Melting iceQuick View

Melting ice

UNEP says the world's ice and snow is shrinking due to global warming, but why should that matter? Find out what impact melting ice has on all our lives.
The Big Picture - public information filmQuick View

The Big Picture - public information film

<p></p><p>Public information film explaining why water is a precious and valuable resource, exploding some of the myths about how much water we have and how much we’re now using. The film explains some of the simple actions we can all take which can reduce water consumption.</p><p></p>
One Planet FutureQuick View

One Planet Future

This film was made with drawings and voices from school children, guided by art and drama specialists, and was brought to life by a group of animation and sound experts.
New Designers 2010Quick View

New Designers 2010

In search of sustainable design. Exhibitors at the London graduate show talk about their views on green design, and shed some light on their own inventions/products.
My Mate's a PrimateQuick View

My Mate's a Primate

Humans are encroaching on more and more of the planet -- consuming, polluting and destroying.
Sustainable textile makingQuick View

Sustainable textile making

Did you know that 90% of clothing consumed in the UK is imported? It is crucial therefore to develop to improved ecological, ethical and cultural criteria when creating and designing sustainable textiles overseas. This short film gives an insight into how this can be achieved in India.
Mount Everest glacial retreatQuick View

Mount Everest glacial retreat

Greenpeace reports that the glacial retreat in the Mt Everest Region in the Himalayas due to climate change is affecting the Tibetans' traditional way of life.
Africa Water ResourcesQuick View

Africa Water Resources

The atlas combines visual time series imagery to visually show how climate change threatens the fresh water resources on the African continent. Using satellite pictures taken over long periods of time, the atlas now shows us changes that we were not able to see just 10 to 20 years ago.
Polar BearsQuick View

Polar Bears

Two polar bears muse about whether humans caused global warming.
Invaders of the UK Overseas TerritoriesQuick View

Invaders of the UK Overseas Territories

The UK's Overseas territories contain a diverse range of native and endemic species but these fragile environments are under threat by the introduction of invasive, non-native species. This film looks at ways that visitors and tourists can play their part in protecting such important habitats.
Sudan post-conflictQuick View

Sudan post-conflict

A dramatic illustration of how both the past and future of peace and people's livelihoods in Sudan are inextricably linked to environmental management.
Extreme Weather and DroughtsQuick View

Extreme Weather and Droughts

Extreme weather events could become the norm as global warming heats the earth and allows more water to evaporate. More water in the atmosphere and higher temperatures can alter traditional weather patterns and seasonal cycles.
Balanced PortfolioQuick View

Balanced Portfolio

Reducing CO2 emissions from power generation by balancing the technology mix with more renewable and CO2 free technologies.
Alien InvasionQuick View

Alien Invasion

Planet Earth is under threat - will the aliens decide to save it or trash it? A film by Greenpeace starring Eddie Izzard, Jim Broadbent and Joseph McFadden
Electric carsQuick View

Electric cars

Inside Cop15's Verity Cowper goes for a spin in what's been billed as the first mass market fully electric car and brings it back in one piece!
Slow is beautifulQuick View

Slow is beautiful

One of four scenarios exploring what the world will be like for the fashion industry in 2025. A world of political collaboration and global trade. 'Slow fashion' is in vogue, and high street brands compete on sustainability credentials. People own fewer, but higher quality clothes.
Energy - Let's save itQuick View

Energy - Let's save it

A family is carelessly and unknowingly wasting energy from the moment they wake up. Until something unexpectedly happens. Enjoy the energy saving tips, and save money.
Hawkes Eco HouseQuick View

Hawkes Eco House

A visit to architect Richard Hawkes' stunning Eco House! Hawkes incorporates the flowing of time and the changing of the seasons into a living design.