Food - Dietary needs throughout life - CoverQuick View

Food - Dietary needs throughout life - Cover

<p>KS4 Food Preparation and Nutrition - Dietary Needs Throughout Life</p> <p>Created as a cover lesson for different classes to learn learn about how dietary needs change throughout life.</p> <p>These resources may also be used by non-specialists to deliver this topic in theory lessons, or as a revision tool.</p> <p>Two different worksheets are available in this resource as both Word documents and PDF files.</p>
Editable Apple Crumble Picture RecipeQuick View

Editable Apple Crumble Picture Recipe

<p>An editable picture step by step, apple crumble recipe.</p> <p>This recipe can be used by anyone, but is particularly good for SEND, EAL and LPA students, as the pictures act as a prompt, alongside the written instructions.</p>
KS3 H&S Cover Lesson - Food Poisoning OutbreakQuick View

KS3 H&S Cover Lesson - Food Poisoning Outbreak

<p>KS3 Food Preparation and Nutrition Read and Write cover lesson based on a real food poisoning outbreak in the UK.</p> <p>Students read through the information, answer the questions and then research their own examples to write about.</p> <p>Answers included for non specialists to facilitate marking within the lesson.</p>
Y7 Cover Lesson - Eatwell GuideQuick View

Y7 Cover Lesson - Eatwell Guide

<p>Year 7 Food Preparation and Nutrition Read and Write cover lesson based on Healthy Eating and The Eatwell Guide.</p> <p>Students read through the information, answer the questions and write a summary paragraph.</p> <p>Answers included for non specialists to facilitate marking within the lesson.</p>
Carrot Cakes Picture RecipeQuick View

Carrot Cakes Picture Recipe

<p>A carrot cake recipe I use with Year 7 Food Preparation and Nutrition Students.</p> <p>There is both a picture step-by-step recipe I use with students in lessons and one with further information that I post on our online learning platform. Picture step-by-step recipes are particularly useful for those that need extra support i.e. English as an Additional Language, Low Reading Age, Low Ability, SEND, etc. Or even students that are more visual learners.</p> <p>An editable version of these resources are available as a paid resource, along with a video recipe to use in demonstration lessons or home learning / homework.</p>
GCSE inside front cover for booksQuick View

GCSE inside front cover for books

<p>A nutrition reference page I use inside the front cover of my Year 10s GCSE AQA Food Preparation and Nutrition exercise books.</p> <p>Students use this as a constant reference point throughout the year and has proved really useful.</p>
Apple Crumble picture step-by-step and video recipeQuick View

Apple Crumble picture step-by-step and video recipe

<p>An apple crumble recipe with picture step by steps, to support students in food preparation and nutrition lessons.</p> <p>There is a YouTube video recipe link that can be played to students in the lesson or set as homework prior to the lesson. Being on YouTube makes it easy to embed this in to your PowerPoint presentation or to copy and paste the video link on your school homework platform.</p> <p>The picture step by step recipe sheet can help support EAL, SEND and LPA students in your lessons. It can also be given to all learners to support independent working in busy practical lessons.</p>