Deforestation in the Amazon
Powerpoint showing causes and effects of deforestation<br />
A differentiated numeracy activity based on deforestation rates, using pie charts and graphs and including report writing.
Art Timeline
A timeline of main art periods for KS2. Prepared to help start the Cornerstones ILP 'Gallery'.
Landscapes - Monet & Cezanne
Powerpoint to show a selection of lanscapes by Claude Monet and Paul Cezanne
Crossing 100 and 1000 barriers
adding single digits to cross the 100 and 1000 barriers for numbers greater than 1000
BeeBot cards - Owl who was afraid of the dark
Cards to be laminated and put under a perspex grid for the BeeBot
Times Tables - relationships and patterns
Could be used as assessment. Pupils identify patterns between different tables.
Timeline of events of the Titanic
Timeline of events leading upto the launch of the Titanic. Based on these two sites
Ordering fractions - year 5/6
Ordering fractions by identifying common denominator. Step by step for LA group.
All About Wasps
Powerpoint to find out about Wasps. Suitable for all KS1.
Supports work done on 'The Giant Jam Sandwich'
Life in the Trenches Comprehension
<p>This comprehension is based on BBC Bitesize page <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"></a></p>
Long Way Home - Complete speech marks
Completing speech marks from an extract from 'Long Way Home&' by Michael Morpurgo
Tom Jones Numeracy activity
A Numeracy task which is based on Money and calculating profit and loss. Differentiated into 2 levels for year 5 and 6 requirements of Welsh LNF.
Olympic Stadiums
PowerPoint to show different Olympic Stadiums in the past. Pupils compare and contrast them. Say what they like about them, discuss the designs.
They use the comments and thoughts to design their own stadium.