Harry Potter Maths Investigation - Factors and MultiplesQuick View

Harry Potter Maths Investigation - Factors and Multiples

<p>A year 6 open ended investigation where children must use knowledge of multiplication and factors find as many way as possible of turning three teachers into frogs! Different potions turn different teachers into frogs and require a specific number of insect legs legs. Each potion has lots of different solutions. High, middle and low ability worksheets included.</p>
Cluedo Based Crime Fiction Week - EnglishQuick View

Cluedo Based Crime Fiction Week - English

<p>A week’s worth of Literacy work for a year 5/6 class where children have to concuct a story behind a mysterious crime at Southwark Hall where Lord Branston Pickle has had a precious item stolen. Activities based around a popoluar board game with some familair characters. Type of texts covered: Newspaper Reports Narrative Story Writing Character Profiles Transcript</p>
Superhero ApostrophesQuick View

Superhero Apostrophes

<p>Let Wolverine and Iron Man guide your children through the possessive use of the apostrohpe and its use in contractions. A PowerPoint to show KS2 children all about how to use the apostrohpe correctly. Worksheets differentiated three ways and audio track with Wolverine + Iron Man talking included for the PowerPoints</p>
Line Graphs - Year 6 - Baby Panda WeightQuick View

Line Graphs - Year 6 - Baby Panda Weight

<p>The children must draw a line graph to track the weight of a new baby giant panda at Edinburgh Zoo in its first two years of life. Also, there is a little calculation starter about the lack of pandas in the wild.</p> <p>I put 24 different weights around the room on A4 paper with the month written on that the children had to collect first. They ranged from 0.2KG to 30KG when at 2years old they would leave their mother.</p>
Grammar SAT CPD/Grammar as a writer CPDQuick View

Grammar SAT CPD/Grammar as a writer CPD

<p>CPD for staff that explains how the Grammar SAT paper knowledge can be used in writing and its relevance to writing.</p> <p>‘grammar as a writer’</p> <p>Also a CPD tool for subject knowledge in Gramamar paper for staff.</p>
Kukulkan Mayan GodQuick View

Kukulkan Mayan God

A selection of images of the Mayan of Kukulkan and other Mayan amulets for children to use an inspiration for making a 2D clay amulet depicting the 'feathered snake' god featured on the steps of El Castillo in Citchen Itza.
Mayan Jobs - Write a CV/Job DescriptionQuick View

Mayan Jobs - Write a CV/Job Description

Children are taught about 5 different Mayan jobs and their place in Mayan society. The children are then asked to create a CV/ job description for a Mayan job of their choosing in a modern format.
Evaporation and Filtration - 3 Lessons - Y5/6Quick View

Evaporation and Filtration - 3 Lessons - Y5/6

Following a worldwife salt shortage where prices have risen by 150%, children must work for The Detoit Salt Company to spearate salt from UK sandy sea water.\n\n3 Science evaporation and filtration lessons for a year 5/6 class covering evaporation and filtration.\n\nWorksheet attached is used for day 1 + 3.
Beat the ITAFS 2019 - Child FriendlyQuick View

Beat the ITAFS 2019 - Child Friendly

<p>A child friendly tick sheet convering all writing objectives for the 2019 ITAFs fror writing.</p> <p>I tried to break it down for them using an existing resource.</p> <p>Hope it helps.</p>