<p>This is a very detailed powerpoint alongside lots of guided reading texts for the children to develop their understanding of how to answer three mark questions. The powerpoint takes you through the steps necessary for writing 3 mark answers and the texts and questions help the children practise the skills they have been learning. My class loved doing this and it has really helped them!</p>
This is a Y6 SATs revision Reasoning treasure hunt. I have taken questions from the Reasoning paper samples, and I have rewritten them. There are 24 Green [easy], 24 Yellow [middle] and 24 Red [tricky] questions. I have laminated them and strung them around the school. It was a little light relief for SATs revision and the children loved it. I have also included the answers. Enjoy!
<p>This resource is 7 lessons based around the 2g reading coverage: Identify /explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases. My children were really struggling with the concept of author choice and meaning and there were very few resources out their to support their learning with this, so I have created these 7 lessons to support their SATs revision.</p>
<p>The lessons take the following format:</p>
<p>Lesson 1: children discuss their initial ideas about the purpose of a text.<br />
Lesson 2: children discuss the purpose of structural choices in the organisation of a text.<br />
Lesson 3: this lesson focuses on the impact of individual words which have been used to generate a certain effect on the reader<br />
Lesson 4: children will look at how words used by an author helps us to feel a certain way towards a character.<br />
Lesson 5: figurative language is introduced and children will be spotting different techniques<br />
Lesson 6: figurative language is continued; children look at a selection of sentences where figurative language has been used and they discuss the impact of the language choice<br />
Lesson 7: condensing of lessons and the application of skills</p>
<p>My children have found this really beneficial and I have seen a real improvement against this objective. I hope you guys find it useful :-)</p>
This is a SPG treasure hunt I have written to help my Year 6 children with their Grammar revision. The treasure hunt contains 50 SATs style questions, which I have written myself, leaning towards some of the more challenging questions on the paper. I laminated each of the question cards, sticking them around the school. The children worked in mixed ability pairs to hunt down the questions and answer them together. They absolutely loved this light-hearted approach to SATs revision and I hope your children find it useful too.
This is a reasoning treasure hunt I have made to aid my Year 6 children with their SATs revision. I have found they struggle with the reasoning style questions so have decided to expose them to as many questions as possible throughout the day to enable them to develop the strategies to solve them.<br />
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This treasure hunt contains 25 questions which I have written in the style of SATs questions. To play the game, I laminated the questions and stuck them around school. I also gave them a map, with the locations circled so they could orienteer their way around school but that's up to you! I gave the children 50 minutes to work in partners to answer as many of the questions correctly. Once the time was up, we gathered back in the classrooms and marked the answers together. I modelled how to solve the problems.<br />
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This game worked really well: it was fun, active and the children didn't even realise they were revising- perfect! :-)
Here are 32 different daily arithmetic starters I have been using with my class to aid them with the arithmetic revision.<br />
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Each morning, at the start of our maths lesson, I hand the children one of the sheets. I put some music on in the background (interestingly, Ed Sheeran had better results than Mozart!) and give them a clock on the online stopwatch on the SMART. Children work through each of the 10 questions on the sheets completely independently. I have written the arithmetic questions myself, modelled on the previous SATs papers. Each day tests 10 different things, so the children focus on applying all their knowledge rather than having specific topic based tests.<br />
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My class absolutely love these! Having started with the 'High 5s' in my other resources, they begged me to increase the number of questions. They have also had a very positive impact on my children's progress on the arithmetic paper.
<p>Here are some comprehensive sets of resources to support your Y6 children with their Reading Revision for the upcoming SATs.</p>
<p>This bundle includes the four areas of reading revision my class found the most challenging: Retrieval, Inference, Vocabulary and 3 mark questions.</p>
<p>This pack of work is based around the children developing their knowledge and skills of ‘skimming and scanning’ which will enable children to develop their retrieval skills.</p>
<p>The pack of lessons is as follows:</p>
<li>Introductory lesson on skimming and scanning, complete with two activities.</li>
<li>Guided reading lesson using Street Child</li>
<li>Guided reading lesson x 2 using a Harry Potter extract</li>
<li>Condensing lesson, where children use the 2014 and 2016 sample SATs paper to answer retrieval questions.</li>
<p>The lessons are fully resourced and there is a detailed powerpoint which takes you through each lesson. My children’s skills really developed after this; focusing on one simple skill per week is really beneficial and I hope it will be useful to you too! :-)</p>
<p>In response to the 2016 Year 6 Reading SATs paper, I have made some changes to the way I teach reading revision, in particular the way I have taught vocabulary. As vocabulary and word meaning questions were so heavily weighted in the 2016 reading paper, I have taken a lot of time to put these resources together to provide children with the best chance of facing vocabulary questions.</p>
<p>This resource is a 9 lesson revision session based on developing children’s skills for facing vocabulary lesson. Throughout these lessons, children are exposed to a wide range of complex vocabulary whilst acquiring the skills needed to work out the meaning of unfamiliar words through looking at context clues. The lessons are fully resourced, with a fully detailed powerpoint. I have created the questions myself so they focus specifically on the context clues I’ve looked at.</p>
<p>This is the format of the 9 lessons:</p>
<li>I can use context clues: children look at how context changes word choice.</li>
<li>I can retrieve the meaning of words which are defined</li>
<li>I can use my knowledge of synonyms to find word meaning</li>
<li>I can use my knowledge of antonyms to find word meaning</li>
<li>I can use my inference skills to find word meaning<br />
6/7) I can use context clues to decipher word meaning</li>
<li>I can define complex vocabulary</li>
<li>Condensing lessons</li>
<p>These lessons have been really successful in my children’s SATs questions. No longer are my class concerned about not knowing what a word means, as they are now armed with the skills to unpick the meaning using the context clues.</p>
<p>3 mark questions:</p>
<p>This is a very detailed powerpoint alongside lots of guided reading texts for the children to develop their understanding of how to answer three mark questions. The powerpoint takes you through the steps necessary for writing 3 mark answers and the texts and questions help the children practise the skills they have been learning. My class loved doing this and it has really helped them!</p>
<p>This is a detailed powerpoint to aid Year 6 children with skills to answer poetry comprehension in the SATs test. The powerpoint is self explanatory and starts off by explaining what poetry is and exactly what to look at. I have then taken the 2016 Sample paper apart, working on the Giants poem. I have split the questions up and as the powerpoint progresses, the children will learn different skills to answer the questions they may be faced with. As an independent activity, I have chosen three poems: Clouds, My Shadow and The Walloping Window-Blind, and I have written new questions for them, modelled on the questions seen in the sample paper.</p>
<p>This is a power point which I will be sharing with my Year 6 children before the Reading SATs paper. It has a selection of ‘top tips’ for the children, to remind them of the key skills they will need to remember for SATs success! I have focused on 3 mark questions, find and copy, using quotes, reading everything on the page, writing and highlighting on the booklet, importance of ‘one mark’ questions and picking apart of the questions. Hopefully this will be a great resource and provide children with a few useful, last minute reminders!</p>
<p>Here are 4 extremely comprehensive powerpoints which I use with my class before the SATs tests. Each powerpoint shares with the class the ‘last minute top tips’ for content and answering questions in the Reading, SPG, Arithmetic and Reasoning SATs papers.</p>
<p>Each powerpoint breaks the tests down for children and shares examples of questions and techniques on how to answer them. I have used these with my class for the past few years and have found they really help to trigger the children’s memories in test technique whilst also ensuring I don’t forget anything important!</p>
<p>I hope you find these useful!</p>
Here are two lessons [roughly 30 minutes each] which I have used with my Year 6 children to recap and condense their knowledge on statements, commands, exclamations and questions. There is a detailed powerpoint, which leads children through each of the definitions and provides them with plenty of modelling so they are familiar with each of the concepts. There are also several opportunities throughout the powerpoint for them to have a go at writing their sentences. For the first lesson, children identify the type of sentence and what punctuation suits it the best. I have rewritten SATs style questions for this activity. For the second lesson, children change the types of sentence and one again I have rewritten SATs style questions.
This is a fraction,decimal and percentage game designed for Y6 - perfect for SATs revision. I found this game worked really well with my children in Year 6. Firstly, the game makes the children think they aren't doing maths (sneaky!) and their naturally competitive nature ensured for a brilliant outcome! Most importantly, as fractions, decimals and percentage work was combined together, the children really had to apply their knowledge.<br />
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To play, children will need a dice and the question cards cut out in colour and put into piles. Children roll their dice and choose a corresponding card. Children work out the answer, checking it against the answer cards. They score points for correct answers.
<p>This is a fully resourced 4 week block of Superheroes/comic book planning, which I used for Year 5/6 but could easily be adapted to any Ks2 class. This planning was absolutely fantastic for captivating my reluctant readers/writers, particularly my boys who absolutely loved this literacy. In fact, they loved it so much we often did Literacy in the afternoons at their request! Each week is fully resourced and has a detailed plan and a power-point.</p>
I have made a power point with 25 different slides each containing a different theme/challenge for the Y6 SATs maths revision. This means there is one challenge per day for 5 weeks. Most of the slides are differentiated 3 ways, with Red Amber Green targets so the children can choose their starting points. I have given these to my Y6s as they come in to the classroom each morning; they do not link to what we are doing in maths lessons so they give a really good insight into what the children know!
This is a game I play with my year 6 children on a regular basis which develops their skimming and scanning skills. The children each have a card with lots of words on, and I will read out a type of word 'e.g colour'. The children will then skim through and find as many words which fit into this as possible. This has really helped my children develop their reading skills.
Here are three times tables tests. Bronze, Silver and Gold.<br />
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Bronze: basic times tables [1-12x tables]<br />
Silver: times tables and associated division facts mixed up<br />
Gold: times tables and associated division facts, including multiples of 10 and decimals.<br />
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Answers for each of the tests are also given.<br />
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I give these to my Year 6 weekly. They have really improved their scores and they love trying to move on to the next award.
This is a fully resourced plan for The Highwayman, which I used within a Year 5/6 class. My children loved this: there are lots of chances for writing, role play and fun throughout and there is also a lesson based on art work and imagery. The planning is fully resourced, including poetry, artwork and a 112 slide powerpoint which guides you through each lesson.
My children have been finding conjunctions really challenging in the run up to SATs, so I have taken some time to create a 'conjunction afternoon' where children will attempt 5 different activity to boost their understanding. I have ran this activity as a round robin, where children were in 5 groups. I have looked over a selection of previous SATs papers and identified there were 5 different types of questions which they were likely to face:-<br />
<br />
1) Identify conjunctions within sentences<br />
2) Identify whether a word is a subordinating or coordinating conjunction<br />
3) Identify whether a word is a subordinating conjunction or a preposition<br />
4) Write conjunctions in their own sentences<br />
5) Complete sentences using suitable conjunctions<br />
<br />
I have developed 5 activities for the children to complete and there is also a very detailed powerpoint with mini activities on to ensure children understanding the basis of conjunctions before they complete the activities.
<p>This is a powerpoint I have made to share with my Year 6 children before their Arithmetic SATs paper. The powerpoint works through the key questions they will come across and reminds children of the key approaches they will need.</p>
<p>This is the powerpoint I am going to use before the Reading SATs paper. It is comprehensive and gives the children a few ‘last minute top tips’ they need to remember during the paper. It reminds them of strategies, unpicking the question and key skills they will need to apply.</p>
Here is a very detailed powerpoint and a set of activities to aid children with answering prediction questions in the upcoming Year 6 SATs. My children were really struggling with using the text to inform them of what may happen in the future text and this revision has really helped them! Children learn how to use their inference skills to help make predictions, and then practise on a selection of activities.