Adaptation, Natural Selection, Cells and Inheritance NEW KS3 Complete SOL Lessons and resources
<p>This is a complete 11 lesson unit of work for KS3 Biology covering Adaptation, Natural Selection, Cells and Inheritance</p>
<p>It contains full lesson powerpoints and resources in dedicated folders along with an equipment kit list at the start of each lesson.</p>
<p>Lessons:<br />
1.DNA<br />
2.DNA Discovery<br />
3.Genes and Chromosomes<br />
4.Inheritance<br />
5.Variation - Environemental or Genetic<br />
6.Variation 2 - Contiuous or Categoric<br />
7.Competition<br />
8.Adaptation<br />
9.Natural selection<br />
10. Extinction<br />
11. Summary</p>
<p>These are planned to fit with the current (as of Sept 2016) KS3 outcomes.<br />
Made up of resources i have made and gathered thanks to TES over the years, Everything under Sharing CC licensing.</p>
<p>Hopefully, this will be helpful, Please drop a review and let me know how you get on</p>