5 Slides on smart notebook slides.<br />
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Designed to be used as a teaching aid and prompt to help the teacher introduce the topic. With 1 slide of differentiated questions.<br />
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Simple but effective.
<p>Smart Notebook Slides. Review questions of different types of Percentage questions, both calculator and non calculator questions.</p>
<p>Can be used for all abilities as a starter or a plenary or revision exercise. One slide with questions as practice and then another slide with identical questions but different numbers. Answers on the last slide.</p>
<p>There are 6 questions per slide with a, b and c parts. 2 slides of questions 1 slide of answers to the first set of questions only.</p>
<p>Loop cards, read out gradient and y intercept, the person with this graph will have to say what the equation of their line is then in turn read out the description of the next graph. Can be starter or plenary activity</p>
<p>Blank circles split into six/eight or ten and blank circles with a line to be used as pie charts. Can also be used for fraction circles for weak learners. 6 per page to save on printing!</p>
<p>Smart Notebook File</p>
<p>Used as an aid to introduce basic percentages of amounts, can be used as starters or for repetition for low ability learners.</p>
<p>Very simple resource can be used and edited easily to create more questions. With prompts and instructions for weak learners.</p>
<p>Slide 1) How to find 10%<br />
Slide 2)How to find 10%<br />
Slide 3)How to find 20%<br />
Slide 4) How to find 20% and 30%<br />
Slide 5)How to find 5%<br />
Slide 6) Spider diagrams - how to find 15%/25%<br />
Slide 7)Blank spider diagrams to practice more<br />
Slide 8 and 9) Practice tables 10%,20%, 5%, 50% etc</p>
<p>Two graphs per grid to investigate the perpendicular equation of a line. 6 grids in total on the worksheet.<br />
Students are able to deduce the relationship between the equation of a line and the equation of the line perpendicular to it.<br />
Very useful to get students to investigate and explore and be independent learners.<br />
I have also included the smart notebook file to go with it, 1 graph per slide to project on the board and or edit. There are also a few other slides I added such as success criteria and old NC levels.</p>
Group activity, first cut out and laminate cards. Hand one card to each student they must match their cards with the correct diagram, this puts them in groups. Then the second activity has problems on each card , one card per group, can then swap and try another one.
<p>3 slides on Smart notebook to introduce substitution at a basic level. Use the smart board eraser to reveal answers (always amazes year 7s!) Used this as a start in my observation lessons. One slide to introduce and one slide to practice. Then get the students to complete the card sort as a quick afl activity. Works really well in lesson and creates confident learners.</p>
<p>I created this series of lessons as I felt I just needed to consolidate the algebra basics with all my classes.</p>
<p>This will be useful for all ages and abilities. Broken down in to five topics each topic has a variety of examples, then a range of differentiated questions followed by the answers.</p>
<p>1. Collect Like Terms<br />
2. Multiply terms<br />
3. Expand Brackets<br />
4. Expanding Double Brackets<br />
5. Factorising into single brackets and factorising Quadratics</p>
<p>Each topic has a number of examples and a set of questions to practice with answers.</p>
<p>This powerpoint can be used to introduce basic topics or review and revise prior learning.</p>
<p>X-Y axis template (2 per sheet) going from -8 to 8<br />
Worksheet and smart notebook on investigating the equation of a perpendicular line<br />
Loop cards on equation of a straight line</p>
Mixed questions on percentages as a revision or review at the end of a unit<br />
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Introduction to percentages of amount <br />
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BIDMAS for year 7 or low ability <br />
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All as smart notebook files
6 random questions created as a quick revision exercise for yr 11 foundation. Print cut out and stick around your room, just like loop cards the answer to each question is on the next card. To make it more difficult I print double copies and stick extra around, also solves crowding issues. Can start on any question, and finish on the same question.
Angle rules, straight line around a point, in a triangles, parallel lines and pythagoras, just few quick smart board slides to prompt teaching of these topics