Full Revision Notes, Philosophy Paper OCR Religious Studies A-levelQuick View

Full Revision Notes, Philosophy Paper OCR Religious Studies A-level

<p>This is the Philosophy paper in its entirety (61 pages).</p> <p>The Revision notes are organised under topics headings with ‘from the examiners’ boxes focusing on key areas students should be confident in discussing.</p> <p>Evaluation considers detailed responses to points raised creating argument ‘discussions’ that students can easily use in essays.</p> <p>It draws on material from across the entire course, e.g. a Wittgensteinian response to Plato’s theory of forms.</p> <p>Key words are highlighted as are the names of key thinkers.</p> <p>Compare and contrast tables appear where necessary (e.g. Plato and Aristotle) as do tables explaining complex points (e.g. how different philosophers use the word ‘mind’).</p> <p>The aim is for students to have total mastery of the ideas, and to be control of the arguments.</p>
Bundle: Teacher's supporter Pack, OCR Religious Studies A-levelQuick View

Bundle: Teacher's supporter Pack, OCR Religious Studies A-level

<p>I have put a number of resources sold individually into on bundle. They will support teachers and/or Heads of Departments to ensure their paper work is up to scratch, especially if they have an inspection looming.</p> <p>The bundle includes</p> <p>Three schemes of work (overall, Philosophy and Ethics)<br /> Department Handbook (Philosophy, Ethics and DCT)<br /> Excel sheet predictive sheet for exams in Philosophy and Ethics papers<br /> Powerpoint (pdf) on how to write essays in the subject<br /> How to organise folders</p>
How to Organise Your A-level FoldersQuick View

How to Organise Your A-level Folders

<p>This 3-page resource helps students organise their folders by correctly labelling the dividers. The diagrams show them how to divide the folders according to packets of 5 and packets of 10.</p> <p>I have used these for many years, handing them out at the start of the course. My students have found them invaluable because they (and you) can refer to them each time they begin a new topic.</p> <p>It covers Philosophy and Ethics, OCR.</p>
Course handbook, OCR Religious Studies, A-levelQuick View

Course handbook, OCR Religious Studies, A-level

<p>This handbook is for students and Department use.</p> <p>It unpacks the scheme of work in an easy and accessible manner, helping students to identify the key question relevant to the topic(s) being studied.</p> <p>It covers all three papers of the OCR Religious Studies A-level has been used for inspections.</p>
Bundle: Schemes of Work, for OCR Religious Studies A-levelQuick View

Bundle: Schemes of Work, for OCR Religious Studies A-level

<p>There are three schemes of work in this bundle: A overall summary for quick reference; Philosophy; Ethics.</p> <p>I have handed out the summary scheme to students and used the others for Department documentation and reference.</p> <p>They are detailed enough to be used during an inspection.</p>
Mock Feedback Sheet A-level Religious Studies OCRQuick View

Mock Feedback Sheet A-level Religious Studies OCR

<p>This is quick and easy sheet to pin to the front of the mock exams. Students can see at one glance how they have performed over all, and there is space for you to add any comments you may wish or for the students to add a reflection note.</p>
Reading List, OCR A-Level Religious Studies bundleQuick View

Reading List, OCR A-Level Religious Studies bundle

<p>These reading lists cover the philosophy and ethics papers of the OCR A-level Religious Studies.</p> <p>The introductory list is ideal to send to year 11 students who are interested in studying the course. They can also be used for for summer preparation.</p> <p>The full reading list includes introductory texts, general texts, set texts, ‘Very Short Introduction’ series, and Journal for both philosophy and ethics.</p> <p>The bundle includes:</p> <p>Introductory reading list<br /> Reading list</p>
A-level Philosophy topic check-list, Religious StudiesQuick View

A-level Philosophy topic check-list, Religious Studies

<p>These check lists cover the Philosophy paper of the OCR Religious Studies A-level course. They summarise the exam board’s specification using their language and be downloaded as pdf files.</p> <p>I hand out a topic check list at the start of each new topic, along with a vocab list. The students can then refer it to when revising, allowing them to keep a check of their learning.</p> <p>They cover:<br /> Plato and Aristotle<br /> Soul, Mind and Body<br /> Arguments from Reason<br /> Arguments from Observation<br /> Religious Experience<br /> Problem of Evil<br /> Nature of God<br /> Religious Language: negation, analogy and symbolism<br /> 20th Century Perspectives on Religious Language</p>
A-level Ethics topic check-list, Religious StudiesQuick View

A-level Ethics topic check-list, Religious Studies

<p>These check lists cover the Ethics paper of the OCR Religious Studies A-level course. They summarise the exam board’s specification using their language and be downloaded as pdf files.</p> <p>I hand out a topic check list at the start of each new topic, along with a vocab list. The students can then refer it to when revising, allowing them to keep a check of their learning.</p> <p>They cover:<br /> Natural Law<br /> Situation Ethics<br /> Kantian Ethics<br /> Utilitarianism<br /> Euthanasia<br /> Business Ethics<br /> Conscience<br /> Meta-ethics<br /> Sexual Ethics</p>
A-level Ethics, Vocab list bundle, Religious StudiesQuick View

A-level Ethics, Vocab list bundle, Religious Studies

<p>This is a bundle of vocab lists for the Ethics paper of the OCR A-level Religious Studies course, however it is useful for the other specifications. It is in more detail that any text book and is an invaluable source, and can be downloaded as a pdf file.</p> <p>My students use them for revision as well as an aid for essay writing. I handed them out at the start of each new topic along with a topic list.</p> <p>They include<br /> Natural Law<br /> Situation Ethics<br /> Kantian Ethics<br /> Utilitarianism<br /> Euthanasia<br /> Business Ethics<br /> Conscience<br /> Meta-ethics<br /> Sexual Ethics</p> <p>Please leave a comment</p>
A-level Religious Studies, Ethics, Revision Maps, bundleQuick View

A-level Religious Studies, Ethics, Revision Maps, bundle

<p>These A-level Religious Studies revision mats cover the OCR Ethics course. They are useful for other specifications as well and can be downloaded as pdf documents.</p> <p>In class, I hand them out for timed essay support in the early stages of revision, but encourage the students to use them alongside revision notes, vocab lists and topic lists as well.</p> <p>They include:<br /> Natural Law<br /> Situation Ethics<br /> Kantian Ethics<br /> Utilitarianism<br /> Euthanasia<br /> Business Ethics<br /> Conscience<br /> Meta-ethics</p> <p>Please do leave a comment!</p>
Vocab Lists, Philosophy bundleQuick View

Vocab Lists, Philosophy bundle

<p>These A-level philosophy vocab lists cover the entire OCR Religious Studies course. They are more detailed then you will find in a text book and can be downloaded as a pdf file.</p> <p>I use them extensively in class but handed them out at the start of each new topic with a topic list as well. They are excellent for revision but are integral for good argumentation in essay practice.</p> <p>Topics covered are:<br /> Plato<br /> Aristotle<br /> The Soul etc<br /> Arguments from Reason<br /> Arguments from Observation<br /> Religious Experience<br /> Problem of Evil<br /> Nature of God<br /> Religious Language: negation, analogy and symbolism<br /> 20th century Perspectives on Religious Language</p>
A Level RS, Philosophy of Religion, Detailed Revision MapsQuick View

A Level RS, Philosophy of Religion, Detailed Revision Maps

<p>These philosophy revision maps cover every topic in the OCR Religious Studies A-level but are applicable to other exam boards as well. They include AO1 and AO2 analysis and argumentation.</p> <p>My students use them when working on timed essays early in the revision process, but they have multiple application. They compliment my other resources such as detailed revision notes for philosophy as well as vocab lists and topic check lists.</p> <p>Maps include:<br /> Plato and Aristotle<br /> Soul, Mind and Body<br /> Arguments from Reason<br /> Arguments from Observation<br /> Comparison of Descartes, Hume and Kant<br /> Religious Experience<br /> Problem of Evil<br /> Nature of God<br /> Religious Language - Negation Analogy and Symbolism<br /> Twentieth Century Perspectives on Religious Language</p> <p>Please leave comments!</p>