A3 summary  transport in plantsQuick View

A3 summary transport in plants

page one transpiration stream with gaps - page two with possible answers - page three translocation with gaps - page four possible answers - Summary for Edexcel IGCSE or preparation for AS -
rev summary sheet Homeostasis AQA Bio add sci gcseQuick View

rev summary sheet Homeostasis AQA Bio add sci gcse

AQA GCSE ADD SCIENCE BIOLOGY • Print gaps sheet as A3, more room for writing • Print answers on A4 to save paper • Project onto screen for colour unless you have access to colour printing • Kids fill in the gaps and add colour. At least I know they have read the content once! • They can add linking lines • They can then produce their own for other topics • Covers the whole specification for this topic. Please comment
Learning grid Photosynthesis IGCSE EdexcelQuick View

Learning grid Photosynthesis IGCSE Edexcel

Designed for Edexcel IGCSE photosythesis and crop plants. The huge advantage of learning grids is that pairs are all doing different tasks and the chance of them all needing teacher help at once are minimal. Weaker pairs do not feel left behind as all tasks are undertaken in a random order. Resources per pair • Grid printed on A3 • Dice to roll twice to choose square • Question and MS bank • Text books. Based on an activity in Engaging Learners by Griffith & Burns, Osiris Educational
Conservation- gorilla study sheet & essayQuick View

Conservation- gorilla study sheet & essay

Worksheet guides the student on a web based video and article tour providing a background on mountain gorilla conservation. Links to HSW are given and an essay set. Encouragement to question evidence is given. Would suit most boards and IB. We follow WJEC
Stem cell research 'play decide' discussion gameQuick View

Stem cell research 'play decide' discussion game

<p>This is a structured discussion in three stages on stem cell research and ethics. 1. Information gathering from cards. 2. Discussion and sharing. 3. Voting / reaching a consensus. I found it on the web and adapted a Powerpoint to explain it to a class and remind myself how it works. Timings are important. There are games on other topics and you could make up your own. The PDF files contain all the printouts you need for the game on stem cell research. I have used this in biology lessons. Please comment.</p>
climate change play decide; discussion activityQuick View

climate change play decide; discussion activity

<p>This is a structured discussion in three stages on climate change and global warming. 1. Information gathering from cards. 2. Discussion and sharing. 3. Voting / reaching a consensus. I found it on the web. Timings are important. There are games on other topics and you could make up your own. The PDF files contain all the printouts you need for the game on climate change. The powerpoint summarises the game and how it works; useful for expalining to a class.Please comment.</p>
Learning grid reproduction Edexcel IGCSE BIOLOGYQuick View

Learning grid reproduction Edexcel IGCSE BIOLOGY

Designed for Edexcel IGCSE Reproduction. The huge advantage of learning grids is that pairs are all doing different tasks and the chance of them all needing teacher help at once are minimal. Weaker pairs do not feel left behind as all tasks are undertaken in a random order. Resources per pair • Grid printed on A3 • Dice to roll twice to choose square • Question and MS bank • Text books. Based on an activity in Engaging Learners by Griffith & Burns, Osiris Educational
cross-pollination, primrose, iGCSE Biology EdexcelQuick View

cross-pollination, primrose, iGCSE Biology Edexcel

<p>Background information and questions on pin and thrum primroses. Extension designed to get some reading done as well as thinking. One file contains student sheet. The second has possible answers. iGCSE edexcel. Please comment</p>
rev summary sheet energy flows aqa gcse add sciQuick View

rev summary sheet energy flows aqa gcse add sci

• Print gaps sheet as A3, more room for writing • Print answers on A4 to save paper • Project onto screen for colour unless you have access to colour printing • Kids fill in the gaps and add colour. I know they have at least read the content once! • They can add linking lines too • They can then produce their own for other topics. Please comment