Fractured Fairytale planning sheetsQuick View

Fractured Fairytale planning sheets

From analysing the basic elements in an original fairytale, to planning and finally writing their own fractured fairytale, these sheets have been used successfully with students in years 4, 5 and 6. Could be structured as 3 separate writing lessons.
Instructions for making a sandcastleQuick View

Instructions for making a sandcastle

Four step sequence. Ten common words to be filled in, and pictures to be drawn, to explain how to make a sandcastle. A Word document that you may amend to suit student needs.
Shapes loop cardsQuick View

Shapes loop cards

Set of 24 cards which include standard and non-standard shapes to use as a whole class activity. Word document to allow amendments to suit your students' needs.
Dear Santa - Letter FrameworkQuick View

Dear Santa - Letter Framework

A basic Word document, with prompts for writing: the date, three sentences and salutations. Dotted thirds for supporting correct letter formation. Easily adaptable to suit your specific needs.
Introduction to writing DescriptionsQuick View

Introduction to writing Descriptions

Two simple Word documents intended to be used as an introduction the genre 'Descriptions'. While these are specifically related to jungle animals, they are easily adaptable to suit your students&' needs by changing the clip art and text.
CVC word searchQuick View

CVC word search

Good to use as an early morning / fill in activity. All 20 words read left to right. Was unsure whether this is KS1 or Early years, so apologies if 'staged&' incorrectly [from Australian member!]
My buddy & IQuick View

My buddy & I

This poster-type format forms a quick activity for students meeting their (younger student) buddy for the first time. The questions guide the older student to promote discussion and elicit responses which are recorded on the poster. By completing the activity, the buddied students should discover something they have in common, despite age difference.