SEND Report TemplateQuick View

SEND Report Template

A useful template to structure your SEND reports to governors/headteacher/Ofsted Considers the different areas of need, progress, attendance, agencies used, pupil premium
Pupil Progress Meeting / Class SEF PaperworkQuick View

Pupil Progress Meeting / Class SEF Paperwork

A comprehensive document to use in pupil progress meetings to analyse and discuss the data of a class. The paperwork includes grids for overall percentages of children who are working towards/on track/above for R/W/M/Combined. It also considers prior attainment, groups of children and attendance, followed by provision mapping and review for moving forward.
The Blitz Structure StripQuick View

The Blitz Structure Strip

This structure strip was created for a Y6 writing lesson focusing on setting descriptions. The writing was linked to a scene from The Blitz but this could be adapted for other settings.
Titanic Setting Description - Plan and Structure StripQuick View

Titanic Setting Description - Plan and Structure Strip

Resources for planning and writing a setting description of the Titanic. Resources include a planning ideas template, vocabulary plan and a structure strip to support the writing of a setting description about Titanic.