BTEC Unit 1 Principles of Science Content SheetsQuick View

BTEC Unit 1 Principles of Science Content Sheets

These are red, amber, green revision aids I put together for the new Principles of Science BTEC Unit 1 exam. It covers what the pupils should know/be able to do for all of the learning aims, but I have separated it into the three sciences for ease.
Slave Auctions: lesson and activitiesQuick View

Slave Auctions: lesson and activities

This is a lesson I did with a couple of classes and it went down really well. The article is taken from Worcester Women's History Project which I found online, but I have also uploaded an adapted one which is more suitable for lower-ability groups. The plenary questions at the end were taken from a really good prezi someone else made, although I have also used heart, head, bin and bag which works well too.
Year 7 End of Year History ExamQuick View

Year 7 End of Year History Exam

This is an end of year exam/assessment for Year 7 pupils. I have included a mark scheme and a percentage to level converter (which could be adapted). The topics included on the exam include: history skills, the Romans, the Battle of Hastings, medieval life, the Black Death, and the Crusades. Hopefully this might save you some work and could be easily adapted to suit your topics!
Form Time Quizzes / ActivitiesQuick View

Form Time Quizzes / Activities

I've put together a selection of different activities for form / tutor time. There are 40 each of: hidden movies, dingbats, thunks, riddles and just a minute topics. I have also included an answer booklet for the students to use if necessary. My form love these but they can be equally good starter activities to prompt discussion/ settler activities. (for the thunks I've included 2 versions depending on whether or not you want your class to have images to stimulate their thoughts). Good for first day back or as ice-breakers with a new class / tutor group.
Progress Descriptors for 'Life After Levels' for History KS3Quick View

Progress Descriptors for 'Life After Levels' for History KS3

This document is an outline of progress descriptors for the new curriculum without level descriptors. They are based on a combination of the 2007 NC and the current NC. I have based them on Pearson's 12 Steps (which aren't currently available for History). They cover 4 different strands with 4 sub-strands for 'understanding of historical concepts.' I have also included 2 examples of mark schemes for KS3 assessments using these progress descriptors. Hopefully these will save you some time if you are looking at re-writing your current level descriptors. I have also included some particular bugbears for our school such as using quotations, signpost sentences, footnotes or even just full stops and capital letters! I've also tried to keep it matched as much as possible to the old levels but with some extra detail built in. Any questions- just let me know!
Warsaw Ghetto Exploration LessonQuick View

Warsaw Ghetto Exploration Lesson

This is a PowerPoint which when viewing as a slideshow can be navigated via clicking on the number locations on the map of the Warsaw Ghetto. Pupils can then explore the Warsaw Ghetto and complete source-based activities around this topic. The PowerPoint includes some videos from Youtube as well. A useful presentation for teaching about the Holocaust, Nazi Germany, useful for WJEC, AQA or Edexcel. Good in the lead up to the final solution or as a case study on ghettos etc.
Titanic Takeaway Homework ProjectQuick View

Titanic Takeaway Homework Project

A homework project on the Titanic with a feedback sheet as well. It is designed to look like one of the White Star Line dining menus and has a range of differentiated tasks for students to select from. I set it without teaching my students about the Titanic as a project to run alongside the 20th-century world unit.
Christmas Form Time Quiz / ActivitiesQuick View

Christmas Form Time Quiz / Activities

A bundle of Christmas activities for form / tutor time or with your classes. There is a Christmas version of my hidden movie quiz (Christmas movies and bonus questions), a crossword, a word search and some Christmas discussion questions. Good for tutor / form time, last day of term etc.
JFK Assassination Takeaway Homework ProjectQuick View

JFK Assassination Takeaway Homework Project

This is a "takeaway" homework project for students on JFK's assassination. I'm running this alongside my unit on the Civil Rights Movement as students can get on with this at their own pace. There are a variety of activities included and differentiated so students can pick the appropriate task. I've also included a feedback sheet and a comment bank to speed up the marking and provide formative feedback for students.
End of year revision game- who am I?Quick View

End of year revision game- who am I?

This resource includes 3 powerpoints (for Years 7,8 and 9) based on the game 'Who am I?' It contains key people from the topics studied at KS3. One student stands with their back to the board and either asks the class yes/no questions to guess who it is (see how many they can get in a minute) OR the class shouts out clues and the person at the front has to guess. Really good for motivating students- especially boys!
Berlin WallQuick View

Berlin Wall

This is a lesson I prepared for my Year 12 students on the Berlin Wall. I split them into 2 groups looking either at causation or consequence, based on what type of concept they needed to work on. My essay planning sheet is found separately.
Medieval War and WeaponsQuick View

Medieval War and Weapons

This is for a KS3 unit based on Edexcel's GCSE course on War and Weapons. This lesson looks at changes in recruitment, the longbow and other key features of medieval warfare e.g. mounted knights, sieges, infantry etc.
Where shall we go on holiday?Quick View

Where shall we go on holiday?

This is a lesson I prepared for my KS3 Geography class which involved them participating in a role play to decide where a family should go on holiday. Pupils examine a variety of maps and other weather data.
SCMS TipsQuick View


A Ppt put together to start staff, especially NQTs, thinking about how SCMS can be developed in lessons. Teachers used some of these ideas (plus some amazing ones of their own) and received some good feedback from Ofsted.
King Arthur- the evidenceQuick View

King Arthur- the evidence

I did this activity as a carousel, with the students going round in small groups examining all the evidence. They then had to discuss which evidence was the most useful/ reliable.