Hospitality and Catering trackerQuick View

Hospitality and Catering tracker

<p>A tracker used at our school to track the data and performance of the pupils studying Hospitality and Catering. This works on the basis of the pupils performing 4 tests in class for theory work in line with our data collection time. The second section allows for cwk/task work to be recorded as U, L1P, L2P, L2M, L2D and L2D* (For the purposes of this spreadsheet you have to input L2S). This then creates an average grade which has meant our tracking is practically perfect.</p> <p>This has been commented as exemplary from OfSted.</p>
Subject tracker - perfect for data captureQuick View

Subject tracker - perfect for data capture

<p>This is set up currently for a KS4 Science set up, but if you change the names of the columns this would work for any subject. If you use different assessments than us (which you will) then you would need to edit the formulas for the assessments. (I have set it up so that the formulas do not generate a % until the end column, so you would only need to change the score divisor so that it is indicative of your assessment.) And your grade look ups may need to be edited, but again its all ready for you to edit as you see fit. if you add ‘abs’ into each test score it will not count that score and remove that from the average, therefore giving you nice and robust data which will allow you to look up the performance of classes, year groups or cohorts. I have also provided a look up table at the bottom to show you the distribution of grades in the set of data. (All of these functions can be tweaked to suit your school, number and the like, but will need your input once downloaded.)</p> <p>We used this to help with assessing for our TAGs recently to help take the pressure off.</p>
Design Technology trackerQuick View

Design Technology tracker

<p>A tracker used at our school to track the data and performance of the pupils studying Design Technology GCSE. This works on the basis of the pupils performing 4 tests in class for theory work in line with our data collection time. The second section relates to the various strands of their practical coursework folders and practical endorsements.</p> <p>This has been commented as exemplary from OfSted.</p>
AQA Science mock databaseQuick View

AQA Science mock database

<p>This database will allow you to completely monitor a full year group through their mocks, whether that be both papers in one mock period or like my school with two sets of mocks in October and March. Either way you will be able to collate and see the whole year group in one place.</p> <p>I have functionality for foundation, higher and higher triple and if you need different ratios its a copy and past job. If you wish to change the grade boundaries you can tinker with the tab containing these to ensure you match AQA’s latest boundaries. This is set up for the November 2020 papers. However should you wish to set this up for future years you just edit the relevant look up tables.</p> <p>This will make your data analysis work easier, make your staff easier and allow the pupils to make progress with tailored analysis.</p>
Database - KS3Quick View

Database - KS3

<p>This is set up for our school and for Science, but by changing the headings you will create whatever you need for your own subject. Really useful for heads of department if you need some strong and robust data collected.</p> <p>It will allow you to see average grade from a range of assessments, will incorporate absences into average grades, ensuring that no one misses out due to Covid - 19 absences and will standardise the use of data across a department. If you add UPNs into the first column before names, you can even get data added to SIMs (or other reporting systems) reducing staff work load!</p>
History trackerQuick View

History tracker

<p>This tracker was designed for our year 10 History cohort in mind, but if names and headings are changed would work for any year group. Simple easy to use. Each CC (our terminology for end of unit tests) assessment should be copied for each assessment and will fill up for the year or even the whole key stage. If you have target grades, it will highlight those who need to be intervened with.</p>