GCSE English Gap Analysis Spreadsheet (AQA)Quick View

GCSE English Gap Analysis Spreadsheet (AQA)

<p>This spreadsheet produces a personalised achievement page for English Literature and Language, for each student in your class, showing marks for each question, on each paper and for each qualification.</p> <p>Fill in the names of your class into the Totals sheet, then add the marks they achieved per question across the others and the sheet automatically does your gap analysis for you!</p> <p>Grade boundaries are from the 2019 examination series.</p>
Writing Skills for Key Stage 3Quick View

Writing Skills for Key Stage 3

<p>A 128 slide PowerPoint covering writing skills, including:</p> <ul> <li>Handwriting</li> <li>Spelling</li> <li>Adjectives, comparatives and superlatives</li> <li>Semantic field</li> <li>Pluralisation of words ending in -y</li> <li>Apostrophes</li> <li>Verb tenses</li> <li>Sentence types</li> <li>Word classes</li> <li>Nouns</li> <li>Punctuation of direct speech</li> <li>Homophones</li> <li>Initialisation and acronym</li> <li>Varying the beginning of sentences</li> <li></li> </ul>
A Christmas Carol School PlayQuick View

A Christmas Carol School Play

A version of 'A Christmas Carol' written for use as a school play. The play lasts roughly an hour and ten minutes and is rights free.
Analytical Writing and Success CriteriaQuick View

Analytical Writing and Success Criteria

<p>This is a resource to promote an analytical paragraph structure for students’ writing.</p> <p>It contains:</p> <ul> <li>Sentence starters to guide students to be more analytical and evaluative in their writing</li> <li>A paragraph structure to follow</li> <li>Two levels of success criteria to aid students in the initial writing and subsequent improvement of their work.</li> </ul>
Random Simile SelectorQuick View

Random Simile Selector

<p>A spreadsheet that generates random similes for students to discuss whether they are effective or not, as well as prompting them to create their own, effective similes.</p> <p>Unhide columns A-D to edit the words that will appear in the similes.</p>