Quick Viewninachadwick72AQA GCSE Child development-pregnancy and miscarriage (1)This PowerPoint presentation has been adapted from other resources and looks at the problems in pregnancy for AQA GCSE Child development
Quick Viewninachadwick72Learning theory of addiction-Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Psychology (0)<p>This presentation covers the classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social learning theory and evaluation of the new Edexcel GCSE 9-1 Psychology course.</p>
Quick Viewninachadwick72Edxecel GCSE Psychology 9-1 Social Influence key word task sheet (0)<p>This worksheet is given at the beginning of the topic and students complete the descriptions as a starter for each lesson.</p>
Quick Viewninachadwick72OCR GCSE 9-1 Psychology PLC booklet (0)<p>This is a pupil learning checklist created for all the topics covered in the new OCR 9-1 spec GCSE Psychology.</p>