Common GCSE Foundation beginning questions
<p>This is a set of 50 exercises, each with 10 questions, covering the typical beginning Foundation GCSE topics on non-calculator exams.<br />
The structure of each exercise is always the same, but numbers vary so that students can have repeated practice at the same skills.<br />
Answers are included.<br />
I initially created this resource as a number of students are close to the grade 4 borderline, but have made basic errors at the beginning of the paper.<br />
The aim is for them to practice so they don’t make errors such as 0.8=8%, and ideally get the first 10 or so marks at the beginning of each paper.<br />
Equally, lower ability students can almost secure grade 1 by getting most of these marks.<br />
As well as practice for year 11 Foundation, they can also be used for any KS3 class as basic practice.</p>