Easter AssembliesQuick View

Easter Assemblies

Here is Mark a young boy, join him as he leads you and your school through a series of 5 Easter Assemblies. Each contains games, teaching and prayers as well as follow up classroom activities. Created by R.E specialists and <br /> illustrated with specially commissioned professionally illustrated artwork. The series covers Palm Sunday, The Annointing, The Last Supper, The Arrest and The Resurrection. Each can be used on its own or as part of the series. These Easter assemblies are part of a series of three, covering not only Easter but Harvest and Christmas as well. They are available for purchase either individually or as a whole set. All work owned and copyrighted by Wolvers, Wyatt and Pearson.
Harvest AssembliesQuick View

Harvest Assemblies

Join Squeak, this lovable mouse as he shows you ( and the children) what he is putting aside in his nest at harvest time as he gets ready for winter. This series of 5 assemblies covers Creation, Care for the environment, Enjoyment of food, Sharing and Thanksgiving. Created by R.E specialists and with specially commissioned illustrations these assemblies are a hit, either as standalone or as a series. Includes games, prayers, reflections and follow up classroom activities. These Harvest assemblies are just one of a series that include Christmas and Easter too. Available separately or as a bundle. All work and illustrations the property and copyright of Wolvers, Wyatt and Hearson.
Christmas AssembliesQuick View

Christmas Assemblies

Meet Barney, a lamb, living in Bethlehem as his stable is invaded by lots of different visitors. Barney leads you and the children through the Christmas narrative, through finding different objects in his stable. With games, teaching and prayers, each of the 5 is a self contained assembly or can be used as a series covering Generosity and Compassion, Obedience, Journeys, Faith and Trust and Overcoming fear. Produced by R.E specialists and with specially commissioned artwork, these assemblies appeal to all in the school. Part of a series covering Easter and Harvest too. These can be purchased seperately or all<br /> together as a bundle. All work is owned by and is copyright of Wolvers, Wyatt and Hearson.