Origins of the Cold War
Lesson on origins of cold war including communism vs capitalism and post war conferences.
Mary Tudor - bloody or just misunderstood?
Activity covering two lesson on 'bloody' mary. Uses sources and debate.
Enquiry: Witchcraft in the 17th Century
3 lesson causation enquiry on witchcraft. Adapted from other ideas online.
FOR THOSE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE VIDEO: The video is accessable via the text 'Matthew Hopkins&' on slide of the second lesson. Simply click on the text whilst using the powerpoint and it will take you to youtube where the video is located. Hope this helps?
If all else fails here&';s the direct link:
Wall Street Crash: Effects on Germany
Look at Wall Street Crash and its effects on Germany. Worksheets for students to work through and a card sort. Followed by consolidation lesson.
The Birth of the Nazi Party
Lesson on birth of nazis. Looks at early party, Hitler's rise in party, and Hitler's role.
Why was the Roman army so successful in battle?
Lesson on Roman tactics, involving some physical activity! Idea taken and adapted from other resources online.
The League of Nations
Three lesson sequence on the League of Nations. First lesson on the structure of the League and the different departments. Second lesson looking at the League in action. Third lesson assessing whether it was doomed to failure. Requires Edexcel textbook.
End of Cold War
Lesson on end of cold war including Gorbachev's policies, fall of eastern bloc, end of warsaw pact and fall of soviet union. Includes exam practise.
Why did the Mary Rose sink?
Source lesson on the Mary Rose. Taken and adapted from a textbook activity.
Enquiry: Elizabeth as a Strong Ruler
four lesson enquiry on Elizabeth as a strong ruler, including image, religion, conflict and marriage.
Why did the Roman army invade Britain?
Causation lesson involving sorting cards. Taken and adapted from elsewhere online.
History Key Concepts Display
comical display for history classrooms - includes 7 key concepts with images for understanding/intrigue - designed to be cut out and arranged as you like.
Old and outdated concept, I know, but some places still ask we teach this. Quick 20 mins activity on problems with bias, incorportates reliability and usefulness.