Multiple choice questions for chemistry.<br />
Please note - not sure if they will exactly match the new syllabus, but should be good practice none the less (watch out for errors - please report to me -<br />
Codes for SOCRATIVE are included in word version
A series of Tarsia puzzles (as printable PDF + -sol solutions). These are ideal for group work and cover a range of topics in A-Level chemistry - check suitability for your syllabus (based largely on OCR A/B).
The requirement to perform qualitative chemical testing is present in many applied science courses. This is a rather crude (but generally well recieved by students) approach to this area. It is very simple - the student are asked to perform all the usual tests (flame, nitrate, pH, reducing sugar etc), then see if the same result is found with 'A dodgy pint'. The pint in question is cold tea, doped with whatever you wish - mine has NaCl, nitrate, aldehyde, acid - what ever you wish. One suggestion - don't include the taste test.......