Causes of Crime/ Reasons for CrimeQuick View

Causes of Crime/ Reasons for Crime

AQA and Eduqas examination board. 7 reasons for crime and application of reasosn to the James Bulger case. Diamond 9 starter Main activity All resources attached
Hajj- PilgrimageQuick View

Hajj- Pilgrimage

This lessons is part of a 6 week course which focuses on different places of pilgrimage. In this lesson students will be able to follow the steps of Hajj as well as an evaluation of the most important step. For lower ability groups or time constraints I would print of the map and students to annotate.
Amritsar- Pilgrimage Lesson 5/6Quick View

Amritsar- Pilgrimage Lesson 5/6

This is lesson 5 out of 6 lessons. Contains a Knowledge Recall Quiz which links to previous lessons. Includes a video for visual learners as well as a main activity which requires students to work independently or as a pair depending on the class ability. You can buy this lesson on its own or as a folder with other places of pilgrimage.