Edexcel GCSE Drama Component 1 - Portfolio Support/LogQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Drama Component 1 - Portfolio Support/Log

<p>This GCSE Component 1 Portfolio resource, includes key information about the requirements of the portfolio, key terminology pages, assessment criteria and there is a focus page for each of the six questions, including what needs to be included under each question with sentence starters. Students can use this booklet as a working log during the devising process, supporting them to make notes, which will aid them when writing up their final portfolio. This booklet can also be easily adapted for teachers to add stimuli material explored.</p>
Edexcel GCSE Drama: Component 3: Section A - An Inspector Calls Revision/Work BookletQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Drama: Component 3: Section A - An Inspector Calls Revision/Work Booklet

<p>This booklet is to support students who are studying the play An Inspector Calls by J.B Priestley. The booklet includes key drama terminology, synopsis of the play, time period, key themes, character information and design element information including; set, lighting, costume and sound. Students can use this booklet for revision and as a working booklet to log down their ideas for the design elements and in answering exam style questions, linked to Component 3: Section A.</p>
Edexcel GCSE Drama Component 3: Mock Examination Feedback Sheet for Section A and BQuick View

Edexcel GCSE Drama Component 3: Mock Examination Feedback Sheet for Section A and B

<p>The Edexcel GCSE Drama Component 3 Feedback Sheet, is to support students with identifying specific areas of improvement based on each question of Section A and B of the written examination papers. The feedback sheet is easy to use and can be used by the teacher to assess students progress of each question and allow students to reflect and write down areas of development.</p>