing language in order to develop speaking and listening and then linking it to all areas of the #EYFS curriculum the focus is on knowledge and understanding of the world</p> <p>Rhymes and their content<br /> Can be used every day<br /> To bring learning to life<br /> In so many ways</p> <p>WIZZY’S WORDS RHYME PRESENTED HERE | For World Bee Day and everyday learning (with accompanying resources)</p> <p>R22 ‘Thanks!’ Say the Flowers! (Tune – Pop Goes the Weasel…)<br /> Video and resources sheet</p> <p>PLANNING IDEAS (Take outdoors if at all possible and link to the plants and flowers that the children can see)<br /> COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE | Listen to the rhyme/Say the rhyme together/Make the sound effects/Say the words/Look out for phoneme sounds that the children know whilst focusing on the rhythm of the words and presenting appropriate new phoneme sounds/Discuss what bees do and why?<br /> PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT | Discuss who protects us and why bees need our protection too<br /> PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT | Practise being bees and buzzing and flapping around/ Link to outdoor literacy and number/Act out and count the number of bees buzzing around/ Bees ‘waggle dance’ to communicate to each other - pattern/sequence - can we make our own waggle dance?/<br /> LITERACY | Rhyming - Can we hear/spot the words that sound the same?<br /> MATHEMATICS | How many? Can we count along? Can we count on? Can we count the stripes on the bees? Can we make that pattern with paper? What else could we use?<br /> UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD | Link the rhyme to nature and everyday/yearly events| Discuss what bees do and why?<br /> EXPRESSIVE ARTS AND DESIGN | Create pictures of bees or of the bees’ stripes | Count the stripes |Make or add the numerals | Use Playdoh to make bees and their hive and discuss and make the bees some honey?</p> <p>This rhyme is taken from:<br /> Wizzy’s Words | 70 #earlylearning rhymes for today | 0 to 5+ | Published by Troubador</p> <p>To find out more about the story of Wizzy’s Words and the research it is based on visit <a href="http://www.wizzyswords.co.uk" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.wizzyswords.co.uk</a> and/or<br /> <a href="https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://wizzyswords.co.uk/blog/52/the-story-of-wizzys-words-book-of-rhymes-now-including-ael-freeresources/</a></p> <p>Link for all Wizzy’s Words AEL #freeresources on Times Ed Resources <a href="https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie">https://www.tes.com/member/Jaxxie</a></p> <p>HELP MORE INFANTS | PLEASE REVIEW AND SHARE, SHARE, SHARE</p>