Calculations packQuick View

Calculations pack

This set includes a calculations sheet which should be attempted first. Answers are available on a separate sheet. Each part of the paper links to another lettered document which contains additional questions and answers to help students practise those areas they got wrong. Elemental moles (A) Formula mass (B) Moles of compounds (C) Reacting masses (D) Percentage yield (E) Molar volumes (F) Empirical formula (G) Atom economy (H) Concentration (I)
Corrosion and rusting questionsQuick View

Corrosion and rusting questions

These questions review work on corrosion and rusting in the context of weights in a gym. Requires application of basic concepts to how the materials are used for a purpose.
Revision of moles and calculationsQuick View

Revision of moles and calculations

Powerpoint on moles, reacting masses, theoretical yields and atom economy. Useful for end of GCSE or start of A level. The powerpoint references a card sort which is attached but will need cutting up as it is solved.
Rates of reaction questionsQuick View

Rates of reaction questions

Rates questions covering temperature, surface area and concentration, suitable for work in class at end of unit or split up through out the topic
Moles and relative formula massQuick View

Moles and relative formula mass

A powerpoint recapping basic moles (moles of element) and intrducing formula mass. Questions and answers for class to do are on the powerpoint.
Homologous series - with data plottingQuick View

Homologous series - with data plotting

Students are asked to plot boiling point data against atomic mass for a number of compounds. They then have to decide which data belongs to which series (alcohol, alkane, alkene, carboxylic acid) and then fill in the table with names and molecular formula. There are 6 additional questions that focus on homologous series and links to other key ideas. Ideal as a main part of a lesson. A lot of analysis and processing is required to complete this activity fully. Useful as an introduction to the concept of homologous series.
number of atoms in a formulaQuick View

number of atoms in a formula

a question sheet with accompanying PowerPoint of answers that asks how many atoms are represented in a formula. Counting atoms like this is a necessary precursor to calculating reacting masses and using moles
Electrons in shellsQuick View

Electrons in shells

Rather than just stating the 2,8,8, rule challenge pupils to see if they can develop a rule by looking at a jumbled selection of correctly drawn electron arrangement diagrams. Also then challenges pupils to spot erroneous ones in a second task.
grade boundary setterQuick View

grade boundary setter

An excel spread sheet that allow you to easily set and alter grade boundaries to give the desired distribution of grades. It will also state the grade of a score next to it. Useful for End of Year exam grade boundary setting. Or indeed for any piece of work This resource is appropriate for any subject that sets tests but TES insists on a topic and sub-topic....
Group 1 alkali metals starterQuick View

Group 1 alkali metals starter

A series of statements to guess what something is followed by some lists with an odd one out. Used to introduce group 1 metals and highlight their properties.
Homologous series mini testQuick View

Homologous series mini test

A short test on naming, writing formula and drawing different organic molecules. (alcohols, alkanes, alkenes, carboxylic acids) Ideal as a mini test or as a plenary for Year 11. Useful as a diagnostic tool for post-16. A5 is large enough so i recommend reducing it when printing.
Ionic bingoQuick View

Ionic bingo

This is a bingo game that gets student to practise recalling the charges on ions. The guidance powerpoint should be used to help student fill in their bingo grid. The selection powerpoint could be printed and cut up for drawing or you can press F5 to start the powerpoint and then pres Esc to exit on a random ion. You can then delete the ions slide and repeat the procedure. GET STUDENTS TO SAY THE SYMBOL AND CHARGE EACH TIME
Atomic structure loopQuick View

Atomic structure loop

Cut out horizontally to make paired statements. The end of one matches the start of another. Properly placed they will loop around.
Moles and per centage yield questionsQuick View

Moles and per centage yield questions

Questions on moles and percentage yield. Start simple with moles of atoms of an element then build up to moles of compounds, reacting mass calculations and finally % yield. Focusses on calculations not on why % yields are not 100%