Characteristics of Effective LearningQuick View

Characteristics of Effective Learning

This is a word file copy of the Development Matters EYFS document's section on Characteristics of Effective Learning showing all three strands and the statements contained within the original document. I&'ve made it for people who like to copy and paste statements into children&';s records (like me)
Oxford Reading Tree Sight WordsQuick View

Oxford Reading Tree Sight Words

This is a word document containing all the Oxford Reading Tree / ORT Stage 1 2 3 4 and 5 sight key words. I use these as the Reception high frequency flashcards so I have also added in a sixth page with the remaining Letters and Sounds Tricky words that aren't included. Therefore this also includes Tricky words from Phonics Phase 2 3 and 4.
Open QuestionsQuick View

Open Questions

Knowing that we should be asking open questions in an Early Years environment is one thing, calling some to mind is another. Here are some I've collated from our EY Advisor and the document Numbers and Patterns. I've displayed them prominently in our environment so all adults can see them.
Letter Games BookletQuick View

Letter Games Booklet

A homework/parental involvement in EYFS Reception Phonics Phase 2 Letters and Sounds booklet. Read my information file to check how to print it out like a proper booklet. Hope its helpful!
Countdown Letters and Sounds GameQuick View

Countdown Letters and Sounds Game

Powerpoint for all the words in phases 6 and 7 of Letters and Sounds I'm using to support game on p86 called 'countdown'. Or you could delete the first slide and just use them to practice reading.
Writing Stimulus PromptsQuick View

Writing Stimulus Prompts

I've been making simple child initiated stimulus prompts, and here are some we use every day. Vets - pet name, what's wrong, what did you do? Construction area - writing about your model Creative area - a label for models to encourage name writing, we use it for the junk modelling and creative table Hope they save someone some time!
satpin bingo boardsQuick View

satpin bingo boards

satpin bingo boards to support teaching of Phase 2 Letters and Sounds, first 6 letters/phonemes. 7 boards and one to cut up.
How Many Can PlayQuick View

How Many Can Play

This is a simple set of sheets with multicultural clip art pictures of children to let them know how many children can play in an area. Good for people like me with lots of ethnicities in their cohort! They can count the pictures of the children to know how many can play.
Snack table menuQuick View

Snack table menu

Snack table menu for those of us who have fruit and milk as part of our continuous provision in EYFS. We call ours the cafe, and I've made this simple menu proforma to laminate and have children write what we have to eat and drink today.
Phase 2 and Phase 3Quick View

Phase 2 and Phase 3

This is a word document I made to send home to parents. It is a chart of all the Phase 2 and Phase 3 letter sound graphemes with a chart that has these sounds in bold in words, eg ai in the word rain.
Chime bar boomwhacker hand bell notes charts colour codedQuick View

Chime bar boomwhacker hand bell notes charts colour coded

These three documents are for using with chime bars, boomwhackers, hand bells, or any other colour coded children's musical instrument. These are based on the colouring of the &quot;rainbow&quot; chime bars you can buy from TTS, and of the boomwhackers.<br /> <br /> There are two songs (so far) Happy Birthday, and Twinkle Twinkle written out just in a chart so children (or you) can play them.<br /> <br /> There is a file with just the notes in that match the scale on the chime bars, which you can print out several times, cut up and use for composition.
Space, Alien 'Help Wanted' postersQuick View

Space, Alien 'Help Wanted' posters

Using in topic on space. Already drawn our alien now we're using these posters to describe a problem for the alien to solve which I&'m going to help them work up into a story.