LA: Identifying Similes, Personification, metaphors and alliteration<br />
MA: Similes, Personification, metaphors, alliteration and hyperbole<br />
HA: Given Similes, Personification, metaphors, alliteration and hyperbole but no headers, chn to identify them and sort them <br />
<br />
Aimed at UKS2.
<p>3 worksheets differentiated to cater for year 6 involving converting between miles and km.<br />
From straight forward conversion to word problems with the challenge of plotting and using a graph too.</p>
A fun quiz for the end of term that covers items from Sept 2016 to today.<br />
Rounds include: <br />
Music Round<br />
Celebrity Anagrams<br />
General Knowledge<br />
Celebrity Mash ups<br />
Current Affairs<br />
<br />
Powerpoint with answers, hyperlinks and images all included.<br />
For KS2 and KS3. <br />
Easily altered to suit your class.<br />
Great time filler.
LA - bronze - just 10, 100<br />
MA - silver - 10, 100 and 1000<br />
HA - gold, finding missing operations and numbers involving 10, 100 and 1000.<br />
<br />
Differentiated x 3<br />
Converting fractions and decimal loop cards<br />
LA: denominator of 10, 100 or 1000<br />
MA: denominator 10, 20, 50 or 100<br />
HA: denominator 10, 5, 20, 30 or 50 or 500 or 300
Age related writing checklist for Interim Framework.<br /><br />
Very condensed can be laminated for the children to tick off once they have finished their work.
To be played against a timer with a partner.<br />
LA (red) : cm, m, km<br />
MA (blue) : g, kg, m, cm, km, <br />
HA (purple) z: g, kg, m, cm, km, ml, L
A cross curricular Maths lesson, linked to the Mayans, aimed at Year 6 or UKS2, differentiated x3. <br />
Involved the chn plotting a line graph of the yearly rainfall.
LA and MA: Finding fractions of a number<br />
HA: Finding fractions of amounts from word problems<br />
All linked to Halloween and spooky creatures.<br />
Differentiated x 3 <br />
Aimed at UKS2
Word problems about time.<br /><br />
Aimed at Year 6 and year 5<br /><br />
Questions linked to popular Apps, e.g Candy Crush and Clash of Clans.<br /><br />
LA: Converting between 12 hour and 24 hour clock. Also counting on and back in time.<br /><br />
MA: Reading timetables. Converting between 12 hour and 24 hour clock<br /><br />
HA: Reading timetables. Converting between 12 hour and 24 hour clock. Also SATs style questions.
<p>Involves the children applying their data handling skills to study the temperature changes from the Ice Age to modern day.</p>
<p>Differentiated x 3</p>
<p>Includes Success Critiera/Steps to success</p>
<p>A range of word mats to support writing in LKS2, simple straight forward to use. Includes the following:</p>
<li>Feelings synonyms</li>
<li>Synonyms for said</li>
<li>Synonyms for commonly used adverbs</li>
<li>Adverbial word mat</li>
<li>Examples of inverted commas</li>
Connect 4 UKS2. <br /><br />
Chn to select numbers to mentally subtract, it gives them in a number in the grid, they must then connect 4.<br /><br />
<br /><br />
LA: whole numbers<br /><br />
MA: whole numbers and decimals<br /><br />
HA: decimals