<p>I made this to give to GCSE art pupils to help them with observational drawings, tips and ideas on how to be better when completing A03 for GCSE</p>
A booklet for KS4 Art GCSE pupils to work on outside of projects/lessons. We are using this for prep times and as extra work incentives for pupils working at the higher levels. This is to build skills, confidence and progress through differentiation but independence. Promoting self management and achievement through extra work
A power point of a term worth of work, including 7 home learning tasks ( with stretch and challenge tasks too)<br />
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works through the elements - line, colour, shading, collage, pastels etc<br />
some stretch and double hard tasks embedded in to the lessons as well.
A booklet of 20 stretch and challenge activities for year 7 art ( Mainly working on elements and observational skills) <br />
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This is lots of nature, fruit and vegetable related tasks in various medias and challenges<br />
there is also a 30 day art challenge for them to complete at some point in the year <br />
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We give these to all AGT pupils plus and others who would like to stretch themselves they are done outside of lessons as well as usual home learning etc.
A booklet for KS4 Photography GCSE pupils to work on outside of projects/lessons. We are using this for prep times and as extra work incentives for pupils working at the higher levels. This is to build skills, confidence and progress through differentiation but independence. Promoting self management and achievement through extra work.
A booklet of 20 stretch and challenge activities for year 7 art ( Mainly nature and media/elements of art)<br />
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This is lots of nature related tasks in various medias and challenges<br />
there is also a 30 day art challenge for them to complete at some point in the year <br />
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We give these to all AGT pupils plus and others who would like to stretch themselves they are done outside of lessons as well as usual home learning etc.
<p>2 sheets, one a4 with 2 A5 flyers on with helpful reminders about the assessment objectives and also artist research<br />
a poster style help sheet for GCSE art and photography to remind them what to do for Ao1</p>
<p>these will work for both art and photography as i wrote to be able to give to 2 classes without duplicating.</p>
A stretch and challenge booklet given to pupils in year 9 and or 10 for GCSE photography, 20 tasks to do outside of lessons and present as a "portfolio" then a 30 day challenge to complete at some point during the year.
A booklet of 20 stretch and challenge activities for year 10 art ( Mainly working on elements and observational skills related to their units of work ) <br />
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This is lots of identity and GCSE related tasks in various medias and challenges<br />
there is also a 30 day art challenge for them to complete at some point in the year <br />
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We give these to all AGT pupils plus and others who would like to stretch themselves they are done outside of lessons as well as usual home learning etc.
<p>I used this with year 7 for one term, working on Fish observational skills then leading in to painting and designs.</p>
<p>Homeworks for 6 weeks also in the power point.</p>
<p>support sheets to help with GCSE Art pupils in terms of qunaity of exam unit, help and support for whats needed on pages, then some help sheets with a quality checker guide for grade 4 and 5.</p>
<p>Booklet to support Ks3 Art pupils, targets, grade tracking, how we assess work ( skills lists) work tracker, homework tracker, help sheets.</p>
<p>can be adapted to your own SOW</p>
<p>Tracker sheets, help sheets, exemplars of books, pages, Ao’s marking, tracjer for grades, lots of info - bible for year 10-11 pupils , checkists etc. All easy to pop together and make in to an A5 booklet they keep with them the whole course</p>
<p>A year 7 SOW on insects, Bugs and Butterflies.<br />
Exploring observation, media explorations and a final outcomes.</p>
<p>There are some Do Nows, but can be added as needed.</p>
<p>Originally designed for photography, but have also adapted for Art. So both units are attached and can be used/adapted relevant to subject and lessons wanted</p>
<p>lots of fun tasks and development of ideas linked to artists.</p>