Commonwealth 2018: Classroom activities packQuick View

Commonwealth 2018: Classroom activities pack

This pack contains four classroom-based activities themed around the Commonwealth and has been designed to help your pupils further their understanding of the Commonwealth and the world around them. The materials contained in this pack can be used in isolation or combined as elements of a more comprehensive lesson. As well as providing activity ideas for assemblies and tutor time, the activities contained in this pack can also support the teaching of a number of different subjects and topics including: • Citizenship • Geography • Economics • History • General studies • Art and Design • Personal, social and health education (PSHE) This pack is designed in collaboration with the British Council and Commonwealth Secretariat in support of the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
Child internet safetyQuick View

Child internet safety

The internet provides children and young people with a wealth of opportunities for their entertainment, communication and education. But there are also risks of harm through the deliberate behaviour of others online, and through exposure to inappropriate content. Use this article with supporting materials to learn more.
Assessment Without Levels - a blogQuick View

Assessment Without Levels - a blog

Deputy Headteacher, Shaun Allison, at Durrington High School, talks here about how staff used an ‘Assessment Innovation Fund’ to develop a method of ‘assessing without levels’ in KS3. More info here:
Letters and Sounds: Online phonics lessonsQuick View

Letters and Sounds: Online phonics lessons

Written and presented by phonics experts and funded by the Department for Education, the Letters and Sounds online lessons are designed to cover new phonics teaching that children would have received over the summer term had they been in school. New lessons will be uploaded Monday to Friday at the times below during the summer term and available to watch throughout the summer term on the Letters and Sounds YouTube Channel This resource is for use by teachers and parents who will find planning and teaching phonics challenging when schools are closed due to Covid-19.
Charlie Taylor's behaviour checklistsQuick View

Charlie Taylor's behaviour checklists

The Government’s expert adviser on behaviour, Charlie Taylor, has produced a checklist on the basics of classroom management. Teachers can use it to develop between five and ten essential actions to promote good behaviour in students. The checklist follows Charlie's recent summit, where headteachers of outstanding schools discussed their views on the key principles for improving behaviour. You can download Charlie’s checklist and examples of how some schools have adapted it for their own practice here.
Key Stage 4 NATO LessonQuick View

Key Stage 4 NATO Lesson

This lesson is designed to develop students’ understanding of NATO. This is particularly relevant as the NATO Summit is due to take place in Wales in September 2014. The lesson provides students with a detailed insight into the history, purpose and modern-day aims of NATO. It also encourages pupils to think critically about the organisation. In so doing, it aims to give students a solid base of knowledge about NATO alongside an analytical understanding of its position in the world today.
West Exe Learning Ladders – Assessing without levelsQuick View

West Exe Learning Ladders – Assessing without levels

One of the winners of the Assessment Innovation Fund, the Learning Ladders system was produced by West Exe Technology College to replace the previous system of levels. Learning Ladders allows the teacher to gather an accurate snapshot of pupil ability at each point of assessment. This resource contains: - Assessment without levels – Learning ladders explained - Assessment without levels – Using learning ladders - Overview ladders for different subjects - Exemplar module resources for Year 7 English The exemplar module for English includes resources, assessments and a feedback sheet for Year 7.
Early Years in SchoolsQuick View

Early Years in Schools

High quality early education and childcare has a positive impact on a child’s later success and future outcomes. Evidence shows that starting younger, in high quality teacher-led provision can have a real, lasting impact on life chances, particularly for those from the most disadvantaged families. The DfE has produced a range of resources, case studies, guides and financial models, designed to help schools develop a nursery offer. Schools can offer sustainable provision for nursery children (including for those aged two) and can open from 8am-6pm to provide maximum flexibility for parents.
Play Like Share - learning to stay safe onlineQuick View

Play Like Share - learning to stay safe online

Play Like Share is a new education resource for teachers and professionals who work with children. Developed by CEOP and the National Crime Agency, the pack aims to help eight to ten year olds learn how to stay safe from sexual abuse, exploitation and other risks they might encounter online. There are two alternative sets of lesson plans allowing you to tailor the content to the children you work with based on their maturity, development and online engagement. Lesson plans, videos and other materials are available on the ThinkUKnow website:
Cannon Lane Primary School - Assessment ToolQuick View

Cannon Lane Primary School - Assessment Tool

We wanted to take control and devise an assessment tool that enabled us to report progress in a meaningful way. We were also very clear that whatever assessment tool we devised, it needed to be robust and track pupils’ progress across the school and not just at the end of a Key Stage.
Forced marriageQuick View

Forced marriage

A forced marriage is a marriage conducted without the full consent of both parties and where duress (emotional pressure in addition to physical abuse) is a factor. It is an entirely separate issue from arranged marriage, and the two should not be confused. In an arranged or assisted marriage, the families take a role in choosing and introducing the marriage partners but the marriage is entered into freely by both people, without duress being a factor. In a forced marriage, this consent does not exist. Use this article and supporting materials to learn more.
National curriculum plannersQuick View

National curriculum planners

Three schools' planning templates to assist with planning for the roll-out of the curriculum and qualifications reforms implemented from September 2014, and coming up over the next few years.
Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of childrenQuick View

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children

Statutory guidance on making arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children under section 11 of the Children Act 2004 (2007) has been superseded by Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) which will come into effect from 15 April 2013. Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places a statutory duty on key people and bodies to make arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Use this article and supporting material to learn more.
Geography assessmentQuick View

Geography assessment

This guidance for assessing how pupils are progressing in geography is aligned to the 2014 National Curriculum requirements and is linked to GCSE criteria. The framework is based on a clear vision of what it means to make progress in geography and expresses age-specific national expectations for pupils aged 7, 9, 11, 14 years. The guidance informs planning and the marking of pupil work and supports good assessment practice. More here:
The Historical Association Curriculum SupplementQuick View

The Historical Association Curriculum Supplement

'Every curriculum reform has unleashed fresh waves of professional creativity and rigourous thinking about how to achieve the objectives to which we aspire - much of it reported in the pages of Teaching History. We look forward to supporting and sharing the fruits of that continuing debate and experimentation&' - Katherine Burn, Chair HA Secondary Committee
Student finance 2020/21 essential free guideQuick View

Student finance 2020/21 essential free guide

Whether your students have already applied or are still considering their options, It’s important that they understand the financial support available to help them undertake higher education. We have prepared three resources that you can use to help your students and their parents or carers feel fully informed about their options. These are now available for you to download and use. As well as details on tuition fees, loan amounts and repayment thresholds, there is information about extra financial support that may be available for those who need it. Download your free support pack and receive: A streamlined PowerPoint presentation with updated slides, speaking notes and design to present to students. (Please note the first file is a PDF version of the presentation in case of technical issues.) A revised leaflet for students, parents and carers to supplement the presentation information. A refreshed and detailed FAQ document to answer questions or make available to students on request. If you have any queries or problems, please contact: 03700 002288 (general enquiries number) or email us via the DFE website.
This is Abuse - Discussion GuideQuick View

This is Abuse - Discussion Guide

The ‘This is Abuse’ campaign is aimed at 13 to 18 year old boys and girls helping to prevent them from becoming victims and perpetrators of abusive relationships. It encourages teenagers to re-think their views of controlling behaviour, abuse, violence and what consent means within their relationships. The Home Office have produced a discussion guide which uses the campaign support materials to help facilitate discussions with teenagers on these issues and can be used by a wide range of organisations, including schools, who work directly with young people.
Key Stage 3 NATO LessonQuick View

Key Stage 3 NATO Lesson

This lesson is designed to develop students’ understanding of NATO. This is particularly relevant as the NATO Summit is due to take place in Wales in September 2014. The lesson provides students with a detailed insight into the history, purpose and modern-day aims of NATO. It also encourages pupils to think critically about the organisation. In so doing, it aims to give students a solid base of knowledge about NATO alongside an analytical understanding of its position in the world today.
Our Commonwealth Ocean - Teacher's Pack (Defra)Quick View

Our Commonwealth Ocean - Teacher's Pack (Defra)

Our Commonwealth Ocean education pack has been designed to help your pupils further their understanding of the vital role oceans play in our environment, economy and society. Ensuring they can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way, making informed and responsible decisions regarding our invaluable ocean asset. This pack is in two sections: ocean literacy principles and teacher resources. The materials in this pack can be used in isolation or combined as elements of a more comprehensive lesson. This pack has been written by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), the Marine Biological Association (MBA) and National Marine Aquarium (NMA), building on UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission’s work on ocean literacy: Ocean Literacy For All - a toolkit and the USA-derived Ocean Literacy Principles and Fundamental Concepts. This pack has been designed in collaboration with the British Council in support of the 2018 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.
Rock enrolQuick View

Rock enrol

The Rock Enrol interactive lesson framework is not subject specific. However, it is particularly useful for supporting PSHE, the Citizenship curriculum at Key Stages 3, 4 and at post 16. The resources are aimed at inspiring young people to discuss what they care about and why they should register to vote. Rock Enrol includes: a lesson outline, engaging activities, suggestions for extensions and reasons to register to vote, and a Q&A document. The lesson framework was co-created by the Cabinet Office and young people at Bite the Ballot, a youth led organisation.
Reforms to GCSEs and A levels from September 2015Quick View

Reforms to GCSEs and A levels from September 2015

Teachers will be aware of the reforms to GCSEs and A levels, from September 2015, including English and Mathematics GCSEs. Further subjects will be implemented in 2016 and 2017. A visual timeline is available here Awarding Organisations have published their accredited specifications for reformed subjects taught from 2015. A list of accredited specifications is available here Awarding Organisations have also published a range of materials to support schools and colleges, and are hosting seminars for subject teachers. Further support is available from the key subject associations. We are keen to support teachers in preparing for the new qualifications, and we know that this will include conversations with parents. To help teachers explain the reforms, we have now produced these slides.