<p>LEVEL 3 BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (2016 specification)</p>
<p>These 5 presentations cover the 5 main sociological perspectives: Marxism, Feminism, Interactionist, Functionalism and Postmodernism. It introduces what they are and the criticisms of each perspective. It then goes on what the perspectives view of health is and the criticisms of this.</p>
<p>Pack of approximately 10 lessons that cover the main research methods needed for learning aim B as well as tasks on following ethical guidelines.</p>
<p>Speaker notes guide on what tasks were completed in the lesson.</p>
<p>Some pictures are hyperlinked to videoclips.</p>
<p>LEVEL 3 BTEC HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (2016 specification)</p>
<p>These presentations cover the biomedical model and an alternative model of health (the social model and complementary model are given). Criticisms are also included.</p>
<p>LEVEL 3 HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE (2016 specification)</p>
<p>These two presentations cover 2 1 hour lessons, introducing sociology. Tasks include comparing British culture to another culture, feral children, looking at British stereotypes by watching the Simpsons visit London clip and considering how different agents of socialisation may socialise us.</p>
<p>This presentation shows students how the biomedical and social models can be applied to a local health and social care provider and includes criticisms of this. The local HSC provider is a childbirth charity and there are lots of discussions around the sociology of childbirth and child rearing.</p>
<p>This would be a good resources for an introduction lesson to identity for any sociology course. The lesson pack includes:</p>
<p>Bell task: changing ethnicity of celebrities<br />
Starter task: sticky back<br />
Main activity: In pairs/groups students work on a different aspect of identity: age, class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, nationality. There is an information sheet on each aspect. There is additional information fr some aspects to provide stretch and challenge for some pairs/groups. The additional materials get students to analyse and evaluate the influence of that area on identity. The areas are as follows:</p>
<p>Age- additional information on pro-dove campaign<br />
Gender- growing number of people not choosing a gender for their children<br />
Nationality- Scottish referendum<br />
Social class- socialclassthegaurdian and tale of two Davids (the tale of two Davids gets students to question social class as a concept as David Beckham has much more money than David Cameron)</p>
<p>The plenary asks students to write an introduction to identity for some HSC coursework but this can be adapted for any course.</p>