Stanley's Ultimate Guide to Story Writing
<p>Stanley’s Ultimate Guide to Story Writing is the first booklet of a set and uses handy knowledge organisers and checklists to guide children through the key concepts and features of story writing. With lots of helpful hints and tips, it is a story writing must have!</p>
<p>Having taught English to children across the world for twenty-five years, and with a particular passion for creative writing, Ali knows how to produce confident and able writers.</p>
<p>She uses the National Curriculum objectives and injects some life into them, igniting a love for writing in even the most reluctant of students.</p>
<p>Stanley’s Guides have been carefully designed to take students on a learning journey through each genre. Using checklists and knowledge organisers, children are given clear expectations in a memorable and personable way.</p>
<p>With a little help from Stanley, Ali writes a piece at the end of each booklet, with annotations to show how the guide can be used effectively.</p>
<p>The guides are aimed at children aged between nine and thirteen, are suitable for all students and are an especially useful resource for children sitting 11-plus entrance tests.</p>