Forces and Motion TestQuick View

Forces and Motion Test

<p>This is a test to assess students understanding of forces and motion.<br /> Topics tested include; balanced, unbalanced forces, calculations involving speed, distance, time and acceleration, motion graphs, stopping/braking distances. It is designed to last approximately 40 minutes.</p>
Test ScienceQuick View

Test Science

<p>This is a test for students in year 8 or 9.<br /> Topics tested include; cells, reactivity, acid and alkali, respiration, plants, electromagnetism, chemical equations, the eye, graph interpretation.<br /> The word document is easily edited and the test could be split up to provide a number of short assessment activities for homework or in lessons.</p>
Forces, space, Solar System. Y7/8Quick View

Forces, space, Solar System. Y7/8

<p>This is a homework booklet designed to last several weeks. It is based on work to do with forces, the Moon and the Solar System.<br /> It involves research tasks, home experiments and questions to answer.<br /> It is expected that the tasks are enjoyable and rewarding. The students can self-assess their work and it is hoped that parents get involved.</p>
A student practical to test the principle of momentsQuick View

A student practical to test the principle of moments

<p>This a student practical worksheet. It is designed to guide the students through an experiment that tests the Principle of Moments.<br /> Students are provided with a metre rule (hole drilled at the centre), nail, 10g masses, wire, stand and clamp and plasticine.<br /> The worksheet has an incomplete results table that must be completed by balancing the lever, finding the missing values and calculating the moment for each set of values.<br /> The students are expected to discuss their results and form a conclusion.</p>
Measurements and Uncertainties.Quick View

Measurements and Uncertainties.

<p>This is a concise guide for A level Physics students to help them deal with uncertainties in practical work. It explains the difference between systematic and random errors and how to record the uncertainty in a measurement or a series of measurements. It also deals with precision and the number of significant figure that a measurement should be given. Finally the guide covers percentage uncertainties and also how to apply the rules for combining uncertainties in calculations .</p>
Being a Scientist at Home!Quick View

Being a Scientist at Home!

<p>This is a booklet of tasks for students to complete at home over several weeks.<br /> There are 6 tasks of varying length and difficulty.</p> <ol> <li>Apparatus</li> <li>Measuring</li> <li>Research</li> <li>Observing and Recording</li> <li>Data and graphs</li> <li>Investigating</li> </ol> <p>It is hoped that the variety of tasks will build on work done in class, stimulate interest and involve both the students and parents,<br /> There is the opportunity for students to self assess their work.</p>
States of Matter, Elements, Mixtures, Compounds, Energy, Food Chains and Webs. Homework. Y7Quick View

States of Matter, Elements, Mixtures, Compounds, Energy, Food Chains and Webs. Homework. Y7

<p>This is a booklet of tasks for students to complete at home over several weeks.<br /> There are 11 tasks of varying length and difficulty. Some involve home experiments or research. The tasks cover the following areas:</p> <ol> <li>Elements, compounds and mixtures.</li> <li>States of matter. Home investigations and research.</li> <li>Energy. Forms of energy with anagrams and crossword.</li> <li>Energy in food, research and bar chart.</li> <li>Food chains and food webs.</li> </ol> <p>It is hoped that the variety of tasks will build on work done in class, stimulate interest and involve both the students and parents.<br /> There is the opportunity for students to self assess their work.<br /> The whole booklet may not fit with any particular scheme of work but it can easily be adapted or sections separated.</p>
Investigations and Practical Skills. Physics / ScienceQuick View

Investigations and Practical Skills. Physics / Science

<p>This helps to develop student practical skills in terms of understanding what a hypothesis is, types of variable, collecting data in a simple experiment, plotting and interpreting graphs to form conclusions.<br /> Equipment: 1 kg masses, strong elastic or shock-cord, 1 m rules, force meters. The elastic can be looped around the legs of a stool.</p>
Science Department Policy HandbookQuick View

Science Department Policy Handbook

<p>A comprehensive policy document for science departments. Developed and revised over a number of years.<br /> Contents</p> <ol> <li>Departmental Staffing</li> <li>Aims</li> <li>Policies and Procedures</li> <li>Health and Safety</li> <li>Assessment, Recording and Reporting</li> <li>Schemes of Work</li> <li>Citizenship</li> <li>Teaching Assistants</li> </ol>
Practical Skills. Physics/ScienceQuick View

Practical Skills. Physics/Science

<p>A simple experiment to help develop student practical skills in terms of understanding what a hypothesis is, types of variable, collecting data in a simple experiments, plotting and interpreting graphs to form conclusions.<br /> Equipment: Dynamics trolley, ramp, means of changing the ramp height, metre rule, stopwatch.</p>
Graph practiceQuick View

Graph practice

<p>A worksheet to revise graphs. Line graphs, variables, pie charts, analysis.</p>