Planned for year 7 group with G&T pupils.
Pupils learn what the different foods on the seder plate symbolise and why Jews celebrate Pesach. Also includes the Four Questions and a video from
Passover, Judaism, Seder, Pesach, KS3
Planned for top set year 7 with G&T pupils. Pupils learn why Jerusalem is a holy place for different religions.
Jerusalem, Judaism, Pilgrimage, Holy City, Western Wall, KS3, GéT, Four Quarters
Powerpoint and worksheet for pupils to learn about Orthodox, Hassidic and Reform Jews. Planned for a year 7 top set with G&T pupils. Also concentrates on the Jewish community in Manchester and other theme's of Identity
Judaism, Identity, Interview, Hassidic, Orthodox, Reform
Unit 8 Environmental and Medial Issues. Got an outstanding when observed. Uses differentiated tasks, peer assessment and AFL to help all pupils achieve their target grade. Created for a class with target grades D-B. Great for boys RE.
Cards that can be laminated and used to encourage quiet pupils to join in. Hand them out at the begining of the lesson and those pupils have to trade them in before the lesson ends. You can build a symbol into your powerpoint to tell pupils when they can trade and how.
AFL, teaching aid