Elizabeth IQuick View

Elizabeth I

A PowerPoint to introduce students to Elizabeth I. A range of portraits to be discussed, relating to the concept of Public Relations. In addition to this a portrait of Elizabeth is included to be analaysed by the students and recorded in their books. See if they can think of the symbolism behind the image. Wordfill to be completed to help students record the information in their books. Good for differentiation. There is a good video on YouTube called the Royal Diaries. I used the 3rd video which shows Elizabeth at the age of 11. Viewing questions are also included.
United NationsQuick View

United Nations

PowerPoint and word fill for Year 11's on United Nations. Some good videos on YouTube could also be used to support this. Kevin Carter image also used to raise awareness of the kind of issues the UN deals with. History of this image must be known.
Religious attitudes to crimeQuick View

Religious attitudes to crime

A lesson which considers the extent of crime in the UK. It also evaluates Christian beliefs of crime and punishment. Video links are in the notes bar on the PPT
Animal TestingQuick View

Animal Testing

Citizenship/Religious Studies resource on Animal Rights. Includes two fact sheets to assist students in completing a for/against table. Used a graphic animal testing video as a starter. Asking students to record each animal they saw. Is there any animal that should be tested on? Plenary- FOR/AGAINST signs at either side of the room. Students to form 3 lines 1. against 2. undecided and 3. for animal testing.
Pressure GroupsQuick View

Pressure Groups

PowerPoint starts with recap on global sustainability, then moves on to Pressure Groups. Delete this to suit your lesson. Students are to guess which pressure group the logo matches too.
Henry VIII Protestant/CatholicsQuick View

Henry VIII Protestant/Catholics

A PowerPoint and worksheet to introduce Year 7's to the changes in religion at the time of Henry VIII. I also made a quick story board for students to complete as though it was a soap opera, but unfortunately it did not save. This can be made quickly on excel.
Protesting and the mediaQuick View

Protesting and the media

Introduction to the media topic with links to protesting. Rupert Murdoch. Starter - Students are to guess what the groups are protesting for/against. Why have they attracted attention?
EuthanasiaQuick View


PowerPoint and debates worksheet on Euthanasia in Britain. Video link included.
Revision for Edexcel CitzenshipQuick View

Revision for Edexcel Citzenship

PowerPoint Presentation and answers included. I taught this lesson as thought it was a pub quiz. I put small bowls of crisps on each table and awarded the winners with a cold beverage (caprisuns). Good for final lesson of term.