KS1 Acrostic Poem TemplateQuick View

KS1 Acrostic Poem Template

This is a Five Senses-based acrostic poem explanation and template sheet. The first page could be used, on the IWB, as an introduction to the lesson (following perhaps a 'sensory walk' to get the children thinking about how to describe what they are seeing/tasting/feeling/hearing etc.<br /> The following pages are the writing template themselves. They are differentiated to cover words of between 4-9 letters (word bank provided to inspire the children!)<br /> I hope you find it helpful!
Worksheet: Comparing Numbers to 20 and 30Quick View

Worksheet: Comparing Numbers to 20 and 30

This is a practical worksheet for Year 1 and 2. Children first have to consolidate their understanding of the numbers to 20 by completing a number line. <br /> They then apply that information (checked by TA/Teacher first!) to answering a series of questions relating to the relative value of numbers e.g. Write a number that is bigger than 8.<br /> The sheets are differentiated to three different levels:<br /> 1. Compare numbers to 20 (e.g. bigger than 11)<br /> 2. Compare numbers to 20 with limitations (e.g. bigger than 10, but smaller than 14)<br /> 3. Compare numbers to 30 with limitations (e.g. smaller than 24, but bigger than 11)
KS1 Rotating Rodent! Rotation and Direction Differentiated WorksheetQuick View

KS1 Rotating Rodent! Rotation and Direction Differentiated Worksheet

This worksheet (differentiated to three different levels), give pupils the opportunity to identify (and circle) how a rat would look when rotated a full/half/quarter turn clockwise or anti-clockwise. The questioning gets increasing tricky, varying from: 'How would the rat look after a whole turn clockwise?'; to 'How would the rat look after a half turn clockwise and then a quarter turn anti-clockwise?'<br /> It's great for stretching the children, whatever their ability, and they like the scary rat too!<br /> The extension gives the children the opportunity to write their own instructions for a rotating cat. Enjoy!
KS2 Differentiated Halving to 20,50 and 100Quick View

KS2 Differentiated Halving to 20,50 and 100

A differentiated worksheet requiring pupils to halve numbers - and halve them again. Three different levels - to 20, 50 and 100 with tricky extension questions with halving of odd numbers.<br /> Free Mark Scheme to accompany this sheet.
Creative Writing Marking Grid KS1 and 2Quick View

Creative Writing Marking Grid KS1 and 2

Having trawled through 88 pages of National Curriculum Guidelines for English, I put together this straightforward marking grid for all classes from Year 1-6, to speed up the marking process. The table states what to look for in: spelling; handwriting; punctuation; word level; sentence level; and text level. <br /> I hope you find it useful!
KS2 Halving and Doubling to 100 DifferentiatedQuick View

KS2 Halving and Doubling to 100 Differentiated

A trio of worksheets, differentiated at three different levels. Should consolidate learning and extend those children that need a bit more of a push. The first sheet is straightforward doubling; the other two sheets require the learners to halve and divide a number. Mark scheme attached.
Year 2-3 3D Shape Properties Table (Differentiated)Quick View

Year 2-3 3D Shape Properties Table (Differentiated)

This is a class sheet to complement a hands-on investigation in to the qualities of 3D shapes. You will need to have the class split in to 2-3 differentiated groups, working at 2-3 work stations, each with a set of 3D shapes. The children then use the shapes to complete the table to discern the following information: how many curved sides it has; how many straight sides it has; how many vertices it has. The differentiated sheets also cover whether: the shape can be rolled; the shape can be stacked.<br /> This information could be used in the plenary: children could describe the shape using the information they've gathered and the class/their partner have to guess the shape using that information....Just a thought :-)