A range of assemblies for KS3 - KS4Quick View

A range of assemblies for KS3 - KS4

Assemblies covering the following subjects:<br /> <br /> - Aspirations<br /> -Attendance<br /> - Learning<br /> - Attitude<br /> - Resilience<br /> - Being responsible<br /> - Mindset<br /> - Respect<br /> - Sun protection<br /> - Girls and achievement<br /> - Homophobia<br /> - New resolutions<br /> - Road Safety<br /> <br /> (I have removed the school header and pictures of our students, so you might want to fill these spaces with your own!)<br /> <br /> Hyperlinks for videos are on images or down the side of slides
Budget LessonQuick View

Budget Lesson

Lesson requires students to create a budget from a sheet of available 'needs' and 'wants'.<br /> <br /> Extension: Students given a 'chance card' and must explain how they would respond to the change in circumstance.
My Self, My World SoWQuick View

My Self, My World SoW

Lessons designed for students at an inner city high school in Leeds. Any card sorts/print outs are at the end of the powerpoint after the blank slide. Key Words Media, Refugee, Political Party, War, Human Rights, Active Citizenship, Community Cohesion, Poverty, Homelessness, Racism, Child Soldier, Prisoners
Theory and Methods - Functionalism, Marxism and FeminismQuick View

Theory and Methods - Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism

1. The Enlightenment and Functionalism<br /> 2. Parsons and Social Order<br /> 3. Parsons and Social Change<br /> 4. Merton VS Parsons<br /> 5. Classical Marxism<br /> 6. Classical Marxism 2<br /> 7. Humanistic Marxism (Gramsci)<br /> 8. Althusser and Structural Marxism<br /> 9. The HERstory of Feminism<br /> 10. Liberal and Radical Feminism<br /> 11. Marxist and Difference Feminism<br /> 12. Third Wave Feminism<br /> 13. Feminism and Masculinity<br /> <br /> Resources are not all my own work. Ideas taken from existing school resources and lessons seen on TES. <br /> <br /> Please comment/message if you spot any errors or have suggestions for improvements.
Growth and Development Factors Quick View

Growth and Development Factors

Series of lessons exploring the impact of...<br /> <br /> Genetic diseases<br /> Family<br /> Diet and exercise<br /> Expected and unexpected life events <br /> Formal and informal support<br /> Environmental factors<br /> Romantic relationships<br /> Economic factors<br /> Abuse<br /> <br /> ... on growth and development
Theory and Methods - Social Action Theory, Modernity, Postmodernity, Giddens and BeckQuick View

Theory and Methods - Social Action Theory, Modernity, Postmodernity, Giddens and Beck

16. Weber and Social Action<br /> 17. Symbolic Interactionism<br /> 18. Symbolic Interactionism and Goffman<br /> 20. Ethnomethodology (with video)<br /> 22. Modernity and Globalisation<br /> 23. Postmodernism (with video)<br /> 24. Giddens and Late Modernity<br /> 25. Beck and Late Modernity<br /> <br /> Not all my own work - elements of the lessons 'magpied' from various sources. If you see any inaccuracies. or feel that the lessons could be improved by adding/changing something, please share your ideas.<br />
100 People - Consider  how our lives compare to those of others within the global communityQuick View

100 People - Consider how our lives compare to those of others within the global community

Imagine the worlds population has been reduced to 100 people. How would your life compare to others? <br /> <br /> - Carousel Task incorporating diagrams, questions and tasks on different factors (age, religion, access to water, access to education etc)<br /> - Work sheet to complete based on the carousel cards<br /> - Links to relevant videos<br /> - Could be used as a basis for extra research<br /> <br /> Resource could be used with KS3/KS4 students depending on ability
Exploring Nuclear WeaponsQuick View

Exploring Nuclear Weapons

Based on a lesson created by CND, The Bomb Factor asks students to explore the idea of nuclear weapons and present the ideas of different countries and organisations through a medium of their choice.<br /> <br /> - Hyperlink to Barefoot Gen video clip<br /> - Role cards<br /> - Instructions<br /> - Collecting info sheet<br /> - Writing framework for written response
A2 Sociology - Intro and Recap of AS PerspectivesQuick View

A2 Sociology - Intro and Recap of AS Perspectives

Quick Recap of AS Level Perspectives:<br /> <br /> 1. Intro to A2<br /> 2. Functionalism Recap<br /> 3. Marxism Recap<br /> 4. Feminism Recap<br /> 5. Social Action Recap<br /> 6. Postmodernism Recap<br /> 7. New Right Recap<br /> <br /> Lessons are not intended to introduce new content, but to be used to recap on previous content in preparation for the A2 course. Students will need folders/notes from AS in order to complete the tasks.<br /> <br /> (THIS IS NOT ALL MY OWN WORK - TASKS HAVE BEEN TAKEN FROM A COMBINATION OF EXISTING RESOURCES AT MY SCHOOL AND LESSONS SHARED BY OTHER TES USERS.)
New to EnglishQuick View

New to English

Speaking and listening cards for students who are new to English. <br /> <br /> Can be used to practice:<br /> - Names<br /> - Ages<br /> - Animals <br /> - Colours<br /> - Clothing<br /> - Characteristics<br /> - Pronouns<br /> - Hobbies and interests
Essay Quick Plan SheetQuick View

Essay Quick Plan Sheet

Planning sheet to assist students in planning an extended response. <br /> <br /> This was originally planned for AQA Sociology, so may need to be adapted for different subjects.<br /> <br /> How I have used it:<br /> - Taught a study and then given students a question and one paragraph section. Asked them to plan and write just one paragraph based on the taught content.<br /> - Print on A3 paper for students to work together to plan a 'dream answer'.<br /> - Filled in a couple of the knowledge and understanding sections to scaffold weaker students.<br /> - Completed intro and main paragraphs and asked students to write a conclusion.<br />