IBDP Computer Science - Option C Web Science - 6.7Quick View

IBDP Computer Science - Option C Web Science - 6.7

Lesson is focused on 6.7 of the Web Science(Option C) unit of IBDP Computer Science, with the following outcomes: Evaluate methods of searching: Analyze the effectiveness of different search methods on the web Synthesize a strategy for searching the web based on a specific context Evaluate the impact of the intelligent web on searching for information Lesson include the following: Handout Notes Key terminology PPT Questions with answers
IBDP Computer Science - Option C Web Science 6.8, 6.9 & 6.10Quick View

IBDP Computer Science - Option C Web Science 6.8, 6.9 & 6.10

Lesson is focused on 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 of the Web Science(Option C) unit of IBDP Computer Science, with the following outcomes: Distinguish between ambient intelligence and collective intelligence. Discuss how ambient intelligence can be used to support people. Explain how collective intelligence can be applied to complex issues. Lesson include the following: Handout Notes Key terminology PPT Questions with answers