Football Periodic TableQuick View

Football Periodic Table

This activity is useful for introducing the Periodic Table in KS3/KS4<br /> Instead of elements, Premiership football teams (2016/2017) have been substituted for 20 elements, and their position in the table is calculated by a simple calculation. <br /> A calculator may be useful, as will a Periodic Table and a current list of the football teams in the Premiership. A UK map will show the location of the towns and cities which have Premiership teams.<br /> Teams have been given a symbol following the accepted pattern (single capital letter, or capital and lower case letter.)<br /> Pupils may notice that some football teams have the same symbol as the elements, and can match these.<br /> There is a space for one team, which has not yet been &quot;discovered.&quot; Pupils can suggest a suitable symbol for it. Research will show that Mendeleev was faced with a similar problem and left blank spaces for elements which had not yet been discovered.<br /> There is an opportunity for prediction, if additional teams were added, to find the position of a new team<br /> There are many options to play around with this resource, such as finding patterns in the table, finding column similarities. I have arranged it so that column one teams are all ports, column 5 teams are all in London, but there are many ways to re-arrange the symbols.
My life, by a virus...Quick View

My life, by a virus...

<p>A Covid-19 virus explains its life, what it is, how it causes disease and what humans do to protect themselves.</p>